KungFu Helper

toilet tiles cleaner

10 House Cleaning Tasks That Part-Time Helpers Can Assist With

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In Singapore, life is fast-paced. The pressure of modern life is heavy for many homeowners who have to work for long hours, bring up children, maintain social lives, and pursue personal hobbies. Finding the time to do household chores can be quite a challenge, especially when schedules are tight. The toll is both physical and mental when you know that the laundry is left undone, the dishes are left in the sink, and not to mention, the dust bunnies.

This is where dependable part-time helpers can help to take the load of keeping your homes clean and tidy off you. We will cover ten (10) favourite house cleaning and organising tasks that you can outsource to us.

#1: Vacuuming and Mopping Floors

Most homeowners do not have time for simple household tasks, such as vacuuming and mopping floors. Who would have time to clean tile grout or clean baseboards when you barely have the time to finish dinner before you are out of the door again, right?

Delegating these mundane tasks is not only about saving your personal time. It also gives you mental clarity. Part time helpers free your weekends from the back-breaking work of cleaning floors.

#2: Dusting Furniture and Decor,

Are you always dusting and re-dusting but notice that your furniture and knick-knacks still seem to collect dust fast? Large decor assortments, photo frames, and shelving units make dusting a particularly monotonous and unappreciated task.

Kungfu Helper’s cleaners are experts in the art of removing dust, using microfiber cloths and special dusters that capture dust and dirt particles more effectively than an ordinary feather duster would do. We clean the surfaces, under your personal items, and even inside your collectibles and make sure we remove all the dust and loose particles.

Sure, our helpers place back your decor into their usual places but with a little tweak of orderliness. Now, you can show off your collections to your friends without having to dust them every weekend.

#3: Cleaning Kitchens

Being one of the busiest rooms, if not the busiest, the kitchen is the place that gets dirty and messy in no time. The continuous activity such as cooking and cleaning makes the kitchen surfaces cluttered, the sinks full, and the utensils splattered. Cleaning the arrays of appliances, cabinets, and drawers properly is a big task, and it is!

Our Singapore part time helpers are specialists when it comes to restoring order and cleanliness to chaotic, messy kitchens. We clean inside appliances, behind and under them. To tell you, we don’t leave any dirt-catching corners. Counters and backsplashes would be totally wiped clean, washed, and disinfected. Want your sinks and taps to sparkle? And grout in the floor tiles be cleaned thoroughly? Leave it to the capable hands of pros.

You can cook and eat without the cleanup marathon that is always waiting.

#4: Scrubbing Bathrooms

The bathroom is also one of the highly used rooms in a house. They need regular scrubbing for you to get rid of the dirt, dust, and bacteria that have been lingering for a long time. The tiresome job of washing tiles, scouring toilets, and sanitising sinks and showers doesn’t end once you have done it. It is continuous.

Why not let professional cleaners do this? We clean the soap scum, kill the mould and mildew, remove mineral deposits, and sanitise the surfaces from top to bottom. On top of that, we have all the right tools required to clean the floors and surfaces, disinfectants, grout brushes, elbow grease, you name it.

Every tile, fixture, mirror, cabinet, floor, and corner in your bathroom will be attended to precisely so you see your bathroom’s shine, like it was when these things are new. Say goodbye to weekend marathons fighting dirty grout lines and rust stains because we will be the one to welcome and tackle them!

#5: Washing and Changing Linens

Not only do clean linens create a comfortable aura in the bedroom, but they also offer clean areas for sleeping and resting. It is probably now news to you, but the process of washing, drying, ironing, and changing sheets, pillowcases, and towels is tiring and takes time.

Linen services is a speciality of Kungfu Helper. We remove beddings, bring in new sheets, and expertly place blankets for the final touch. Towels, washcloths, and other linens are folded, organised, and restocked with the same care hotels employ.

Let our linen professionals at Kungfu Helper do this task. All we want is for you to snuggle into a bed that is professionally made after a long day.

#6: Light Interior Window and Mirror Cleaning

Clean windows and mirrors make small areas look larger and allow sunlight to penetrate the room. But in order to clean glass surfaces without the messy drips and streaks, one must have the necessary skill and apply proper techniques. But you might not want to take this extra step, so we can also take it from here.

Glass cleaning can be professionally done by our part time helpers. We wash the interior of your windows, mirrors, and other glass surfaces, making sure to relocate fragile decor items to get to all these glass areas.

You also get to have clean windows with no glare and clear reflections without the trouble of fetching ladders. Your glass will be perfectly polished without any effort from your side!

#7: Garbage Removal

No matter how much we try to practise the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle, garbage fills to the brim fast from the daily activities in your household. This stinky task of removing garbage will really appear to be never-ending. Odours would spread to the kitchens, bathrooms, and other living areas.

Kungfu Helper offers quick and comprehensive trash elimination by picking up the garbage from all bins in your house.

You don’t have to wrestle with overfilled, messy trash bags that may spill coffee grounds and who-know-what-else all over your floor if not properly handled. Our part time helpers take and stash away the rubbish, so that there is no chance for odours to seep into your home or for pests to infiltrate. Just show us where the bins are and consider this task officially done.

#8: Laundry and Ironing

A mountain of wrinkled clothes can end up taking up a lot of your valuable time, from sorting and treating stains to washing, drying, folding, and pressing. Tackling these chores could be very taxing, that is for sure, especially for busy families. The task of regularly washing and ironing everyday clothes and household linens could wear you out.

Why not let Kungfu Helper do it for you? We also do laundry services, from step one of stain treatment to the last, pressing linens, uniforms, and wrinkle-prone garments.

Don’t waste seemingly endless hours waiting for loads to complete! The laundry care process is completely managed by our part time helpers in Singapore, so you always have clean closets and neat linens to use. Say your parting words to the laundry pile panic on the eve of a hectic week or long family vacation.

#9: Organising Closets and Shelves

Disorderly closets and cluttered shelves are frequent, as you would expect in most homes. With the climate and clothing sizes changing, everything from your clothes to the linens is spread over every storage nook. Eventually, it’d be annoying to have to look for something you need every day.

So you might want to consider how great it can be with our help in storage and closet organisation. Your clothes are sorted, folded, and hung according to season, style, and colour (if you want). Also, we condense and consolidate your bulging shelves and even arrange the precious possessions you want on display. If you prefer, we also suggest custom storage solutions to use so that every square inch of your space is not wasted.

With us, you can now begin your days without stress. You would not need to search a cluttered closet or disorganised shelves for work clothes. Organised storage areas help minimise daily stress in small but significant ways. 

#10: Bedmaking

Making beds every morning can feel like a burden during a hectic work week. Wouldn’t it be nice to come home to a neat, tidy bedroom with welcoming, perfectly made beds?

Our part time helpers specialise in quick and proper bedmaking – straightening sheets, stacking blankets, and artfully arranging pillows to start and end each day right. With inviting bedrooms for you and your family after a long day, you’ll look forward to relaxing and unwinding in a peaceful, orderly space.


When desiring to maintain a house neat and clean, most people, particularly homeowners, ask, “How to clean a house properly?” The solution lies in regularly performing cleaning and upkeep tasks around the home. However, for a homeowner with a busy schedule, keeping up with all the necessary chores in such a diligent and timely manner may be challenging.

Don’t wait for the time when your house will require spring cleaning, contact Kungfu Helper now to set up cleaning sessions and routines and stick to them. When we are done with the job, you will be able to return to a clean and organised home that makes you feel relaxed and refreshed.