

Li Ping Chu & Nan Kun Wu

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工業顧問 (Manufacturing Consulting) - 訪談專家:Kara Atchison

工業顧問 (Manufacturing Consulting) - 訪談專家:Kara Atchison

🄴 英文小宇宙

台灣的製造業在世界上是相當有名的,像是紡織和製鞋工業在世界上都是很出色的,像2021年紡織業的總產值就有大概3456億台幣,那IC產業就更不用說了,2021年的產值超過4兆。要在工業界當顧問當然也要有豐富的經驗,今天的來賓 Kara 曾經在 NASA 和德州儀器任職,接著在台灣創辦了 Lone Star Technologies 這間顧問公司,協助客戶做產線的審核、產品檢測、還有各項的評估、分析,達到客戶的要求和提升品質。一起來聽聽 Kara 的經歷、創業過程,和遇到的挑戰。 **LoneStar Technology 的網站:https://www.lonestartech.tw**LoneStar Technology 的臉書:https://www.facebook.com/LoneStarTechnologyTaiwan/**訪談片段在 (03:21 - 19:01)**如果您需要本集 Podcast 中英對照逐字稿,請與我們聯繫:https://bit.ly/3arFHXg**用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/3mHcqh7----實用單字和片語: To fall into place 變得清楚或明朗化We don’t really know how to solve the problem, but we’re hoping that things fall into place after we start working on it. To jump through hoops 克服重重的困難I lost all my money, phone, and passport while traveling, so I asked the embassy for help and had to jump through many hoops to get new documents an ATM card and a temporary phone. To have a rude awakening 大失所望Everyone had high expectations of the movie after watching the trailer, but they all had a rude awakening when the movie came to theaters. Many people walked out because it was so bad!----Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.twFacebook 搜尋:ApexLanguageIG: @apexlang.podcast

電玩產業 Part 2 (The Video Game Industry Part 2) - 訪談專家:Solomon Temowo

電玩產業 Part 2 (The Video Game Industry Part 2) - 訪談專家:Solomon Temowo

🄴 英文小宇宙

所謂的AAA大作指的是高製作、高行銷成本的遊戲。一般來說需要3-5年的製作時間再加上6000萬美元的經費,也需要數百位工作人員的合作才能夠完成。但是為了玩到一款好遊戲,就算是3-5年的等待對於老玩家們來說都是「小菜一碟」。在上集的節目裡面Solomon和我們分享了他在遊戲產業的心路歷程,還有他是如何在台北創立了遊戲工作室「Playerium」,還沒聽的趕快回去聽!這一集Solomon接著要聊聊他在製作這些AAA大作像是「地平線」、「最後生還者」、「惡靈古堡7」的時候所遇到的困難,還有他給想要進遊戲產業的聽眾們的建議。**Playerium的網站:https://www.playerium.com/**Playerium的臉書https://www.facebook.com/playerium/**訪談片段在 (02:02 - 31:28)**如果您需要本集 Podcast 中英對照逐字稿,請與我們聯繫:https://bit.ly/3arFHXg**用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/3Nwnmt9----實用單字和片語: To dot the i's and cross the t's (動詞片語) 一絲不苟、注重細節The student dotted his I's and crossed his T's when doing the experiment because the sample was very small so he only had one chance to get it right. To hit the ground running (動詞片語) 立刻展開行動並成功The politician hit the ground running getting the new energy policy passed right after he was elected. Pick me up (名詞) 讓人提神的東西Whenever Susan is frustrated with her job as an artist and needs a pick me up, she looks at the encouraging comments from her followers on IG and feels better.----Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.twFacebook 搜尋:ApexLanguageIG: @apexlang.podcast

電玩產業 (The Video Game Industry) - 訪談專家:Solomon Temowo

電玩產業 (The Video Game Industry) - 訪談專家:Solomon Temowo

🄴 英文小宇宙

還記得當年紅極一時的網咖嗎?世紀帝國、CS和朋友團戰的刺激感,還有天堂、暗黑破壞神打到神裝全網咖暴動的景象,都隨著電腦配備和網路的普及化封存在許多人的回憶中。現在最為流行的「手遊」已經悄悄的佔了遊戲市場的一半,而玩遊戲也不再以男性居多,事實上現在遊戲人口男女比例已經接近一半一半。「打電動」說是台灣的全民運動一點也不為過,在2020年台灣人在手遊上「貢獻」的金額高居全球第 5,台灣「課長」的實力果然堅強!總部位在台北的遊戲工作室 Playerium 的創辦人參與過許多遊戲大作的製作過程,包括地平線:期待黎明、魔物獵人:世界、惡靈古堡7、最後生還者等等。他今天要來和我們分享:- 他是如何走進遊戲產業、- 做過哪些遊戲相關工作- 為什麼選擇台北當作他工作室的地點 **Playerium的網站:https://www.playerium.com/**Playerium的臉書https://www.facebook.com/playerium/**訪談片段在 (06:08 - 29:42)**用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/3MSUDhO----實用單字和片語: Succinct (形容詞) 簡潔的Unlike many professors, Tom is able to give the students a succinct and understandable explanation of complicated subjects such as quantum physics. To know something like the back of someone's hand 暸若指掌After living in Taipei for 30 years, Jeffrey knows the city like the back of his hand. To bootstrap (動詞) 利用有限的資源運作If you were to look at where Apex is today, you might have a hard time believing that Clifford and his wife bootstrapped the entire company with just a little money in the bank and a handful of clients.----Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.twFacebook 搜尋:ApexLanguageIG: @apexlang.podcast

台北市​國際社區服務基金會 (The Community Services Center) - 訪談專家:Adam McMillan

台北市​國際社區服務基金會 (The Community Services Center) - 訪談專家:Adam McMillan

🄴 英文小宇宙

你是否有在國外留學或旅遊的經驗呢?身在國外如果遇到了問題各式疑難雜症想必是非常焦慮,這個時候可以找台灣學生會、學校的學生事務辦公室、甚至是護照掉了可以到經濟文化辦事處尋求協助。你或許不知道,但是在台灣也有一些非營利組織,像是台北市國際社區服務基金會,提供在台灣的外國人諮詢服務,協助他們解決問題,讓他們更能夠融入台灣的生活。今天Community Services Center的主任Adam要來和我們分享他們這個中心的歷史和成立宗旨、主要的服務內容。 **Community Services Center的網站:https://www.communitycenter.org.tw**Community Services Center的臉書https://www.facebook.com/TheCenterTaipei/**訪談片段在 (03:16 - 21:22)**用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/3xP7PAd----實用單字和片語: Bludgeon (動詞) 用棍棒重擊The three young men who were arrested for bludgeoning a student last November in Taichung are now awaiting trial. Propagate (動詞) 繁殖、傳播Due to their recent popularity, Japanese ramen restaurant chain stores have propagated all over Taiwan. Myriad (形容詞) 無數的In the past few decades, scientists have been trying to identify effective cancer treatments among a myriad of different molecules.----Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.twFacebook 搜尋:ApexLanguageIG: @apexlang.podcast

國際貿易與國際關係 (下) (International Trade & International Relations - part 2) - 訪談專家:朱杯杯

國際貿易與國際關係 (下) (International Trade & International Relations - part 2) - 訪談專家:朱杯杯

🄴 英文小宇宙

雖然遇到重重的阻礙,台灣政府還是很積極尋找加入國際組織的機會。接續上一集的主題,這一集朱杯杯要來告訴大家:- 台灣政府在國際貿易與自由貿易協定上所做的努力- 進入國際組織工作的秘訣**朱杯杯的podcast節目「經貿開箱聞」:https://apple.co/3qLOHyy**經貿開箱聞粉絲頁:https://www.facebook.com/ChuBeiBei144?locale=zh_TW**訪談片段在 (01:21 - 26:32)**用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/372lOrx----實用單字和片語: Hurdle (名詞) 障礙、困難Getting into an Ivy League university involves overcoming many hurdles which is why a degree from one of these top schools is so valuable. To till (動詞) 犁、耕The reason that certain religions and people don’t eat beef is because of the cow’s revered role in helping farmers till the fields. Dilemma (名詞) 困境、兩難局面Figuring out how to best deal with Russia for its actions in Ukraine has been a huge dilemma for the international community.----Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.twFacebook 搜尋:ApexLanguageIG: @apexlang.podcast