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WebMD Founder Matches Marketers With Consumers Who Have Health Concerns

Updated Jul 11, 2012, 07:52pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

TV talk-show host and medical guru Dr. Mehmet Oz saw a question pop up on his Dr. Oz blog recently: "What do sex and hunger have in common?" Pretty soon, Unilever or Walgreens might be able to answer that question.

The query is one of 115,000 Oz has received in the past two months as he prepares with Jeff Arnold, founder of the publicly traded medical diagnosis publication WebMD, to launch a social networking site dedicated to health. Named Sharecare, the Web project will roll out in early 2010 as an upgraded WebMD, matching readers' questions on topics such as diabetes, depression and chronic fatigue with answers from celebrity physicians and top medical centers.

The big difference between WebMD and Arnold's newest creation? Sharecare gives marketers a say in the content. "How do I prevent wrinkles?" a user may ask. Alongside answers from celeb doctors like Oz and Dr. Dean Ornish will be expert advice from big companies, most with health or beauty brands.

Unilever's skincare line Dove is the first brand to sign on with Sharecare's "pay-per-perspective" model, a fancy term for a sponsorship that allows companies to respond to users on the site. For around $3 million for a year-long deal, Dove will also have direct access to users who set up profile pages, similar to those seen on Facebook, and Sharecare will give it and other sponsors data about how long users are reading their answers and which ones they like best.

Drugstore chain Walgreens will be a potential sponsor of the site, giving voice to its regional pharmacists, who will weigh in on questions from neighborhood readers on sicknesses and prescription drugs.

What Arnold hopes to spur is an up-front advertising season for the online industry, bringing in big marketers from other consumer product brands and the pharmaceutical industry. The entrepreneur, who also created and sold two years ago for $250 million to Discovery Channel parent Discovery Communications , is betting against standard Web advertising as a sustainable business model.

As media continues to suffer from the scarcity of slashed marketing budgets, it's better to make marketers part of the discussion than to put them alongside it, says Arnold. WebMD, which has 20 million users a month and relies on ads, saw third-quarter revenue climb 15% to $111.6 million from the same period last year, though that increase was largely due to the company's merger last month with Elmwood Park, N.J.-based HLTH Corp.

Another revenue source? Book sales. Publishers Simon & Schuster, Harper Collins, Harmony Books and Random House are posting shopping cart links to best-sellers like Oz's and Michael Roizen's You: On a Diet. Books are posted next to questions and answers give readers options to buy related chapters for $3 or the entire book for around $25.

To build popularity, Sharecare is reaching out to a few investors--Oprah Winfrey's Harpo Productions and Sony Pictures Television, which works with regional TV affiliates that carry the Dr. Oz Show. Both companies will plug the site and encourage viewers to set up profiles and ask questions. Discovery Communications will provide video content provide access to Discovery's Health library. Physicians and nurses from big-wig medical centers the Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins Medicine and New York-Presbyterian Hospital also plan to participate, responding to readers and directing them to nearby affiliates.

In a market saturated with social networking sites and health publications, Sharecare's success is up for grabs. Arnold openly admits the deals he's striking with sponsors are fractions of what he once pulled in for WebMD. "Times have changed," he says, "But we think we're offering marketers a pretty big value proposition."

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