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The Rulebreaker

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Maverick Cruz and I started off as pen pals and became besties when we went to the same sports camp at age twelve.

He rooted for me at my soccer games.
I cheered for him at his hockey tournaments.

Through heartbreaks, new relationships, and failed friendships, we knew we could always count on each other.

That's why no one is more surprised--or panicked-- than I am when I start to develop different feelings for him. But Instead of telling him the truth, I agree to help him find a girlfriend.

Someone who is not me.

Someone who is so opposite of me that I have to make a list for the charade. The problem is, he wants to practice his dating skills with me. The corny pickup lines, the hand-holding, the door opening, the staring.

Before this, I thought sharing a house with him was an excellent idea. Who wouldn’t want to room with their best friend? Now, the close proximity is killing me. What’s worse is that I can’t stop looking at him like he’s a Greek god, and he can’t stop seeing me as his virginal little sister. Still, I push it aside, until one night, when he’s lying beside me in bed and I’m the one who forgets the rules and crosses the line between friends and something more.

It’s a horrible idea. He’s a player. I’m a virgin. Yet, I can’t seem to stop myself.

New item on my list: DO NOT FALL FOR YOUR BEST FRIEND.

320 pages, ebook

First published July 1, 2021

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About the author

Claire Contreras

56 books17k followers
Claire Contreras is a New York Times Best Selling Author. Her books range from romantic suspense to contemporary romance and are currently translated into over fifteen languages. When she's not writing, she's usually lost in a book or hanging out with her family.

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61 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 217 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,143 reviews34.8k followers
June 29, 2021
3.5 stars


The Rulebreaker is the second book about a Cruz brother, and Maverick is the best of them (so far). I was so excited to get to his story. He's a competitive athlete and so is his very best friend, Rocky. Rocky and Maverick have been besties since they've been preteens but they've never let their relationship go further than friendship. Until now.

So, what happens when you fall for your best friend but you know being with them for real could ruin the friendship so you go into this friends with benefits scenario even when you've got it bad... well, as Rocky's best friend put it-
“Messy,” Leyla says. “This shit is messy.”

I'm always here for a friends to lovers story and I liked Maverick a lot, and Rocky too. Like the first book, this was a roommates story. I'm not sure what it is about these books in particular that I'm just not connecting with like I normally do with Claire's books. They aren't bad by any means, I just have had trouble clicking.

If you're looking for a friends to lovers NA sports romance give this one a try. Claire Contrera's writing is always fantastic and it was a fun read.
Profile Image for Zita.
115 reviews46 followers
July 2, 2021
Maverick Cruz and I started off as pen pals and became besties
That's why no one is more surprised--or panicked-- than I am when I start to develop different feelings for him. But Instead of telling him the truth, I agree to help him find a girlfriend. Someone who is not me.

I am truly intrigued and absolutely astonished by how creative and unique these plotlines are.

Oh, wait I don't mean it cause SAME. OLD. SAME. OLD

Can somebody ask these authors to actually make a search for what actually was written by other authors several several times before? Then please immediately call me to come back, until then I am out.
They know you gonna buy it so don't even try to pretend they care anymore. Three, four books/year which ones never gonna be outstanding in any way. Not exhausting? Just a little bit. I have seen a lot in the last 6 years but this laziness is just pissing me off.

Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,400 reviews1,470 followers
July 3, 2021
5 Stars!
(ARC provided by author)


Rocky Barnes attends college and plays soccer at UNC. Her dream is to one day play professionally, but for now she's enjoying the whole college experience. She lives with her best friend Mav and they share an unbreakable bond. They've known each other since they were ten when they were pen pals. Fast forward from summer camps together and family get togethers, and it feels like they've always been in each others lives. They're roommates and best friends, but nothing more. They could always count on one another, and he even asks her to help him find a girlfriend. They spend so much time together that she can't help but notice how hot he is. Her attraction sneaks up on her, and she suddenly see's him in a whole new light. It's quite the dilemma since she's sure he doesn't see her that way. She was friend zoned a long time ago and doesn't want to jeopardize their relationship.

Maverick Cruz is a hockey star at UNC who is known for being a player, but lately he can't help his conflicted feelings for his best friend. He tries to ignore their growing connection since they agreed a while back to never cross that line. She's stunningly beautiful, but he's never let himself go there because he doesn't want to mess up their friendship. She means everything to him, and he could never risk losing her, but one touch and all bets are off. A simple crush would complicate things, but what happens when you fall for your best friend?


-God, to have him this close. It's intoxicating.

-I know without a doubt I'll never forget this. Ever.


The Rulebreaker by Claire Contreras is the second book in the series about the Cruz brothers. They are three gorgeous Dominican athletes that attend UNC. I love this series and was especially excited to get Maverick's story! He is so sweet and swoony! I really enjoyed this book! It's a standalone friends to lovers, roommates, college, sports romance with all the feels. I can't wait for Mitch's book! I need more of these sexy Cruz brothers!


Profile Image for Lori [semi-hiatus].
276 reviews160 followers
Shelved as 'nopeeee'
July 2, 2021
This was so bad it doesn't even deserve a 1*.
Full of clichés, nothing original, manwhore beta hero (who didn't mind if the heroine decided to sleep or date others while having feelings for her & hooking up with her. He was even encouraging her.) + pining virgin best friend.
It was just bad y'all.
Run the other way.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,764 reviews1,332 followers
July 2, 2021


The Rulebreaker is really light, fun and quick read. Devoured it in one sitting, and it was nice that be back in this world.

Maverick and Rocky have been best friends since their teen years. As with most fiends to lover romances, they have developed feelings for one another, but are afraid to take the leap and lost the friendship.

These two have an easy chemistry. I wouldn’t say it was off the charts, scorching, BUT they definitely seemed to fit. It was natural, something that truly seems life enduring.

Overall, it was paced well, and while it took some time to get together, and they both made dumb choices here and there, it was a good read. I sat down and read it in one sitting, which I almost never do.

I would have liked more conflict, overall. Once they decided to be together it was just kind of done. Everything was tied up in a nice and neat with no real obstacles to overcome. There was never a big climax. If that would have been here, this would have easily been a 5 star read for me.

I really am enjoying this standalone NA series from Claire Contreras. It offers a lighter, more fun type of book for readers. I would definitely recommend this one to people who love low angst and minimal conflict.

ARC review
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,221 reviews1,299 followers
July 1, 2021

Rocky + Maverick

They've been besties since their teachers forced them to be pen pals when they were ten.
He's a college hockey star about to go pro and she's a college soccer player who is also dreming of being a professional athlete ... and she is kinda now realizing that she might probably possibly be in love with her best friend and roommate.
They decided years ago that they would never risk their friendship that way!





This was your typical cute and sweet and sexy college sports romance.
I loved reading it.
But it was also a bit ... short? I had the feeling that some editor cut a hundred pages. It felt a bit rushed. And then all those people in there. From the first book! I kinda hate when an author doesn't officially call something a series, but it is a series. We meet all the people here and we met all the people in the first book too - which is horrible for my Bookalzheimer brain.
BUT - it wasn't too bad - I still liked reading it.
I just know that I won't remember a thing about the first two couples once Mitchell and Misty's book comes along. 😭

It was a cute little romance. I liked the cast - the parents are really cool!
I didn't hate reading it, but it also wasn't anything new and über-amazing.

THE RULEBREAKER was an adorable little college-sports falling-for-your-bestie love story! Run to your nearest amazon for your own MAVY - this one is MINE!!

💜 💜

Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog
July 20, 2021
4 ⭐'s

Every once in awhile, I enjoy a good New Adult romance but I really wanted something more with this book.

Maverick and Rocky are childhood friends/best friends that don't want to rock the boat even though they both have feelings for each other. It doesn't help that they are roommates.

He plays hockey, she plays soccer and not only do they get along well but they have many of the same goals. It's a lot of push and pull...maybe too much.

I enjoyed their families and friends (especially the brothers) part in the story and I really enjoyed the ending.

I can't wait for Mitch's book!
Profile Image for Weronika -  Little Steamy Reads.
636 reviews104 followers
June 30, 2021
„I’m not letting you go. I hope you know that.”

All the swoons! These Cruz brothers are simply irresistible and Maverick might be my favorite. His and Rocky’s story is so heartwarming and sweet that I was reading it with a constant smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach. This sports romance is full of steam and feels!

I love how the friendship between Rocky and Mav was outlined and how its evolution is evident. These two are thick as thieves, so it's no wonder that although they both started to have deeper feelings about each other, they were both afraid to act on them. There were a few moments when I wanted to smack Mav (even though I’d eat him with a cherry on top), and Rocky is just an awesome girl. Their relantionship’s development had a few bumps and there is some drama, but I wouldn’t call it angsty. To be honest, I find the whole love story pretty sweet and delightful.

If New Adult sports romances are your jam, you’ll love this one! The Rulebreaker is a charming friends to lovers story, filled with heat, heart and a bit of humor. Now I can’t wait to read Mitchell’s book!

And oh, where can I file the adoption papers? I want to be a part of the Cruz family!
July 1, 2021
Gah this was the cutest, easy to get lost in your feels romance story!

Maverick and Rocky’s relationship has always been BFF’s! Since they were 10 they have always had each other’s back, but will looks of longing, questions of the future both find themselves wondering what if there could be more?

This was a quick read and my only issue is I didn’t want it to end! I would’ve loved more of them but what we got was enough and made for an amazing read!

I loved that this sports romance wasn’t just focused on one character but that both played a sport and they understood each other’s passion and encouraged it!
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,746 reviews201 followers
July 1, 2021
The Rulebreaker is Claire's next sports romance that focuses on Maverick and Rocky.  

I love Claire's ability to blend the sports aspects beautifully with the romance and deliver an entertaining read. 

Mav & Rocky are best friends and are both very dedicated to their sports.  They've been extremely supportive of each other and always there for another with everything else.

Now that they're older and in college, things are starting to blur, but neither wants to ruin their friendship.

I really enjoyed how this story played out.  Mav & Rocky are both mature college students and Claire stays true to that.  She doesn't sacrifice characteristic changes to fit a particular narrative to develop the story.  The whole plot plays out naturally and real.

I really enjoy Claire's writing style.   I can sense she pulls alot from her own experience and that just adds another layer to the stories.  It also makes them more authentic and real.

The Rulebreaker is another great sports romance from Claire that I'd highly recommend. 
Profile Image for Kathy.
706 reviews18 followers
July 4, 2021
3.5 bestie stars

I devoured this book in one sitting because it was that interesting. The only thing I wanted more of was the beginning of their friendship and its evolution from puberty to college.
Profile Image for Tahsin.
1,186 reviews90 followers
July 5, 2021
Okay so this was a pretty short read but I had issues with quite literally everything in this story and it physically pains me to say this because once upon a time I used to LOVE this author.

1) the trope: we’ve seen a variation, if not the exact same trope for most if not all of her recent releases (going as far back as 2018). Siblings best friend/family friend, super involved families.

2) the characters: at this point, the only thing different about them are their names bc everything else about them is the freaking same. Good girl and the bad boy. That’s it.
2b) the stereotypes: these flatass 1D characters have absolutely zero character, like they’re flatter than my tits and that’s saying a lot. Every single stereotype you can imagine for a good girl and a bad boy, these characters personify them.

3) the dialogue: yo, who talks like that?

4) the writing: yo, why does every incident need a background story/thesis to justify it? Pls just let it be.

5) the story: not like I had anything better to do, but I can’t believe I wasted my time reading a story I’d apparently already ducking read (aka the previous book or any one of her recent books bc they’re literally all the fucking same, just set in different locations).
5b) “sports” romance: just because both characters are athletes does not a sports romance make. There was a lot of telling of their life - including sports - instead of showing. This was a badly used plot device and I hate it.

Not gonna lie, this read like an unedited first draft instead of the final published version. Or maybe this is just the quality of her stories now and I should stop trying to fix my relationship with her stories. I’m this 👌 close to saying never again, but not just yet. I don’t have very much patience left so I think that day might be here sooner rather than later. That being said though, I am a glutton for punishment so watch me read the next 10 stories she releases (as long as they’re all KU bc I can’t justify paying for a story like this - but don’t go pirating books because THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT).
Profile Image for Belly (Books 4 Girls) READ.
354 reviews16 followers
June 30, 2021
Avant toute chose, je souhaite remercier Claire Contreras et les équipes de Valentine PR & Literary Management pour ce service presse.

Je découvre tout juste cette auteure et j’ai tout de suite sauté sur l’occasion de découvrir ce tome sur Maverick, le frère de Jagger (The Heartbreaker).

Comme pour la précédente histoire, Rocky et Maverick se connaissent depuis qu’ils sont enfants. Devenus meilleurs amis, ce sont tous les deux des sportifs accomplis, elle en football (soccer) et lui en hockey sur glace.

Ils ont toujours mis un point d’honneur de faire passer leur amitié avant tout, mais les choses se compliquent quand ils décident de devenir colocataires. On apprend assez rapidement qu’ils éprouvent une attirance l’un pour l’autre, sans jamais se l’être avoué.

Mais une série d’évènements va bousculer leur amitié si solide et ils vont osciller entre l’envie d’avoir plus et celle de protéger cette amitié coûte que coûte.

Vous l’aurez compris, cette romance ne révolutionne pas le sujet des « friends-to-lovers ». Pourtant on passe un bon moment de lecture avec ces deux-là, sans oublier leurs familles et leurs amis. Les personnages secondaires amènent un petit quelque chose de plus à l’histoire que j’ai bien apprécié.

L’ambiance au sein de la famille Cruz est toujours amusante et intéressante, et je suppose que le prochain tome sera consacré à Misty et Mitchell (j’ai hâte !).

En bref, Rocky et Maverick vous embarque dans leurs doutes, leur jeu de séduction et leurs familles liées et attachantes. Cette romance d’amitié à amour n’a rien d’extraordinaire mais les personnages et leur entourage vous feront apprécier cette petite romance sympa, sans drames et avec un joli happy end !

Nota : ce tome, comme le précédent, est un standalone. Mais je vous conseille tout de même de lire chaque tome dans l’ordre de publication pour ne rien louper.
Profile Image for Katie.
286 reviews6 followers
March 25, 2023
2 stars

Let’s start off by saying this book is NOT 320 pages as stated on goodreads. it’s closer to 150 and is more of a novella.

I wish I would have know that going into the book because I hate short novels, I hate that every scene is just action and little to no dialogue.

I was Really bored throughout the book, the beginning of the book had so many conflicting parts and made no sense.

1. Rocky says she can’t have a job and then literally in the next chapter it mentions her going to work as a coach and talks about being attracted to the coach and we never here about this job or coach again

2. They apparently are going to a community college but both rocky and maverick are expected to go pro??? And it’s also a huge sports school, this really doesn’t make sense.

3. This whole drug ring thing, it’s like the author was trying to add a cool subplot but gives no detail about it and it is barely mentioned

4 other characters presumably from the first and next book. There is nothing stating this is a series or needs to be read with others to get a better understanding, but there were numerous mentions about other characters that it seems we are supposed to know about as there was no information given about them.

T he rest basically felt off like there wasn’t an actual story being told just them going to parties, playing sports and going on dates with others. It just felt like a lot was missing, and because of this I felt zero connection between the MCs.
Profile Image for Viv “BookVixen” Gutierrez .
1,410 reviews345 followers
Shelved as 'hard-pass-dnf-returned'
July 9, 2021
Note to self: avoid this trash. Manwhore scumbag Zero who is ok/indifferent with his woman spreading her legs for another man to crawl between and rut into her. No real man who loves a woman and wants her for himself would be ok with another man sliming all over her.

Another trash author who can’t write romance with beauty, magic or swoon but passes sordid, toxic ugliness off as “love.”
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,461 reviews282 followers
July 3, 2021
This was an easy to read, quick palate cleansing romance. I read it in a sitting and enjoyed myself the whole time. A perfect summer escape! I’m excited for the next Cruz brother to find his fate!!!
Profile Image for Kera’s Always Reading.
1,678 reviews65 followers
July 2, 2021
Claire Contreras just KNOWS how to write a friends to lovers book FILLED with mutual pining. This was so enjoyable. I was desperate for more of the Cruz brothers after reading The Heartbreaker earlier this year. And Maverick was one whom I was seriously anticipating a book for. And she didn't disappoint!!!

Maverick and Rocky were pen pals turned real life besties. They would tell each other everything... fill one another in on their love lives... and even went so far as becoming roommates. When Rocky begins to bloom romantic feelings for Mav, she is shocked and doesn't know how to deal with the, Instead of nurturing those feelings and letting him know, she goes one step father and decides to help him get a girlfriend...

But, one moment of blurred lines changes the course of their friendship forever... Neither of them can ignore the feelings anymore. But she is a virgin and he is the guy who has a new girl all the time. Can they make this work or are they just better off as friends?

This was a supremely sweet and dreamy little read about friends who turn into lovers. I am a fool for Claire Contreras's sports romances. The fact that this was a hockey romance was a major win for me! And it was indeed wonderful to see the Cruz family again in all of their glory.
Profile Image for T..
560 reviews20 followers
June 24, 2021
Can we all agree to try and manifest the Cruz men into real-life beings? Seriously, I can not get enough of them. The Rulebreaker was such a fun read, I could not put it down.
Maverick is the youngest of the Cruz trio (Yay we will be getting one more book for sure!!), but just like his brother, he is a stand-up guy. Smart, sexy and know the importance of family.
Rocky has it all while being humble and kind. She is a people pleaser, rule follower to a T but not a push over per se… She has her eye set on the prize a professional contract and nothing with stand in her way.
What started as a school assignment turned into finding her best friend and soul mate, even if neither of them wants to admit it. I loved this story…well actually I love this whole family (can they adopt me?).
Seriously, one-click this book then come back and thank me!
Profile Image for Alison.
802 reviews25 followers
June 24, 2021
This was such a great, quick best friends to lovers read!

I found Rocky super relatable! Always the friend, never the girlfriend. Forever getting stuck in the friend zone. She was awesome! She’s sporty and fun, and I definitely wanted to be her friend!

Maverick is so sweet and will do anything for his best friend. He’s a bit of a dirty talker too 😏

These two have been best friends forever and their relationship develops seamlessly, well their chemistry does. They have plenty of emotional hurdles to overcome! The steam isn’t lacking and I absolutely loved them together!

4.5 stars

I was given this early copy in exchange for a review.
Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
4,814 reviews45 followers
July 4, 2021
Ughh I always loved this kind of story! It's just so fun to read. Rocky and Mav's story is one of them. They have a great friendship. These two are so much fun until one of them develop romantic feelings for the other. It was such a slow burn because of how long and how much shoving it took them. I absolutely loved them together. And in the progress, I loved their family. they definitely played a part in their relationship.

Overall, this is a great read that I enjoyed. And I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Made Me Blush Books.
230 reviews12 followers
July 1, 2021
5+ stars! How many more can I give this one? I just can't get enough of the Cruz brothers!

Maverick and Rocky are childhood besties who are now living together at college. Unknown to each other they've developed some major feelings but of course they're afraid to make a move because their friendship is too important to them both. One of the best parts is that they're both super talented athletes who support each other as they dedicate their lives to their sport. Rocky's planning on making it to the US National Women's League and Maverick is headed to the NHL. Who doesn't love a female athlete with crazy talent?

Maverick Cruz is the youngest of the three Cruz brothers and his path to true love is a bit more angsty because he's not willing to just steam roll Rocky with his real feelings for her. He's so dedicated to what he thinks Rocky wants that he could miss out on the most obviously perfect girl for him. As usual the Cruz family dynamics are so fun! In this book, there are more layers peeled back as to their family history and there's some appearances by Jagger and Jo from The Heartbreaker too.

All in all, Claire has written another perfect sports romance with another take on the friends to lovers trope. Get started on reading The Rulebreaker today or even better go back and grab The Heartbreaker because you don't want to miss out on a single one of these swoony Cruz brothers!

I was kindly provided with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Michelle Krystel .
2,000 reviews51 followers
July 4, 2021
I was given an advance readers copy of this book and have decided to write a voluntary honest review. I am rating this book 4.5 stars. Mav made me angry at times because I felt like he was playing with Rocky feelings. Yes she is his best friend, but once you cross that line like or not things will definitely change. It just depends if your relationship can handle tge change or not. Mav and Rocky are cute together but still have a lot to learn. I am curious about mitch and misty and Jagger and Joe. Can't forget about Colson.
Profile Image for Mari (Mystics & Metaphysics Book Blog).
7,756 reviews169 followers
July 1, 2021
Messy. Yes, this is messy but so good. I loved Maverick even with his playboy ways. Loved his friendship with Rocky and this undeniable connection they shared through their friendship so when they started wanting more, I was all for it. The story moves quickly which I loved and I can't get enough of these characters now.
Profile Image for Maria Guilfoyle.
25 reviews
January 19, 2024
LOL this was NOT the cover to my book copy 😂 But definitely an easy read that got me hooked right away! Finished this book in a week and would definitely recommend. Warning… it is spicy 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Profile Image for Emma Cook.
230 reviews3 followers
June 22, 2021
This book was such a great friends to lovers story! Maverick is such a fun book boyfriend, and Rocky is a bad ass lead female! Their relationship as best friends is so strong and they are so connected with one another. I loved how they both started developing these feelings for each other but wanted to keep their friendship the priority! And the fact that their friends and families are such a big part of each other’s lives it makes their choices even more important! They are supportive of one another’s dreams and want what’s best for their friend. I truly believe in the saying that you have to be friends first to build a strong relationship! Mav and Rocky definitely have the foundation for a great future!

**I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Layne.
Author 7 books131 followers
July 1, 2021
4.5 stars of pure friends to lovers delight! This one was a lot of fun to read and really hard to put down. My attention span has been all over the place lately so this was a welcomed change! I was looking forward to Maverick’s book after meeting him in The Heartbreaker and his story did not disappoint. Although there were times I wanted to shake him and Rocky, I really enjoyed their connection and even their failed attempts at communication. I also really loved all of the family interaction and laughed out loud several times, especially whenever Rocky’s dad was in a scene. If you’re in the mood for a swoony sweet romance, then this one is for you!
Profile Image for Flo.
1,761 reviews
June 23, 2021
Sweet YA friends to lovers romance.
Easy to read with cute characters.
Profile Image for BookishBlondie.
36 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2021
Mary Sue alert!!!

Uh yeah so nothing different from your typical forbidden best friend relationship trope. And at one point the author tried to make it interesting by throwing in a side plot of a drug ring among the athletes and Mav having a shady side hussle for extra cash despite the fact that he is loaded. It was mentioned but never explored further.

Rocky was of course the hottest and most talented girl that all the guys lusted after, who suddenly became sexy because she was hiding her amazing toned bod underneath all the baggy clothes, but underwent a drastic wardrobe change complete with short and tight dresses. Like that hasn't been done before😒.

And of course, of course they are roommates! Goodness sake, how damn convenient.
Started skip reading half way through because all the clichés was turning this book into a real snooze fest.

How unoriginal🙄🙄.
Profile Image for ReadingTilTheBreakOfDawn.
1,564 reviews74 followers
June 25, 2021
This is the second book featuring one of the Cruz brothers and I think Maverick may have stolen my heart. He's my favorite of the Cruz brothers so far...but we have one more to go.

The Rulebreaker is a New Adult friends to lovers sports romance that is actually pretty sweet. Even if Maverick may be a player, he just seems like a genuine all around nice guy with solid friends.
Maverick and Rocky have been friends since they were kids. What started off as pen pals, soon became real life friends and then the best of friends. And now they are roommates in college. Maverick is a hockey player and it's been said that he carries his team. He's definitely a top player. And Rocky is one of the best soccer players on their college team and she has her eyes set on making the US team. They both are dedicated to their sports but also having that college experience. What they don't expect is to start catching feelings for one another. So, what happens when they both realize that they just might like what each other has to offer??

Ok, so after finding out that they live together, as roommates, I have to say I was kind of disappointed. Didn't this just happen in the first book? Not my favorite. But I liked their friendship and I liked the way they supported one another. Then when Rocky starting showing some real interest in one of Maverick's teammates? That's when things started to get real between them. I kind of wanted to smack each of them at one point or another, but they weren't overly obnoxious, just trying to figure their stuff out. BUT, their friendship superseded everything. The movie theatre? Loved that. Their family and their parents? Love them too because they could see what these two couldn't. And that little Easter egg Claire gave us of a certain character from a certain series? Hello!!!
With all that said, I enjoyed this quick read. It's the type of book you can sit down and read in one sitting. It's a fast-paced friends to lovers book with characters that you will enjoy. The characters aren't doormats and they are both talented athletes that focus on their sports and their sport family. Their family is there to support them and I love when we have supportive families in books.
Now that we have Jagger's and Maverick's book, what is Mitchell going to bring??
Displaying 1 - 30 of 217 reviews

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