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Stark Security #7.6

Tangled With You

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From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author J. Kenner comes a new story in her Stark Security series…

He never expected to feel this kind of heat again…

FBI agent Ollie McKee is burned out on relationships. After a head-spinningly on-again/off-again relationship with his former fiancée, he’s been out of the dating pool for years. Now he’s focused on his career—and it’s getting more intense. Because Ollie’s ex was just kidnapped, and despite the rules, he’s resolved to work the case and find her.

Stark Security agent Trevor Barone knows better than to fall for a friend, especially one who’s straight. But there’s no denying the way his heart and body react around Ollie, especially after the last quick mission they worked together. He swore to himself to keep his distance. But now Ollie’s begging for his help. The woman he once loved—maybe still loves—has been kidnapped, and Ollie’s determined to bring her home alive. Trevor’s not about to let his friend down, but as they work the case together, the attraction and connection between them can’t be denied.

When the kidnappers turn deadly, Ollie and Trevor put their lives in each other’s hands. But can they trust the passion that threatens to consume them both?

**Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**

Reviews for Tangled With

“This is one well written, fast paced storyline filled with drama, betrayal, acceptance and love. I cannot wait for more from the Stark World!” ~ The Romance Reporter

“Such a great read.” ~ Belanger.books

“Nervous new love caught up in the chaos of a procedural drama. Perfection J Kenner!!” ~ KT Book Reviews

“A truly lovely read. If you have not read this series before, I am confident that after this book, you will be very tempted.” ~ Ruthie, Wicked Reads

145 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 13, 2023

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About the author

J. Kenner

163 books10.3k followers
J. Kenner (aka Julie Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and #1 International bestselling author of over one hundred novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres.

Though known primarily for her award-winning and international bestselling erotic romances (including the Stark and Most Wanted series) that have reached as high as #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, JK has been writing full time for over a decade in a variety of genres including paranormal and contemporary romance, “chicklit” suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal mommy lit.

JK has been praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations” and by RT Bookclub for having “cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for them.” A six time finalist for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award, JK took home the first RITA trophy awarded in the category of erotic romance in 2014 for her novel, Claim Me (book 2 of her Stark Trilogy) and in 2017 for Wicked Dirty in the same category. Her Demon Hunting Soccer Mom series (as Julie Kenner) is currently in development as a television show.

Her books have sold over three million copies and are published in over twenty languages.

In her previous career as an attorney, JK worked as a clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced primarily civil, entertainment and First Amendment litigation in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, as well as in Austin, Texas. She currently lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and two rather spastic cats.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews
Profile Image for Nadine Bookaholic.
3,645 reviews466 followers
June 13, 2023
If you have read any of this series or the Stark Trilogy before, you might remember that FBI Agent Ollie (Oliver) McKee is Nikki's best friend, and Trevor Barone works as an Agent for Stark Security. Ollie has been in an on-again-off-again relationship for years and was even engaged before she finally called things off, and Trevor was married and is now divorced. Ollie and Trevor have been friends for a while now, and there has been an attraction to one another from the start, but Ollie has never been interested in guys before, so he's confused about his feelings.

In this story, we have Ollie and Trevor taking their friendship to the next level while trying to find Ollie's ex-fiance, that has been kidnapped.

Read my Full ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #bookreview here ➡ https://bit.ly/NBReviewTwM

tangled with you by j. kenner

Nadine's Obsessed with Books **I have voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Readers Copy of this book for my Blog, Nadine's Obsessed with Books
**I also pre-ordered a kindle copy
You can find me here:  https://linktr.ee/NadineBookaholic
Profile Image for Bookaddict100 .
335 reviews4 followers
June 19, 2023
♦️A 1001 Dark Nights Novella based in the Stark Security World.
MM romance, friends to lovers, a kidnapping case, learning to communicate better, and plenty of steam.

FBI agent Ollie McKee has been single for a while after a long on-again/off-again relationship with his former fiancée. He’s just been focusing on his career and that's where he meets Stark Security agent Trevor Barone who has become a very close friend.

Trevor has been seriously crushing on his straight friend Ollie since he met him at work. Meanwhile, Ollie is extremely confused by his growing attraction and feelings towards his good friend which lately has resulted in some very awkward situations.

When Ollie and Trevor finally act on their feelings, they are unfortunately interrupted when Ollie’s ex-fiance is kidnapped. They are both called on to work her case and since their relationship is so new they immediately encounter some serious problems with miscommunication, insecurities, and jealousy while working the case.

I’m happy to finally read Ollie’s story. There’s a bit of drama before Ollie and Trevor can get their HEA, but it's another fun and steamy read in the Stark Security World. Also, some great cameos from Damien and Nikki, Jamie and Ryan, and others. This is my honest opinion, freely given.
Profile Image for FS Meurinne.
Author 2 books128 followers
June 15, 2023
I totally loved this novella! Ollie and Trevor's relationship was so adorable and unique. Ollie, the FBI agent, had given up on love until he realized his feelings for his friend Trevor. It was super exciting when they teamed up to rescue Ollie's kidnapped ex. The chemistry between them was off the charts, and I couldn't help but root for them. This spicy male-male romance is a must-read! Plus, I love that you can enjoy each 1001 Dark Nights book on its own. This one, as part of the Stark Security series, is book 7.6 and totally rocked!
Profile Image for Avid Reader.
1,748 reviews
June 5, 2023
Tangled With You (Stark Security, #7.6) by J. Kenner
3.5 stars
M/M Romance
I was given this book for an honest review by Wicked Reads.

Ollie is finding himself. He has a great job, great friends and now, Ollie is searching for the one thing that's missing - someone to love.

Trevor loves his job. He has a great group to work with and great friends. But, even though his friends are amazing, his eyes can't stop tracking his good friend Ollie.

Ollie knows that his attraction to Trevor is something new, but Ollie can't say that it's unwanted. While Ollie and Trevor decide if they want to move their friendship to a different level, Ollie's old fiance is kidnapped.

Racing against the clock, Ollie has to come to terms with his past, his present and his future. Trevor has to realize that his past doesn't define his future. Together, they will have to conquer their fears or lose out on love again.
Profile Image for WycEd Reader.
2,342 reviews37 followers
June 13, 2023

Check out our full post for TANGLED WITH YOU on Wicked Reads, which includes an excerpt.

Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
I love these delicious short stories from favourite series – and Stark Security is definitely one of my favourites. Getting to spend time with Damien, Nicky, and the rest of the team was lovely, even if the reason that they needed to join forces was another kidnap. If you have not read this series before, I am confident that after this book, you will be very tempted.

Ollie and Trevor... an utterly deliciously passionate and intense pair of guys, one who has known for a long time that the other is it for them and one who suddenly wakes up to the reality! I love that Ollie gets to understand how he mistook his love for Courtney and did her a great disservice – his best friends make sure that he can see how different his feelings are now, and how he needs to be open with Trevor. Nothing is simple, even when they finally get to act on their feelings, but we can rest assured that the whole team are standing by ready to support them both.

A truly lovely read, thank you, J. Kenner!

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
3.5 stars
M/M Romance

Ollie is finding himself. He has a great job, great friends, and now, Ollie is searching for the one thing that's missing – someone to love.

Trevor loves his job. He has a great group to work with and great friends. But even though his friends are amazing, his eyes can't stop tracking his good friend Ollie.

Ollie knows that his attraction to Trevor is something new, but Ollie can't say that it's unwanted. While Ollie and Trevor decide if they want to move their friendship to a different level, Ollie's old fiancée is kidnapped.

Racing against the clock, Ollie has to come to terms with his past, his present, and his future. Trevor has to realize that his past doesn't define his future. Together, they will have to conquer their fears or lose out on love again.

Reviewers received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Gillian.
67 reviews
June 12, 2023
A quick, light read with heartwarming “AWWW” moments, LGBTQ representation, 🌶️🌶️🌶️ spice, and an intriguing mystery. This was my first J. Kenner book & I throughly enjoyed it.
Fav quotes:

“But plans could go wrong. Bad guys sometimes won.”

“I didn’t freak because I thought you were making a move. I freaked because I wanted you to.”

“Because you’re curious. Because you’re attracted to me. Because you want this as much as I do.”

“That’s what Trevor truly wanted. For Ollie to ask for it. Because once he did that, there were no more questions. Once he said please, all bets were off. And, yeah, it would change their friendship, but it wouldn’t destroy it. Because even though he didn’t know it yet, Ollie McKee was Trevor’s. And soon enough, Trevor was going to claim what was his.”

“And with every day that went by, Ollie was more and more convinced that at the core of it, his happiness and Trevor were inextricably intertwined.”

“Pity,” Ollie said. “I think I’d enjoy debriefing you.”

Tangled With You, an all-new steamy Stark Security novella from New York Times bestselling author J. Kenner is available now!

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author J. Kenner comes a new story in her Stark Security series…

He never expected to feel this kind of heat again…

FBI agent Ollie McKee is burned out on relationships. After a head-spinningly on-again/off-again relationship with his former fiancée, he’s been out of the dating pool for years. Now he’s focused on his career—and it’s getting more intense. Because Ollie’s ex was just kidnapped, and despite the rules, he’s resolved to work the case and find her.

Stark Security agent Trevor Barone knows better than to fall for a friend, especially one who’s straight. But there’s no denying the way his heart and body react around Ollie, especially after the last quick mission they worked together. He swore to himself to keep his distance. But now Ollie’s begging for his help. The woman he once loved—maybe still loves—has been kidnapped, and Ollie’s determined to bring her home alive. Trevor’s not about to let his friend down, but as they work the case together, the attraction and connection between them can’t be denied.

When the kidnappers turn deadly, Ollie and Trevor put their lives in each other’s hands. But can they trust the passion that threatens to consume them both?

***I was gifted this e-ARC by 1001 Nights & Blue Box Press in exchange for an honest review***
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,178 reviews189 followers
June 12, 2023
3.75stars--TANGLED WITH YOU is instalment 7.6 in J. Kenner’s contemporary, adult STARK SECURITY erotic, romance series, a part of the 1001 Dark Nights multi-authored series. This is attorney turned FBI agent Ollie McKee, and Stark Security agent Trevor Barone’s story line. TANGLED WITH YOU can be read as a stand alone but for back story regarding Trevor and Ollie’s relationship, I recommend reading HIDDEN WITH YOU and CHARMED BY YOU. Ollie McKee has been apart of the Stark World Series since the beginning.

NOTE: TANGLED WITH YOU is an LGBTQ+ story line focusing on a same $ex couple.

Told from dual omniscient third person perspectives (Ollie and Trevor) TANGLED WITH YOU follows the building relationship between attorney turned FBI agent Ollie McKee, and Stark Security agent Trevor Barone. Ollie McKee and Nikki Stark have been best friends for years. Ollie has been a part of Nikki’s life for as long as he can remember, having fallen in love with his best friend years before but Ollie is restless, unable to settle down, finding himself attracted to Stark Security Agent Trevor Barone. Ollie has always considered himself heterosexual but something about Trevor calls to Ollie’s McKee but all does not go according to plan when Ollie’s ex girlfriend is kidnapped, and a three million dollar ransom demand addressed to Ollie pulls our story line couple into a case of life and death. What ensues is the building relationship between Ollie and Trevor, and the potential fall-out as the intended victim may be someone else.

The relationship between Ollie and Trevor has been building for several months but Ollie had always thought of himself as ‘straight’, and Trevor was burned by a previous love. As Ollie and Trevor begin to act on their attraction, the kidnapping of Ollie’s ex-girlfriend is about to bring everything into perspective. The $ex scenes are intimate and erotic.

The secondary and supporting characters have all been introduced in previous story lines with the welcome return of Damien and Nikki Stark, and Nikki’s bestie Jamie Hunter.

TANGLED WITH YOU is a fast paced story of vengeance and betrayal, jealousy and obsession, acceptance and love. The premise is captivating; the romance is seductive; the characters are energetic and determined.

Profile Image for Keila.
1,365 reviews79 followers
June 4, 2023
FBI Agent Ollie McKee is burned out on relationships, he thinks he will never find his perfect match. But when he pauses and thinks about his friendship with Stark Security agent Trevor, he begins to wonder if they can be more than friends. When Ollie’s ex is kidnapped and the FBI teams up with Stark Security, Ollie and Trevor are forced to work together. When sparks begin to fly, they come together in love, and to find the kidnapper.

This was such a fun novella! I absolutely loved Ollie, the main character, and how he found love in his friend Trevor. Their relationship was so heartwarming and refreshing. Ollie had tried for so long to find love and nothing ever felt right, but when he thought about his friendship with Trevor he just saw more. He was so nervous to take things to the next step, but they worked out for him. Trevor was unsure because he only ever knew Ollie to fall for women. The story of the kidnapping was also fun. I loved how they worked together to find the kidnapper.

If you are looking for a mildly spicy male-male romance than check this one out today!

I love that every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone book. This book is book 7.6 in the Stark Security series.

Thank you so much to @1001darknights_blueboxpress for this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ruthie Taylor.
3,690 reviews38 followers
June 11, 2023
~~I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads ~~

I love these delicious short stories from favourite series - and Stark Security is definitely one of my favourites. Getting to spend time with Damien, Nicky and the rest of the team was lovely, even if the reason that they needed to join forces was another kidnap. If you have not read this series before, I am confident that after this book, you will be very tempted.

Ollie and Trevor ... utterly deliciously passionate and intense pair of guys, one who has known for a long time that the other is it for them and one who suddenly wakes up to the reality! I love that Ollie gets to understand how he mistook his love for Courtney, and did her a great disservice - his best friends make sure that he can see how different his feelings are now, and how he needs to be open with Trevor. Nothing is simple, even when they finally get to act on their feelings, but we can rest assured that the whole team are standing by ready to support them both.

A truly lovely read, thank you J. Kenner!

Wicked Reads Review Team
879 reviews4 followers
June 21, 2023
I've been waiting for Ollie to find his happily ever after since he wasn't going to win the hearts of either of his best friends, Nikki Fairchild who absolutely adores Damien Stark, or Jamie Archer who loves Ryan Hunter, head of Stark Security. He's had an on-again/off-again relationship with his girlfriend and former fiancée, Courtney, for several years. Something always had him holding back from committing to her full, and in this book, he finally realizes why.
I loved that Ollie finally made up his mind and decided to pursue something with Trevor. The huge issue that I had however, was that they decided to make things official while they were actively working in Damien's house to find the kidnapped Courtney. This is the second book in a row where the Stark Security guy crossed a professionalism line, which, in my humble opinion, does not fit in with Damien Stark's "code of ethics". This was a huge turn-off and detracted from Ollie's story .It would have been more believable if instead, they were trying to find a stalker that was making threats on her life, which would have created the same concerns Ollie would have had regarding her safety. Sorry, this story was a disappointment for me since I love the author and her Stark universe.
Profile Image for Jen.
3,299 reviews
June 13, 2023
When I heard that J. Kenner had an M/M romance to add to her Stark book universe, I was beyond curious to see how it would turn out. For long-time Kenner readers, Ollie is a familiar side character, having been in Nikki Stark's and Jamie Hunter's lives from the get-go via their super close friendship. Trevor isn't a newbie either, since he's appeared in a couple of the past books. It was interesting to see their relationship go from platonic to romantic, especially given that Ollie had always identified as straight. Courtney's kidnapping was certainly a complication that added a whole layer of what-now to Ollie and Trevor's blossoming romance. Cameos of much-loved characters in the Stark book world made for a nice bonus--Damien and Nikki will forever remain the OG couple for me when it comes to anything and everything J. Kenner. Ollie and Trevor's story was a good addition to the Stark Security series. Four stars go to Tangled with You.
Profile Image for Sharon.
2,082 reviews15 followers
June 14, 2023
4.6 stars

This is the tenth book in the Stark Security Series and readers now have Ollie’s story and what a feel good, put a smile on your face it is. Ollie is an attorney turned FBI agent and has been best friends with Nikki Stark for years. Recently, he has been going through a period of reassessing his life and relationships when he finds himself attracted to Trevor Barone, an agent with Stark Security. As a man who, in the past, has only dated women, he feels this undeniable pull to Trevor. Trevor is not without his past concerns when it comes to getting back on the horse and dating again. The two men have been pussyfooting around each other until they decide to test the waters. However, when Ollie’s ex-girlfriend is kidnapped, both men are working together, and their budding relationship is heightened. This is one well written, fast paced storyline filled with drama, betrayal, acceptance and love. I cannot wait for more from the Stark World!
August 20, 2023

I have been waiting for Ollie's story FOREVA!!! Lol. I knew it would come eventually, but I have loved his character since day one in previous Stark books. He has always been the go to person. Now it is his time. You can feel the awkwardness when he is around Trevor. He struggles with his feelings and going into a M/M relationship. Trevor made me swoon all over the place. He is portrayed as this huge alpha protector, but is sweet and kind when it comes to Ollie. He makes any excuse to be nearby.

But romance is never easy. When a turn in events make their relationship go in a different direction, you wonder if these two will make it at the end. Ollie deserves his HEA and I can only hope that this is it!

Tangled with You is a great Novella that feels like a full book length story. You will not want to put it down! #2023BookRec
Profile Image for Deb Hanson.
1,301 reviews13 followers
June 16, 2023
Tangled with You
Stark Security novella
J. Kenner

I’m pretty sure I say this with every review that has anything to do with Damien Stark, I freaking love them!

While each story is different, they all share the common denominator of Stark Security. I love the woven story lines, but the individuality that comes with each journey. Each character holds their own, but there’s drama, gun totalling bad guys, the good guys and epic endings that leave happiness and love in my heart.

I really loved Ollie and Trevor, a crazy pair with so much want for each other yet so much pulling them apart. Both having previous relationships that question the “now”. But when life turns bad, lives are in danger, those feelings come to the forefront. The perfection that comes from the worst night creates the beauty of the future….
Profile Image for Jackie Wright.
5,063 reviews117 followers
June 18, 2023
4.5 Stars for Tangled With You (Stark Security 7.6)
I was so excited when I heard we were finally getting Ollie McKee’s story what I didn’t see coming was a MM romance and for me this was a wonderful addition to the series and a wonderful conclusion for the man we all wanted to find true love.
When Ollie’s ex is kidnapped he turns to his friend and Stark Security Agent Trevor Barone for help. Trevor agrees but is concerned his attraction for Ollie could muddy the waters …..
As they work close together their friendship soon turns into so much more as Ollie realises it’s Trevor he wants to spend time with but will they be prepared to take a leap of faith and risk everything for what could be lust. One click now to find out.
This is a quick read but it still packs a mighty punch, it’s full of love, passion, friendship and enough suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Profile Image for Pauline.
786 reviews
June 19, 2023
Ollie finally gets his HEA in the Stark world. Having grown up with Nikki and Jamie, Ollie has been part of their stories since the series started and through it all he has been there for them. Now it's his turn to have his best friends rally around him. When his ex-fiance is kidnapped, the ransom note is addressed to Ollie, so with the help of Stark Security and his best friend Trevor (who is openly gay), they set about finding the kidnappers. But this is more about how Ollie comes to the realization that Trevor is so much more to him than just a friend and his feelings have grown much deeper. This book explores the insecurities on both sides and the trust that they need to have in each other and their love in order to overcome these obstacles.
It's always a joy to delve into the world of Damian Stark and Ms. Kenner is such an eloquent story teller that it captivates you.
Profile Image for Mary Jo.
2,377 reviews57 followers
July 8, 2023
So happy to get Ollie’s story. He is best friend’s with Nikki and gotten to know him through the books about her journey. He had a long-term girlfriend at one time but deep down that relationship never felt right to him. When he met Trevor, there was something different there but he didn’t want to acknowledge that maybe he likes men too. Trevor has worked hard to play it cool around Ollie to hide the attraction he has to him. When Ollie decides to take a chance and admit that he likes Trevor too, well, the sparks fly between them. They are a great compliment to each other. Of course, their jobs slow things down as they need to rescue Courtney, Ollie’s ex-girlfriend. Will their budding romance survive this latest hurdle? I had fun finding out. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Erica.
322 reviews5 followers
June 15, 2023
Whew…. This book was immediate heat! It’s so unfortunate that these Dark Nights book are so short. They feel like they are over as soon as it get good. But I will say it forces the author to get straight to the point. I waited so long for Ollie’s book and I was pleased with it. This book is full of emotions and heat. It also allowed us to get to see all of our favorites. The only reason I didn’t give it five stars was the randomness of the drama. It seemed like a forced storyline and a random ending but I guess understand why. It was also a lot of repetitiveness and in an already short book it eliminated a star for me. Other than that, it is still a must read, even if it’s for the setup of the next story and I can’t wait. ☺️
Profile Image for Franci Neill.
2,123 reviews91 followers
June 27, 2023
4 It’s Ollie’s Turn Stars!!!

Anytime I can drop into the Stark world I’m a happy girl. And with this great novella, we get Ollie’s story and it takes a turn I wasn’t expecting, but I fully embraced it because love is love!

Ollie’s Ex has been kidnapped and he’s paired up with his friend Trevor to find her right as these two have started to see each other in a different light. Their romance is filled with chemistry and spice. And as they get closer to rescuing Ollie’s Ex, will they continue what they’ve started… can they be each other’s forever love?

With the right amount of suspense and a romance that comes out of nowhere, this is the perfect addition to the Stark Security world!
1,049 reviews5 followers
June 14, 2023
Anytime I start a new J Kenner book it is like coming home…that feeling where you haven’t seen a friend in forever, but everything just clicks in place and time flies when you finally catch up.

“I didn’t freak because I thought you were making a move. I freaked because I wanted you to.”

For a novella this story packed in a lot! An unexpected relationship that I was so caught up in I almost forgot about the tragedy unfolding in the background. Favorite characters making an appearance is always a bonus.

Past…present…and future colliding…witty, steamy, self discovery, guilt, did I mention steamy!!!
1,450 reviews6 followers
June 14, 2023
Finally, Ollie’s story!

Ollie is an FBI Agent. His on and off fiancé through the years has been kidnapped and he asks his best friend, Trevor, to help him. Trevor has been attracted to Ollie for a long time and says yes. There has always been a spark between them, even though Ollie pushed it aside, now knowing it was because Trevor is a man. They face trials and tribulations between the case and their relationship. Trevor has issues because he was married to a man and he left him, thinking Ollie would do the same. This is an intriguing story that you can’t put down. It has all the steam you can ever want, with all the suspense and mystery you expect. I loved every word!
Profile Image for Nicki - The Overflowing Bookcase .
4,085 reviews160 followers
June 14, 2023
The highly anticipated story of Ollie finally finding love - where no one expected it. While Ollie has had his on and off again love affair with Courtney through out the Stark Saga, it was not until the introduction of Trevor into his life that he finally found what he was looking for. But will Ollie have the courage to step into a relationship with a man? Or will a kidnapping case that hits close to home close his heart off once and for all? With everything that a J. Kenner storyline is known for: great characters, the perfect amount of angst and smoldering scenes, this was a great read.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
541 reviews
June 17, 2023
I was so happy to finally get Ollie's story and his HEA. I think, but not 100% positive, that this is the author's first venture in the MM storyline. Ollie and Trevor's chemistry can't be denied and they each have their own different insecurities, rightfully so; however, Trevor comes off very selfish at times because he doesn't seem to fully grasp the situation Ollie is in. The epilogue made the whole story worth it and it's pretty much what prevented me from giving it a 2 star review. There are a few continuity issues, and for such a quick read, there was too much going on. Also, the whole kidnapping storyline has been done a couple times already in this universe, and frankly I'm kind of bored.
20 reviews
June 13, 2023
Romance and suspence. I'm new to the Stark Security books and immediately was drawn into the world. I loved the friendships that were formed through coworkers and I could tell this group had a lot of history (all the books I'm dying to go catch up on now). There is something so sweet and relatable about this story. Trying to move on and find love and the guilt we feel and the baggage we carry from our past relationships and how that makes us overthink and sabotage our own happiness. Such a great read.
483 reviews3 followers
June 14, 2023
This was a fast, easy read, perfect for the beach. We still see peeks of our favorite couples/people, Damien & Nikki, Ryan & Jami, and others. We always knew that there was more to Ollie than just being friends to Nikki and Jami. Yes, he was a lawyer and then a FBI agent but what about personally and sexually? He’s just finding out that himself. He finally comes to terms with what and who wants in his life. It’s an interesting journey brought along with a frightening ride for a former lover and friend.
Profile Image for Jocelyne.
4,208 reviews17 followers
June 16, 2023
This novella is part of the Stark Security Series, a Romantic Suspense, and MM friends to lovers romance. Ollie and Trevor's story is passionate, suspenseful, and entertaining. Their chemistry is sizzling hot. Their push and pull relationship is filled with insecurities, and miscommunication. Ollie is Nikki's best friend and an FBI agent. Trevor is an agent working for Stark Security. I didn't expect their romance. They are perfect together. The storyline is fast-paced, steamy, action packed, and filled with mystery, danger, and twists and turns.
398 reviews4 followers
June 25, 2023
Ollie and Trevor have been skirting around the attraction between them for years. Ollie is so unsure if his feelings, yet he can't help but wonder if what he feels is true love. Just as they finally realize they want to discover if what they feel for each other is real, Courtney Ollie's ex gets kidnapped.
The whole Situation stirs up anxiety and doubt. When it looks like they can't work it out fate steps in. These two are so explosive together. They are meant to be. As Ollie says Trevor is his lobster.
Profile Image for Megan.
361 reviews
July 1, 2023
Ollie McKee finally gets his turn in the Stark universe. He is settled in and renovating a new home while continuing his FBI work.
Stark Security Trevor Barone was undercover and Ollie was his handler.
More than professional and friendship start to develop between the two, only Ollie hasn’t admitted to himself that he might be completely heterosexual.
This story continues with the Stark Security team when Ollie’s ex-fiancée is kidnapped & Trevor and Ollie must work together to bring her back safe.
133 reviews1 follower
June 27, 2023
Sizzling, Emotional, H*T and overall Fantastic

Ollie seems to have it all, great friends, and great job. Unfortunately, something always seemed to be missing. Trevor took a chance before and was burned. He had sworn off relationships, that was until he met Ollie who became his best friend. Unfortunately, he wants to be more than friends. Can Trevor help Ollie recognize who he really is?

This is one story you won’t want to put down!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews

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