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Kings of the Ice #1

Meet Your Match

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One Month with Vince Tanev: Tampa’s Hotshot Rookie
Twenty-four-seven access on and off the ice.

The headline says it all, and my bosses are over the moon when the opportunity of a lifetime lands in my lap. Of course, they aren’t aware that I’ve already met Vince Cool at an all-star gala — and that we were at each other’s throats the entire time.

It doesn’t matter that he’s the kind of hot that shows God has favorites — messy brown hair, heated hazel eyes, the smirk of a rockstar, and a scar over his eyebrow that makes every woman particularly feral.

He’s a rich, cocky playboy — a brand I’m all too familiar with, and one I’m determined to never be around again.

But after my coverage of the gala stirs up buzz, the team’s General Manager and my CEO strike a deal. To help fill the arena at home games, I’ll get up close and personal with Tampa’s new shiny toy. Whether he’s at practice, playing in a game, partying, or drinking coffee half-naked in his condo — I’ll be there for all of it.

Vince gets under my skin like no one else. It isn’t long before that paper-thin line between hate and lust blurs, and being around him every waking minute of the day leaves no chance to escape his devilish stare.

The air crackles between us. The tension is hot enough to melt my inhibitions.

But I know the way this story ends. I’ve lived it once before.

As much as I work to guard my heart, my body is a traitor — and if this man puts his hands on me, I know I’ll submit to desire.

I thought one month with Vince Tanev was a game I could win easily.
But I might have just met my match.

368 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 7, 2023

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About the author

Kandi Steiner

79 books12.6k followers
Kandi Steiner is a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author and whiskey connoisseur living in Tennessee. Best known for writing “emotional rollercoaster” stories, she loves bringing flawed characters to life and writing about real, raw romance — in all its forms. No two Kandi Steiner books are the same, and if you’re a lover of angsty, emotional, and inspirational reads, she’s your gal.

An alumna of the University of Central Florida, Kandi graduated with a double major in Creative Writing and Advertising/PR with a minor in Women’s Studies. Her love for writing started at the ripe age of 10, and in 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.”

She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic, and likes to highlight all the challenges of love as well as the triumphs.

When Kandi isn’t writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, planning her next adventure, or pole dancing (yes, you read that right). She enjoys live music, traveling, hiking, yoga, playing with her fur babies and soaking up the sweetness of life.

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Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,151 reviews55.4k followers
July 11, 2023
petition to strike the word asshole from the romance sex scene thesaurus

it’s giving…. poop?

like for example

“he had 2 fingers in my ass” sounds much more pleasant than “he had 2 fingers in my asshole”

judge, i rest my case
Profile Image for jess.
276 reviews704 followers
September 1, 2023
my expectations for this book: 📈
my feelings during and after reading this book: 📉

this book follows along maven, a social media influencer whose job is to report on the tampa area for trendy stuff to post on her company's social media account. she runs in with vince tanev a rookie hockey player in the city at a gala, their first encounter starts off poorly, but her doing her job she snaps a pic of him and posts it, causing it to blow up and go viral.

her ex bf was a rich pro golf player who broke her heart so now she has decided that anyone who is either rich or a pro athlete is entitled and unappreciative, and she literally is an asshole to anyone she meets if she thinks they are rich. but by her job, she is forced to spend an entire month with vince and to capture anything/everything he does to increase engagement for both her job and the hockey team.

ofc vince is swooning over her the minute he realizes she does not want him, and it honestly reminded me of mile high, but i would much rather prefer to read mile high than this garbage all over again.

well anyways vince and maven have been obviously spending a lot of time together and it is so clear vince could not be anymore different than her ex. he helps out his community, he does selfless things, and honestly even tho i didnt really like him he did the nicest things for her. so what might be the problem you ask?

this bitch is so hung up over her ex she is literally so blind to see that this guy likes her even tho he has told her so many different times. she has categorized every rich person into one label, which was so annoying. her best friend is literally rich asf but that does not even click in her head ??

she literally rejected him TWICE, TWO WHOLE FUCKING TIMES, and the minute he leaves her alone she fucking balls?? i swear someone needed to knock some sense into her before i would 🙄

also with vance anytime he would get rejected/jealous he would literally let girls grind on him and shit at the club just to get her jealous bc he had the maturity of a sixteen yr old boy and guess what SHE GAVE INTO IT EACH TIMEEEEE 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ the self respect? non existent 😐 they were honestly perfect for eachother w how stupid they both are

also whoever said this was enemies to lovers?? why are you lying 😐 he was whore who obsessed with her from the beginning and she was delusional.


“What a jerk, liking you so much he wants to claim you. And to be hot and rich, too? With a nice cock? God, I don’t know how you’re surviving.”

this bitch wouldn’t even listen to her bestfriend

This was the persona, the one I played into with everyone else. But with her? I’d let her in. I’d shown her parts of me the rest of the world had never seen before. I was nothing but honest with her, right from the start.

“You have me so fucked up, Maven. Every waking hour, every waking minute of my life is wrecked by thoughts of you.”

i hated him but he was too good for her

He’d bought a whole fucking indoor garden for me.

and yet she was still too delusional 🧍🏽‍♀️


if mile high had a really really really ugly annoying little brother it would be this book.


idc if all hockey romances are the same i will still willingly read them

~~not me thinking it was cole sprouce in the cover photo 😫
Profile Image for Kandi Steiner.
Author 79 books12.6k followers
June 29, 2023
🏒 Coming July 7th to Kindle Unlimited! 🏒

I AM COMPLETELY UNDONE by these characters, this world, and this fucking book!

𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘦 𝘜𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘑𝘶𝘭𝘺 7𝘵𝘩!

Model Cover Design: Kandi Steiner
Photographer: Ren Saliba
Discreet Cover Design: Staci Hart

𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐯: 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚’𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞
𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺-𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳-𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘤𝘦.

The headline says it all, and my bosses are over the moon when the opportunity of a lifetime lands in my lap. Of course, they aren’t aware that I’ve already met 𝘝𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘭 at an all-star gala — and that we were at each other’s throats the entire time.

It doesn’t matter that he’s the kind of hot that shows God has favorites — messy brown hair, heated hazel eyes, the smirk of a rockstar, and a scar over his eyebrow that makes every woman particularly feral.

𝐇𝐞’𝐬 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡, 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲
— a brand I’m all too familiar with, and one I’m determined to never be around again.

But after my coverage of the gala stirs up buzz, the team’s General Manager and my CEO strike a deal. To help fill the arena at home games, I’ll get up close and personal with Tampa’s new shiny toy. Whether he’s at practice, playing in a game, partying, or drinking coffee half-naked in his condo — I’ll be there for all of it.

Vince gets under my skin like no one else. It isn’t long before that paper-thin line between hate and lust blurs, and being around him every waking minute of the day leaves no chance to escape his devilish stare.

The air crackles between us. The tension is hot enough to melt my inhibitions.

But I know the way this story ends. I’ve lived it once before.

As much as I work to guard my heart, my body is a traitor — and if this man puts his hands on me, I know I’ll submit to desire.

I thought one month with Vince Tanev was a game I could win easily.
𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡.

Here's a Goodreads Exclusive Sneak Peek!

When I added a delicate pair of gold ear climbers and a dainty chain necklace that hung perfectly in the V of my blouse, I called it done, and then I was out the door and on my way to Vince’s room.
Which was, conveniently, right next door.

I pulled a deep inhale through my nose, forcing a smile before I rapped my knuckles on the wood. I was about to knock again when the door flew open.

Vince was once again shirtless, and this time, he was in nothing but a pair of navy blue briefs.
It happened so fast — him slinging the door open, running a hand back through his messy hair as he yawned and held it open wide for me to come in. He was just a tired man waking up from a nap in his underwear, nothing out of the ordinary for him.

But for me, it was like seeing one of the seven wonders of the world.

Even if I was used to his ridiculous abdomen and chest — which I wasn’t, by the way — I was now face to face with his monster thighs, too. They strained against the fabric of his underwear, though not as much as another part of him, which was framed perfectly by the white stitching in the front of those blue briefs.

He was also very much at attention.

Vince didn’t seem to notice. He just held the door open wider, and then once I had my hand on it, turned to walk farther into his suite. And when he did, I gaped for another reason altogether.
Vince Tanev had an ass of stone.

It was the largest I’d ever seen on any man in my life, but it was also cut, the muscles lean and a dip in the side of each cheek showcasing as he walked. I’d had a sneaky suspicion when I’d seen them all dressed in their suits earlier, but now, I had that suspicion verified.

Hockey players had the best asses in the entire world.
There was just no debating it.

“Coffee?” he asked me as he walked into the kitchen area of his suite, already pouring a cup for himself. He turned and leaned against the counter, and once again, my eyes flicked to where his erection was.

He followed my gaze.

And then the bastard smirked, shrugging.

“Sorry about that,” he said, reaching down to adjust himself. I had to tear my eyes away and look up at the ceiling, because seeing his gargantuan hand wrapped around his massive cock as he casually grabbed himself was too much for any woman to withstand — even one who knew he was a playboy.

“Good dream during that nap, I take it?” I said, hoping that came out as a joke more than a question I actually wanted the answer to.

“A very good dream,” he said, sipping the black coffee in his mug. “You were in it.”

That made me suck my teeth, and when I leveled him with a glare, he chuckled.

“I’m going to start getting myself ready,” he said. “And… I know it’s kind of been fun and games up until this point, but it’s game day, and my pre-game ritual means a lot to me. So…”

“I’ll stay out of your way,” I promised. “Just ignore me.”

His eyes flickered a little bit where they ran over me. “You’re entirely oblivious to what a fox you are, aren’t you?”

My neck warmed at his words, but I didn’t let myself smile or blush beneath them. Instead, I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of him.

“Keep making comments like that, and I’ll post this picture of you in your underwear.”

“Go ahead,” he dared on another shrug, pushing off the counter and heading toward the bedroom part of the suite. “Maybe a Boston Bunny will see it and find me after the game.”

“Pig,” I called after him, and his deep laugh was the last thing I heard before he was running the shower.
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,267 reviews14.9k followers
July 8, 2023
4.5 stars

KANDI REALLY DID THAT. It took me a bit to warm up to the story since Maven and Vince were just dancing around with their attraction with one another. I really loved the concept of Maven working in social media and basically having to be around Vince 24/7 to post about him. We love forced proximity. Once feelings got involved, though!? DECEASED. Vince falls SOOOOO hard for Maven and I was so obsessed with the push and pull between them. Maven was really hurt in her past and never wants that hurt again. Not to mention she's building her career and doesn't want to jeopardize her reputation by getting together with one of her subjects. But Vince is determined to have her and I love how he didn't just let her get away. And as a sports romance, I loved how much hockey we got in here. The side characters were so perfect and endearing and I NEED a book for every single one of them. Especially Daddy P!!! I am obsessed with this world Kandi built and can't wait for what else she has in store for us!
Shelved as 'it-s-a-no-from-me'
July 8, 2023
i haven’t liked any of the books i’ve read by this author but i was going to give this one a chance because i’ve been craving a romance where the fmc doesn’t trust the manhoe cause he’s a slut and basically mistreats him/slut shames him/pushes him away etc etc (something like mile high) but i should’ve known better 🤡 this is the same lady who traumatized me with a love letter to whiskey

i decided to search up jealousy/other women because i couldn’t find any safety info and these two scenes are prob not the end of it but i couldn’t be bothered to skim.

around 35%: (he has the audacity to be confused why she’d be mad and leaving and proceeds to rub the ow interaction in her face to get her riled him. she ofc let’s him kiss her 🤢) I HATE WHEN THE MMC TRIES TO MAKE THE FMC JEALOUS. that’s obv only for girls! and this is after she says no to a dance. immature much 🤡

But when I looked for Vince to tell him I was heading out, I found him just in time to watch him pluck two women from the crowd dancing outside the ropes. He pulled them in, security fastening the barrier back in place as soon as they were at his side. One of the girls was tan and tall and lean, with platinum blonde hair and a perfect heart-shaped ass. The other was tall, too, but was a creamy pale, shaped like an hourglass, with short brown hair and a mouth like Angelina Jolie. The women encircled Vince once they were behind the ropes, sandwiching him between them, and all three of them began to move to the beat of the music thumping through the club. The women draped their arms over him like he was theirs — not even a hint of hesitation, or a single thought that he wouldn’t want them to. My heart stopped in my chest, and then kicked back hard, racing faster and faster as I watched them. I watched the blonde trail her nail up Vince’s arm, over his neck, until she dragged it along his chin and guided his mouth toward hers. She didn’t kiss him, just held him there, where he had no choice but to look at her as she stared back at him and moved her body against him. Her body that he moved his hands to hold, to feel as she rolled to the music. The brunette danced to the other side of him, straddling his leg with her thighs as she tugged at the collar of his shirt for his attention. When the blonde kept it, the brunette licked his neck before biting down. Even from across the room, I saw Vince hiss, saw a smile curl on his lips as he turned to face her, and she grinned at the victory. I was rooted in place. Like a masochist, I watched it all unfold with my stomach bottoming out. A front-row show to Boomer Bunnies in action. And when both women started kissing on his neck, Vince looked up at the sky on a curse. Then, he looked directly at me. His eyes were dark and mischievous, locked on mine as the girls battled with each other for who could make him unravel the quickest. But he wasn’t smiling anymore, and he wasn’t giving either of them what they wanted. He was too busy staring at me. I sucked in a stiff breath, blinking repeatedly before I finally tore my gaze away and adjusted my purse on my shoulder. I muttered unheard excuse me’s as I pushed through the team and the lucky girls who’d been selected to join them. I pushed farther, out of the ropes and through the crowd until I burst out into the humid night air. It was so hard to breathe, I gasped, trying and failing to fill my lungs. I didn’t see the car we’d come in, didn’t even give myself time to think of calling one. I just started walking in the direction of the skyscraper holding me prison for the month I was doing this job, squeezing my eyes shut hard to try to clear what I’d just seen before I opened them again and put one foot in front of the other. I hadn’t made it twenty steps before I was spun in a circle, Vince sliding his hand into the crook of my elbow and pulling me to a stop. “You’re leaving?” I blinked at him, eyes catching where he had lipstick smeared on his neck.

around 64%: (after they’ve already had sex)

I was pulling out my phone to just text him that I was heading out when I finally spotted him. My heart split in two when I did. It wasn’t fair, the way my breath caught at the sight of him in a VIP booth with a woman straddling his lap. It wasn’t fair how my chest squeezed the life out of my lungs when I catalogued the scene: his hands on her ass, her hips grinding against him, his panty-melting smirk, her hands running the length of his chest as she rode him to the beat. They were both fully clothed, but it didn’t matter. I felt like I’d just walked in on him with his cock in her mouth. She was stunning — deep brown skin, a long, midnight braid falling down her slender back. She moved on him so seductively it was like the music lived within her, and Vince let his eyes crawl over her body as she did.

a sensible woman would be offended by this but her ass somehow finds it romantic
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,144 reviews34.8k followers
July 9, 2023
4 stars

I love hockey romance and I love all things Kandi Steiner, so I knew Meet Your Match was going to be a win… and it was! What a great start to the ‘Kings on Ice’ series.

Maven and Vince meet at an event and it is not love at first site. These two seem very different on the surface, from their upbringings, jobs etc, and the last thing Maven wants is to date an athlete, but when she gets assigned to follow Vince 24/7 for an exclusive for her blog, she gets to know him on a deeper level.

Vince Tanev is a hero you can’t help but love. He’s the rookie on his hockey team and is truly such a catch. Maven can’t stay away either, as much as she tries to fight it. Maven is an independent woman and has a lot of thoughts and opinions and I appreciated that she stood her ground, but she was a little stubborn about it. It took a while to wear her down, but once she truly got to know Vince she changed her tune.

This book was so fun and had the right amount of emotion and spice. Hockey, forced proximity, and he falls first with such good banter. This is one you don’t want to miss out on!
Profile Image for logan .
369 reviews3,048 followers
July 28, 2023
oooh this was so damn good 😩 he’s a pro hockey player, she’s a content creator who just got assigned to be with him 24/7 for one month. all access coverage to give the people what they want of hockey’s hottest rookie. he’s a playboy and determined to charm her, and she won’t even give him the time of day.

the forced proximity and tension were just excellent and their relationship development was perfect. maven and vince had such a genuine connection AND they were so hot 😮‍💨 this one was impossible to put down
Profile Image for Koisty.
269 reviews680 followers
January 5, 2024
2 Yellow Dress Stars ⭐
Spicy Level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5

I am so sad, disappointed, and unhappy. I wanted to believe that it would be a magical unicorn and promised so many good things, and it just delivered none of it. I was extra excited because this was breaking my Hockey Virginity, and like most delusional teenagers, I thought it would be this magical and wonderful experience. While starting uncomfortable since I was out of my comfort zone, I expected it to end enjoyable. Yeah, no... I got more of "the actual" reality where it was pretty much awful - the only bad thing is it didn't last 20 seconds.

This book follows Maven and Vince in a dual POV. Maven has the wonderful dream of being an influencer without really using the term "influencer" because she calls it some derivative of journalism, but it's essentially just an influencer/social media manager job. Her assignment is to follow this rookie in the NHL around and document his life to increase publicity for the team. Vince just basically wants to sleep with her...

I was "sold" enemies-to-lovers... there was NO enemies-to-lovers in this. This was instalust bordering on sexual harassment. She was there to do a job. She very much expressed her professional boundaries and that she didn't want this. Despite Vince "reading into her feelings" and thinking she wanted it, (even though she ultimately reciprocated in the end). Nine times out of ten, when a woman tells you she is trying to do her job and you keep forcing yourself into her space—leaning over her, trying to kiss her, and saying in her ear how much she wants you—that is NOT OK!

Now, I know I might sound hypocritical because I do read a lot of books where this type of behaviour is something that I enjoy, that is when I am reading Dark Romance. This was not a Dark Romance but contemporary. In my eyes, a contemporary romance like this is meant to be a close reflection of a real-life romance...There shouldn't be problematic content that as a reader we accept but wouldn't in reality like I do with my Dark Romances. So that means THERE SHOULDN'T BE ANY RED FLAGS AND SEXUAL HARRASSMENT!

Maven is a pretty boring character, and I didn't really feel like I fully understood her or her actions. She annoyed me, behaving like a child. Sure, she has this trauma of a broken heart from her previous relationship, which has impacted her ability to trust... BUT HAVE A CONVERSATION ABOUT IT. Go to therapy, talk it out. She kept judging Vince for this perception she has created of him, yet was hurt when her ex dumped her based on his family's perception of her. OPEN UP and have an adult conversation and stop holding someone to a standard and expectation that is not him. He is not the same person, and while there might be similarities, TALK TO THE DUDE... All the drama could have been avoided - BUT I GUESS there just had to be the mopey third-act breakup where she was just an emotional, tear-filled puddle on her friend's couch because else we wouldn't have the "emotional reconciliation".

Vince was the more likeable of the two characters and, you know, the whole rant about sexual harassment...did I really like him? Overall, what bothered me a little bit about his character was the beginning set him up to be "not like the guys of his stereotype". You know the one Maven judged him for being... the playboy, party boy, wild-crazy womaniser. But he was shown to care about underprivileged people and was helpful all behind the scenes and under wraps. BUT we only saw this in the beginning, Once he started banging Maven that entire personality just flew out the window and was almost left dangling. It was told about it, shown a brief glimpse, and now we just suppose it's his entire personality, but you never see it again.

Overall, Vince and Maven's characters felt very weak and very stereotypical and did not feel that deep to me. So I couldn't really connect with them emotionally.

I'm not going to say that I didn't like this because it was a hockey romance. As that was the one thing that I did enjoy about the book. The sport was described quite well and having never seen a Hockey Match being able to envision the games and the vibes of the stadium, this was done well. No, it was more that it was just another stereotypical, generalised contemporary romance.

I had a big problem with the smut too. Most of the scenes were all from Vince's POV, which frustrated me because being "stereotypical" his mind is just dirty talk and thoughts to make it a little bit more spicy and how he feels powerful being able to slightly dominate over her. That Alpha mentality irritated me. I wanted to see her vulnerability and how she was feeling that he was giving her a mindblowing orgasm. I don't just want to be told she is having one.

Then there were aspects of this that I was like...you took inspo from porn didn't you? As that is NEVER going to happen in real life, and is not sexy. The first was the delusion of him being able to be ready almost instantaneously after the first time like a horny teenager because he is so attracted to her and she's so hot and sexy. The second is that when he is immediately horny again he can take her other hole virginity with no lubrication, but his previous "finish" leaking out and SHE CAN TAKE IT ALL THE WAY moaning happily.

Then the scene that killed me was the reenactment of Ghost... because Vince makes pottery (which at the start of the book she thought was hideous but now that she's seen his penis, they are beautiful and she loves watching his hands work). So they're sitting at the pottery wheel, and their hands are covered in clay. I used to do pottery, it is not a clean art. So she is in between his legs so obviously he decides to get frisky. He wipes his hands...DOESN'T WASH THEM and then decides to go all touchy-feely putting his hands in her mouth and inside her and her thoughts are "how she can still taste the earthiness of the clay on his fingers."
Are you asking for an infection? Are you asking for a sandy vagina and not the metaphorical version? That is not hygienic, that is not safe, that is not sexy!

There is a quote in this book
“Everything before you was black and white, a monochromatic existence. Now, it’s a kaleidoscope of colour. Dizzying and maddening and beautiful.
That quote is almost correct to describe the book as a Kaleidoscope. It's dizzying, maddening but instead of beautiful, if you look at it too long it will just make you nauseous.

The Tropes:
▶ Instalust described as Enemies to Lovers
▶ Forced Proximity
▶ Hockey Romance
▶ He Falls First
▶ Work Place Romance
▶ Hand Necklaces
▶ Steamy Hottub Scene
Profile Image for Sonia.
1,061 reviews1,417 followers
Shelved as 'not-for-me'
July 11, 2023
Meh. Read Rasa’s review. I’m not a fan of the MMC using other women (plural) to make the FMC jealous, especially strippers/girls sitting on his lap 🥴.
Not. For. Me.

Profile Image for jada.
224 reviews48 followers
July 8, 2023
I wanted to like this so bad 😭 reformed playboy where she doesn’t fall at his feet?? I was so excited!!!
Unfortunately it fell flat when Vince was shoving different girls in Maven’s face almost up to 70% of the book to make her jealous. HOW MATURE 🙄 I don’t get why authors do this with this trope especially! Make it make sense!! Like she already doesn’t trust you so show her she’s right in thinking that and get mad when she doesn’t like what she sees like WHAT!!!
She folded so fast at 70% too all because of some pretty words 🙄🙄 they’re finally exclusive but ONLY SEX!!! No feelings!!! At 70% are you fr?? 4 day breakup at 83%
90% they make up and he makes a joke
““But are you going to be okay not traveling with me? Do you trust me?” I swallowed. “As much as it freaks me out… yes.” “Good. I swear, I’ll keep it to two bunnies a trip. Maybe three. Just some good luck blowjobs before the game,”” SO FUNNY!!!!! I skimmed most of this tbh but didn’t even bother to skim the rest after they made up.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for glavreads.
395 reviews6,089 followers
July 7, 2023
4.5 stars, i am on my KNEES for vince

maven gets hired to be a part of this social media collective in tampa and one of her first assignments? spending an entire month, 24/7 with vince tanev, tampa's popular hockey rookie. this is basically her nightmare because she hates athletes ever since the last one she dated broke up with her because her family wasn't good enough for his. but, vince thinks maven is the hottest, smartest, sassiest thing since sliced bread and has no problem breaking all her walls down.

this is reverse grumpy sunshine with the hottest golden retriever hero, a little enemies with bennies, hate boinking, interrupting a date, i mean the list goes on.

such a fun read and MY GOD, when we got the spice was it spicy.

i just want a vince for myself. he was like, i've never really been in a relationship before so i just give you all my love and attention and care right?
Profile Image for Leticia (jerseygirlsbookshelf).
447 reviews247 followers
July 5, 2023
"What have you done to me?"
This sentence summarizes this book for me. Kandi Steiner decided to write a new series, a hockey one, and I’m there for it. Especially after Vince. Because, trust me, he is pretty irresistible!
If you’re looking for hot and insanely romantic, this book’s for you!

"The motherfucker had stalked me, and hadn’t even been the least bit ashamed. It was like he wanted me to know."
Vince, OMG Vince! Kandi writes some pretty perfect book boyfriends, and he’s one of them. I’m not sure, but he may have actually beaten Clay (IYKYK). Is he a rich, cocky playboy hockey player? That he is. Is he hot AF? That he is as well. But there are sides to this guy you don’t see when you look at him, and that’s where he got me.

"Still, she was a striking little brat, and something about the way she razzed me made me want to bend her over my knee and spank an apology right out of her sweet ass."
Ah, Maven. I love it when I can relate to the FMC. I love that she’s strong, and I understand that she doesn’t trust easily. However, I do feel like she sometimes goes a bit overboard with the rich/poor and athlete assumptions, but I have come to forgive her for that too.

"I’m not wearing your jersey," 
"Wanna bet?" 
"Only if you want to lose."

Vince and Maven meet at a fundraiser. He’s instantly intrigued, she instantly loathes him and all he represents—especially since she’s been burned in the past. However, she’s there to cover the event, and she has a job to do. She does it, but she still takes some jabs at him in the process. And that intrigues him even more.

"If only you had something better to do with this smart mouth of yours."
Things take a turn when she’s charged with following him 24/7 for a social media page. She has access to everything he does and who he is behind the scenes. Does she want it? Not really, but her career is taking off, so she has to do it. And she’s obviously not gonna fall for the guy.
Yeah. Maybe. Hmm.

​​"She liked it, when I took control of her like that, when I shut her up. Whether she’d ever admit it or not was another story entirely."
I live for tension and banter, and this one had a lot of it. The chemistry is insane from the start, and you either want to push them together or you want to steal Vince away (I was honestly torn between the two options). They're pigheaded and annoying to each other, and that was kind of perfect.

"What’s his last name?" 
"Just think I should know his last name before I wipe him from the face of the planet."

Maven clearly has issues to overcome, the main one being that Vince is a lot more than she gives him credit for. She’s been burned by another athlete, but Vince is a hard worker, someone who gives it all he has because he wants to be worth it.
Does she see it? Well… it takes a while.

"Unlock that door. And then get on your fucking knees."
Do I need to mention the sexy times? If you’ve read Kandi before, you know how good she is at that. And damn it, that first night was SCORCHING. One word: anal. And yes, that is a fantasy of mine, I’m not ashamed to say it, and it was top-notch.
Also, you know that scene in the movie Ghost? Forget it. Vince and Maven do it so much better.

"You have me so fucked up, Maven. Every waking hour, every waking minute of my life is wrecked by thoughts of you."
There’s a lot of pushing and pulling. In fact, it makes up most of the book. Some people may consider the jealousy parts a bit immature, but I feel that it’s right for who they are—it’s very "them." While there are other fish in the sea, they pale in comparison, and sometimes you need to be shown exactly that.
And possessive Vince is great, but possessive Maven is pretty awesome too.

"Do you feel me holding on tighter every time you’re in my arms? Do you feel time slipping away too fast when we’re together? Do you feel my heart fucking breaking at the thought of losing you?
He falls first, and that alone makes me love him forever. He’s also very honest in his interactions with her, and he knows what he wants from the start. I wanted to slap her a few times for being stubborn and not giving him a shot, but she needs to get there on her own.
He won’t back down, and he won’t give up, but neither will she. "Meet Your Match" is the perfect title for this book.

"This is how you’ve stained me. You’re everywhere."
Taking a leap of faith is hard when we’ve been dealt a rough hand in the past, but it’s worth it.
Because what we think will break us sometimes ends up putting us back together. 

P.S. I can’t wait for Daddy P’s story. Just saying!
Profile Image for Catherine Cowles.
Author 35 books20.9k followers
July 1, 2023
Delicious tension, banter, heat, and SPICE. Kandi Steiner is at the top of her game in Meet Your Match. Get ready hockey romance fans, because this is going to be your new favorite read!
Profile Image for Katie Beasley.
378 reviews28 followers
May 1, 2024
OMG yall VINCE! He has been on my radar for a minute (how could he not with this cover) so I decided to go ahead and start listening to the audio. The narrators were fantastic! This was just such a great read/listen. I could feel the tension between them from the jump. The buildup was pretty epic in this one. I didn't LOVE the idea of using other women to get Maven to make a move, but at the end of the day Vince would come back to her instead of making a mistake. I liked how they pushed each other. These are two characters from opposite sides of the track that actually have a lot in common. I liked the anxiety that Maven experienced because let's be honest- who hasn't had some of those thoughts running through their head. I liked how much Vince kept pushing in the best way. He wasn't taking no for an answer. I also liked that even though he was a playboy he at no point said he wasn't open for a relationship but more that he hadn't found the right person yet. I liked how he was just so much of himself around Maven.

Maven is so close to getting her dream job. She is a social media content journalist and wants to be able to bring awareness to the people that need it in Tampa Bay. She just has to prove herself with her new bosses which starts with a gala for the hockey team. Where she meets none other than Vince Tanev aka Vince Cool. Gosh he just exudes wealthy and snobby. He definitely is only doing this as a PR stunt. Maven thinks she is moving closer to her goal when her bosses let her know that they have struck a deal with the hockey team for her to follow Vince around for a whole month. She has to be with him 24/7. The same guy that pissed her off at the gala. The same one who reminds her of her ex so much. Until he doesnt. Because somehow the community actually knows him. He is kind to them. He has a mini art studio in his condo. He is completely himself around her without hiding anything. He shows her his pregame rituals. And MAN OH MAN is there chemistry. Which she is going to ignore. Until one night she can't. But he sets rules. She has to beg for him. That is the only way he will give in. Well he is going to have to wait for a while...or is he? Because it is becoming clearer and clearer that Maven has met her match in every way.

Vince finds himself immediately drawn to the woman with the yellow dress. He doesn't think he will ever forget that yellow dress. And he finds himself oddly excited that he gets to spend so much time with her. He finds her intriguing. She fits in with the team. She is down to earth when her walls are down. But for whatever reason she is fighting him. She is fighting this thing between them. He just has to prove to her that he isn't who she thinks he is. They could be together if she would give him a shot.

Favorite Parts:
- the park with Vince's friends
- the reenactment of Ghost scene at the wheel
- the gym at the stadium scene
- when Maven realizes she was wrong about Vince
- how Vince stands up for her

I really enjoyed this intro to a new "world." These characters and ALL of the characters were just fantastic. I am wondering if Livie will get a book? I heard that book 4 is Aleks and then Carter and Coach. Maybe Livie and Coach?? I am here for whatever journey Kandi takes us on. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did!!
Profile Image for Maya.
223 reviews300 followers
July 17, 2023
I loved this book a SICKENING amount. Vince Tanev definitely earned his spot on my book boyfriends list 4 lyfe.

Something I really enjoyed about this story was the fact that Maven (FMC) was kind of a dick to Vince at the beginning, based on her own experiences and interpretations of wealthy people/athletes. She has strong walls up because of a past relationship in which SHE was judged, and I think navigating her relationship/dynamic with Vince really allowed her to heal from that.

Vince was nothing but caring, empathetic, and confident about how much he wanted Maven and I loved watching him become more and more possessive of her as the book progressed. He did so many little things for her that made a huge impact, like encouraging his teammates to make sure Maven always felt included and making her a plant room since she couldn't be at home.

Maven definitely took a hot minute to open up but her and Vince complete each other in a way that I find is not very common. Highly recommend this hocky bad boy!
Profile Image for Andrea 🍉.
485 reviews73 followers
July 10, 2023
3 ⭐ Finished it because of the tropes.

I'm going to be honest here, this one was painful for me to get through. The relationship itself is so extremely toxic and manipulative that it took away from the romance. There's banter, and then there's whatever this was. Which I am, apparently, not a fan of.

There's multiple instances where the mmc either just happens to be or actively uses other women (physically) to make the fmc jealous, and that's just an absolute no for me. There was no romantic interest with any of the ow, not even a conversation. They were just props for his f*cked up games. Nope. Gross, gross, gross.

I'm not saying Vince and Maven here weren't made for each other - she was just as toxic. Maybe not as outwardly as he was, but one thing that I can't and won't ever be ok with are books that depict women saying an obvious NO to sexual/romantic advances and then that same woman blaming the guy for not being interested enough and 'fighting her on it'. I'm sorry, but what? Is he supposed to read your mind, then? This brings up so many issues with consent, and it's exactly what people need to stere clear of: if you're not mature enough to ask for it, you don't get to have it. If you want something, be outspoken and stop playing mind games! I just could get over how juvenile Maven was throughout her relationship with Vince. I'm not saying I don't understand the weird PTSD that comes after a failed relationship, especially one where there were promises for the future involved, but come the f*ck on. The resolve of the third act break-up was extremely anticlimactic and weird, even if we do get a HFN ending.

I think there were some green flags sprinkled among all the red ones that helped me actually push through and finish this without absolutely hating it:

💚 It's a hockey romance - because of course... Need I say more.
💚 Reverse Age Gap - HE'S YOUNGER THAN HER! One of my fave tropes ever.
💚 Their respective families - I loved both! Idk if I'll read Grace's book or not, but she was fun in this one.
💚 Anti-capitalist rants! - the book starts with Mave basically dragging capitalism and defending socialism to the generational wealth, hot-shot pro-athlete mmc and it's a great time. (His answers less so, though).
💚 Livia! - I love having girl bffs that will be there through anything. And Livvy was unapologetically amazing. If we get a book for her, I'll definitely read that one!

Overall, I personally don't think this book can compete with the Red Zone Rivals Series -which is my preferred Kandi Steiner fix-, but for people that enjoy darker romances I'm sure the amount of red flags and manipulation will be nothing compare to what they usually read... so maybe this one's for them!

⭐⭐⭐ / 5
🌶️🌶️🌶️ / 5
Profile Image for Rose.
423 reviews1,117 followers
July 18, 2023
4.75⭐️ I LOVED THIS BOOK!!! — rtc <3
Profile Image for candace mai | candacereads.
431 reviews161 followers
July 27, 2023
I can already tell this series is going to be my new obsession!


enemies with benefits lovers
Reverse grumpy sunshine
Golden retriever hero
workplace romance
sport romance
forced proximity

From the moment Maven and Vince met, it was hate at first sight, and I knew these two would deliver the enemies-to-lovers angst I was craving.

The last thing Maven wants in her life is to be around an athlete, especially one as cocky as Vince Tanev (tampa's popular hockey rookie), but when she gets assigned to follow Vince 24/7 for a month for her job.

This assignment is Maven's literal nightmare as she has been avoiding athletes since her ex broke up with her because his family didn't think she was good enough for him.

Vince and Maven have chemistry right off the bat, but Maven is doing everything in her power to ignore how she is feeling. Vince thinks that Maven is smart, sassy, and his dream girl haha. The sexual tension is off the charts!

When we get to the spice....OOOOOOF!!!!!! So HOT!

Also seeing Vince break down Maven's walls and show her who he is under the hockey surface level.

Add this to your TBR immediately!!!
Profile Image for Cheyenne (That Tall Book Girl).
250 reviews761 followers
July 13, 2023
3.5 stars ✨ ok I love all things Kandi but I just couldn’t with Maven. Everything she did got under my skin and I honestly don’t think she was good enough for Vince. Some of the things she said and did truly broke my heart for him - and he just took it. I couldn’t.

All I kept thinking was “I have so many single friends who would make you so happy Vince” 😂

But I can’t wait to see what Grace’s story looks like!
Profile Image for nikki rose.
674 reviews256 followers
April 20, 2024
If you're looking for a sports romance - specifically a hockey romance - with the reformed playboy trope, he falls first and harder and a MMC who has golden retriever vibes, then Meet Your Match is the book for you! The banter and tension between Maven and Vince was amazing (in the beginning) and I enjoyed reading their story. The thing that bugged me the most was when both characters acted immaturely or when there was a bit too much of push and pull (Vince, I'm looking atchu, you absolute manchild and POS). Apart from that, this book was an okay read - especially for those of you that enjoy anything and everything Kandi Steiner. With that being said, I am SUPER excited for the next book in this series...I have a feeling that I'm going to adore the couple in it hehe.

*Thank you to Valentine PR and Kandi Steiner for providing me with an ARC!

- OW drama (it bothered me, I won't lie. there's a scene where the H is sandwiched between two women, but it's before the H and h get tg but when the H is attracted to her/wants her. another scene that really pissed me off is after they have sex, he sees the h talking and laughing with his teammate, gets jealous and purposely gets an OW to grind on him so that the h finds them in that position. immature af. drop that man sis.)
- no cheating/sharing
- safe sex/no condoms
Profile Image for Jen ♥.
997 reviews304 followers
Shelved as 'not-for-me'
July 11, 2023
it is really rage-inducing when the mmc is petty and immature. most especially when he used other women to make the fmc jealous, just freaking great.
Profile Image for Victoria.
35 reviews7 followers
July 22, 2023
I didn’t feel any connection to these characters at all. I skimmed so much. It felt like they wasn’t even together.
Profile Image for brenna ౨ৎ.
406 reviews168 followers
September 3, 2023
I can tell that this series is going to be a lot of fun, and I can’t wait for Daddy P’s story. However, this one fell a little flat for me! I LOVED Vince with my whole heart (if you’re a Leo Hernandez girlie, you will too). Maven, on the other hand, was not my favorite!

One of the biggest tropes at play in the beginning of this book was the rich guy x poor girl trope. Maven grew up poor while Vince grew up with generational wealth and still has money now (obviously, given his profession). This distinction leads Maven to have a PLETHORA of negative assumptions about Vince, and she almost adopts a “holier than thou” attitude when it comes to community service and caring for others. Even after Vince proves that he does things simply because he is a good human, Maven does not want to trust him. Her trust issues are unmatched, to be honest.

Vince is my angel baby. Did I hate the scenes where he made Maven jealous? Yes (simply because I’m a sensitive gal), but that is my only complaint about this man.

Did I love every spicy scene? ABSOLUTELY. Did I think Vince was such a golden retriever with his pottery hobby and Maven’s gardening room? Yes, and I am obsessed.

I saw the potential with this book, and I did enjoy the plot! I fell in love with Vince and his teammates, but I truly disliked Maven. Until the end, I felt like I was getting whiplash from her!
Profile Image for madie dragoo.
463 reviews111 followers
July 13, 2023

thank you valentine pr and literary management for this arc! this book will release on july 7, 2023

i absolutely LOVED this book!! one thing about kandi steiner is that she NEVER MISSES. while leo hernandez is my #1 kandi steiner man, vince tanev is a very very close second. vince is a golden boy rookie who has an amazing and special relationship with his family, loves his kiln and clay kits, and is so grounded in his foundation. also the mouth on this man is absurd 😮‍💨. vince is full of surprises, from his generous heart, romantic tendencies, and just how playful he is. maven is sassy and strong. there were definitely some times within this book when i really didn’t like her character: i felt like she was really bratty at the beginning and i also felt like she let her insecurities rule her too much. while yes, i did find her relatable because she felt self doubt from her past relationship and in her career, i felt like she actions were not really fair to vince because she let one thing ruin everything for her and didn’t even attempt to see past that. regardless of that, it was refreshing to see her character overcome these challenges and because of how she overcame them, i found her character more likable. i also really loved all of the other key characters in this story. the teammates, the friends, the family members, and all the other things that made this book so fun. i cannot wait to see where the rest of this series will go!
i cannot recommend this book enough! if you are a sports romance lover, this should definitely be your next read!

“i found a home within the mayhem.”
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,746 reviews201 followers
July 5, 2023
Another fantastic book from Kandi Steiner!!

Kandi truly knows how to grab her readers and keep them glued to the pages from start to finish.

I absolutely love Vince and Maven in Meet Your Match. The banter between them is the best foreplay. The attraction and chemistry lights the pages on fire.

The blurb is all you need going into this story. You will love how these two navigate this new normal for them. The tension is off the charts and Kandi builds their story perfectly.

Meet Your Match is a great start to this series.
Profile Image for Noa.
484 reviews343 followers
August 27, 2023
"I wondered how I was going to survive a month up close and personal with the cockiest sonofabitch I'd ever met. And the hottest one too."

Vince Tanev.
Hockey's new playboy rookie.
Everyone wants a piece and him and I am the one that gets to capture it.
As in, being all day and night with him, following him around with a camera.
Can I handle this? Can I survive it?
I am not falling for his charms.
I cannot be hurt a second time.
I won't.

"This was my assignment, whether I liked it or not."

"I liked to push Maven's buttons. I wondered what would happen if I pushed all the right ones."

Vince Tanev is that cocky rich playboy hockey rookie. Or at least that is what Maven King is convinced of.
So what happens when she is assigned to do a 24/7 documentary on hockey's new player?
Well, she will do anything. Anything to not fall for him.
But Vince has different plans.

"The last thing I wanted was the attention of a rich, cocky athlete. I'd been there, done that - still had the scar to prove it."

Ok, I love Kandi Steiner and her Sports Romance. So when I heard she was writing a hockey romance?
Sign me up, order me a copy, don't talk to me for the whole day.

This was so cute and adorable!!

"Vince Tanev was far too easy to fall in love with. And I knew I wouldn't survive it if I did."

Maven King is a badass "free-spirited" influencer for an influencer group in Tampa. She is a badass!! She wants to give back and she loves doing that.
I wasn't %100 sold on her in the beginning but by the end I loved her!!
She has some scars which prevents her from trusting Vince. And honestly golf is a boring sport anyway.
I mean they all look like posh pricks who cheat on their girlfriends all the time. I don't know why but that is the image I always have in my head when I see someone playing golf… Anyway yeah (except for Tom Holland. He is the exception in this case.)

"I didn't like the thought of him getting out of where I'd placed him in my mind."

Then we have Vince Tarnev.
He is more than meets the eye that's for sure. Maven only sees him as the cocky hockey player but he shows her a new view entirely.

"What’s your nickname?
Mr. King
Because when we get married, I already know you're too independent to take my last name, so I guess I'll have to take yours."

"Because if there was anything I loved more than fucking Maven King, it was proving her wrong."

And go off!! We love a man who works with his hands and has a pottery barn in his house!!
He is will do anything to win at hockey, so why should it be any different with Maven?

And don't worry the mouth on Vince is 🥵🥵🥵

Here are a few examples, because why not:

"You can call me whatever you want. Just make sure you like the name you pick. I have a feeling you'll be saying it a lot. Maybe in different decibels, too. Might want to try screaming it loud and high-pitched, just to make sure it feels right."

"You don’t want me to haul this sweet ass over my shoulder and carry you inside, to pin you against my window, hike this skirt up over your hips, and fuck you for the whole city to watch?"

"Put these on, and walk home with my cum dripping out of you. I want you to feel a reminder of what just happened with every fucking step."

"This isn't who I am, but it's who you make me because I'm fucking crazy for you."

"I love that face, by the way. The one you make when you realize you've met your match."


🧡 Hockey Romance
🧡 Enemies to Lovers
🧡 Opposites Attract
🧡 Workplace Romance
🧡 Forced Proximity
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,225 reviews13.5k followers
July 11, 2023
It took me a hot minute to really get into the story, but once it hit, I was all in!! I consider this to be my first Kandi book besides The Christmas Blanket. Maven and Vince had the SAUCE!! The narrator for Maven made me swoon because her voice had the perfect rasp and was sultry sounding without trying to. Perfection!! This was a forced proximity situation as Maven had to basically follow Vince everywhere for the teams social media page. Oh, right. Did I mention this was a hockey romance. I haven’t read many of those, but I loved it!! I can’t wait for Kandi to continue on with the series. I’m invested in all the other characters in this story!!

This book had copious amounts of spice and as* play scenes that will make your toes curl.
Profile Image for Wobilba.
660 reviews93 followers
July 15, 2023
It did not get better. Also that cover is just ugly and unsexy


The FMC is one of the most annoying, judgmental, snobby character I have ever read about. Her I’m-better-than-everyone attitude is really grating on my nerves. Soldiering through…maybe it’ll get better🤞🏾
Profile Image for maura delaney.
429 reviews82 followers
July 8, 2023
love a new kandi steiner book <3

maven was a bit much for me but VINCE saved it

spice level was off the charts but i wanted more of a connection between the two of them. will absolutely be reading the next in the series and really anything kandi writes.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,387 reviews

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