Tummy Tuck treatment in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan

Tummy Tuck in Islamabad:

BIG BELLY? Cut it away! A bulging abdomen doesn’t mean you give up. Introducing the best Tummy Tuck in Islamabad aka Abdominoplasty that trims your midsection and makes you fall in love with a flatter tummy again.

Even after trying so hard, people lose control over their bodies. Especially after pregnancy, or perhaps with a constant poor diet—the tummy can pop out anytime. And treatments you get in your lunch break don’t offer the same extent of outcomes as this surgery provides. Experts say tummy tuck is the only sincere way to get rid of excess skin.

In this article, we are covering everything you must know about the Surgery of Tummy Tuck in Islamabad Pakistan, including benefits, cost, and expected results.

Fast Facts:

  • Cost: 150,000PKR to 300,000PKR
  • Surgery time: 3 hours
  • Recovery time: 2-3 weeks
  • Anesthesia: General


Tummy Tuck, as the name implies, it cuts away the extra belly. Surgeons remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and reposition the contours for a more toned look. Unlike liposuction, it tightens out the extra skin leaving a firmer, contoured, flatter tummy that can be exposed after short downtime.

Below is a sneak peek at the targets of this surgery:

  • Remove excess fat
  • Give Flatter tummy
  • Tighten up muscles
  • Reduce stretch marks

Results of Tummy Tuck:

Tummy Tuck Surgery in Islamabad Pakistan will give you the body shape you might be struggling with everyday cardio. As soon as you pass on the recovery process, body contours get visible which last for a lifetime upon maintaining a stable weight.

The results of this surgery fade away if you gain weight or become pregnant.   

Who is the Candidate?

Abdominoplasty in Islamabad isn’t for everyone. People in the age between the ’40s and ’50s having concerns with muscle laxity are usually good candidates. It’s always helpful to seek a doctor’s guidance to find if this surgery is really appropriate for you.

Be Aware: If you have any serious medical condition that could impair healing or upturn risks of surgery, our doctors recommending delaying the surgery.

If you turn out to be an Ideal fit for this surgery, Preparation Begins.

Types of Abdominoplasty:

There are three different types of Tummy Tuck. The major difference reported in these types is the length of incisions. Each patient has a different amount of skin to be removed, and health criteria, surgical processes vary also see the Botox Injections for skin tightening.

Surgeons advise the suitable type as per the individual’s case.

  1. Mini Abdominoplasty
  2. Traditional Abdominoplasty
  3. Extended Abdominoplasty

Mini Abdominoplasty:

A Mini Tummy tuck is only limited to removing fat below the belly button. It is usually advised to people who have excess fatty skin between the umbilicus and the public area. Also takes care of Scar Removal.

Traditional Abdominoplasty:

Unlike mini one, traditional Abdominoplasty restores the entire abdominal area. Above and below the belly button, the full area is covered. People having excess bloated tummies are advised this type of tummy tuck.

Extended Abdominoplasty:

This tummy tuck is typically meant for people who have already undergone significant weight loss with bariatric surgery and wish for dramatic improvements in body shape. During surgery, excess skin isn’t only removed from the abdomen but also from the buttocks, thighs, and back.

Tummy Tuck Treatment in Islamabad and Pakistan


Before tummy tuck, we arrange an initial consultation to clear up misconceptions timely. In this session, our doctors evaluate the patient’s credentials, preferred results and answer all of inquires related to cost and surgical process.

During the consultation, you can expect the following:

  • Inspecting treated area
  • Discussing figure goals
  • Explaining the types of tummy tuck
  • Evaluating medical fitness
  • Informing steps of a tummy tuck, possible complications, dos, don’ts, and associated costs.

By the end of this session, you will be informed of the surgery date.


Since Tummy Tuck in Islamabad Pakistan is major cosmetic surgery, you will be under general anesthesia throughout the process. In general, it takes 2-4 hours to complete but this spell might surpass as per procedure complexity and exclusive alterations.

Here’s what to expect during Tummy Tuck:

  • Anesthesia: Medical team first gives general anesthesia before the surgery begins.
  • Incision: Once the patient is asleep, surgeons make incisions across the bikini line. Through this incision, they easily perform the alterations in underlying muscles.
  • Adjustments: Then, surgeons lift the skin away and stitch the muscles together while considering the desired tightness.
  • Final touching: In the end, surgeons address the skin by pulling it smoothly. This removes any excess skin if persists and ensures smooth outcomes.

Incision techniques vary as per the tummy tuck method preferred by experts.


  • Once discharged, you need to have regular follow-ups with the doctor.
  • Initial days of a tummy tuck can be painful at first. This pain is usually controlled with medications, prescribed by your surgeons.
  • Taking a shower is allowed later 48-72 hours of surgery.
  • Moderate exercise is allowed after the first month of surgery.
  • Heavy lifting must be escaped till your doctor allows it.


Technically, tummy tucks are executed on an outpatient basis, which means you can go home after spending a couple of hours in the recovery room. Some patients are advised to stay 1-2 days in the clinic for smooth recovery.

In general, the full recovery time of tummy tuck is around 7-days.

Benefits & Risks:


When surgery is performed by trained surgeons appealing benefits come one wonder.

  • Hour-glass figure
  • Tighter abdomen muscles
  • Enriched self-confidence


Just like benefits, a tummy tuck also entails some risks.

  • Anesthesia complications
  • Blood clotting
  • Undesired Results

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost Islamabad?

Tummy tucks usually don’t come cheap. But SKN cosmetics is providing affordable tummy tuck at the average starting cost of 150,000 PKR. Prices might go up to 300,000 PKR as per the extent of fat and desired results.

Know your Tummy Tuck surgery cost by consulting us.


The ones who find the idea of tummy tuck surgery rutted can try a couple of other alternatives. Usually, their outcomes can’t come close to the results of a tummy tuck but can benefit in some means.

Tummy Tuck Alternatives Include:

Surgical Alternatives:

  • Liposuction
  • Bariatric surgery

Non-Surgical Alternatives:

  • Body Tite
  • Laser Liposuctions
  • Fat Melting Injections (Kybella, adipose, etc.)

Why Choose Us?

From the moment you step inside indoors of our clinic, you will be in safe hands. Expert cosmetic surgeon Dr. Naveed Azhar at SKN Cosmetic Surgery Clinic is highly focused on “results and safety”. He is renowned for giving the abdomen a truly curvy shape. Your health, satisfaction, and privacy is his prime target.

Not being convinced with surgery is usual; we can help on all terms.

Book An Appointment

For further information related to this surgery or to book Tummy Tuck in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan give us a call directly at +92 332 5488777 or fill in the short contact form.