56independent/Vitra Suchovich

Musician, developer, and writer. Is learning flute and voice, and is studying a-levels. Values simplicty, readability, and modularity in code.

56independent's web presence index
Tech Stack

A special thanks to the following services and projects for making this website possible:

  • Your browser for rendering this website
  • Jquery and Bootstrap developers and their CDNs for making this website work
  • Gitlab for storing the website files
  • Netlify for hosting the website
  • Bitly for shortening the link (bit.ly/56inde)
  • VSCode, and its fork VSCodium for providing the work of art needed to write this code
  • ChatGPT for many code bits and debugging to ensure code velocity remains as high as possible
  • Workers for ensuring the physical part of the internet work
  • Other developers for making services and learning materials