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Japanese Business Etiquette Guide

Some of the questions asked most frequently by our clients have to do with etiquette and communication in Japanese business settings. Japanese are known for their politeness and for the intricacies of etiquette and protocol in their culture. It’s worth the effort to think ahead about how you will behave and speak in interactions with Japanese colleagues, and it will definitely send a good signal if you are thoughtful about some basic social customs.

That said, in Japan, making the effort counts almost as much as doing the job perfectly, so people will forgive you if you slip up here and there. The main thing is to do your best to put your colleagues at ease while remaining comfortable and natural yourself.

The following articles present some of the basics of etiquette when dealing with the Japanese, and are designed to help you feel more confident.

Japanese business etiquette training and seminars are a specialty of Japan Intercultural Consulting. Please contact us for more information on how we can help you prepare for successful interactions with Japanese clients, customers, and business partners.