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COP 15: Bullshitting

15 years
on Climate Change...

The Energy Mathematics

Climate change: Positive Solutions Series VCE 01B
By Sandip Sen & Katerina Voutsara
The Energy mathematics
This video presentation is adapted from
the first of our very popular Slide Share
presentations in the “Climate Change
positive solutions series” that crossed
14,000 views in 2009 .

.The presentation has been split in 2

parts A and B , part A the “Imelda Story
“and B more about the technical
aspects and “energy mathematics”.
COP 15: Bury wasteful
If COP 15 wants to achieve anything it must look
beyond Cap and Trade. Negative penalties can never
fund positive growth effectively. So Climate Change
must have a new Profit Plan for funding the clean
energy projects, irrespective of Carbon Permits. The
Governments must work out these plans with the
help of WB and IMF now.
Child needs
not cap and
Why ?
“Healthy planet needs
positive solutions not
cap and trade”

Why ?
Problem :
Critical grass root development
of clean energy delayed by 15 years: to
be funded by negative penalties?

Solution :
Climate change needs
Positive profit plans
carbon trading
fooling the people
for 15 years

Solution: Governments must apologize publicly for

using the U.N. the scientists, the administrators and
the consultants to delay clean energy investments for
15 years in the name of “cap and trade” and
endanger planet earth. For unless you develop
economically viable alternatives, how can you expect
the people to co-operate with energy
The solutions





Don’t waste resource… with

too many alternatives that
have no scalability
Governments must take responsibility for
funding them directly, through the WB or the
IMF by a Global “Sun, Wind & Rain Fund”
with a mix of Grants, Aids and Soft loans
Positive solutions
for climate change
Solutions like cap and trade will only increase
clean energy costs and delay implementation

15 years have been wasted now in endless

dialogues and wrangling on carbon cap

It’s time to move on.

Let us see what Carbon Trade
gives to the world today and its
future as a utility resource
Cap and Trade savings are
like the nicotine savings
A few Carbon Trading initiatives have started or are being
planned in the U.S. Australia and Europe. Among the first
movers were (10) ten American North Eastern and mid
Atlantic States that join hands to float a Regional Greenhouse
Gas Initiative RGGI the first effort to monetise Cap and Trade
program in the U.S. after 5 years of planning, in July 2008.

The New York Mercantile Ex-change, a

subsidiary of Nymex Holdings Inc. of New York,
and the Chicago Climate Exchange, owned by
Climate Exchange PLC of London, both launches
RGGI carbon futures contracts in August 2008
RGGI first Carbon auction

RGGI Sells 12.5 million carbon credits @

price of $ 3.07 per unit raising
$38.6 million in its first auction, the
money raised from carbon polluters,
mostly the fossil fuel power plants and
industries in Sept 2008 in the U.S.
RGGI second Carbon auction

RGGI Sells 31.6 million carbon credits

@price of $3.38 per unit raising
$107 million in auction money from carbon
polluters and financial traders in the
second auction of December 2008
RGGI third Carbon auction

RGGI Sells 33.3 million carbon credits

@price of $3.51 each raising
$117 million from the 3rd carbon
auction money in March 2009
RGGI fourth Carbon
RGGI Sells 30.8 million carbon
credits @price of $ 3.23 raising
$104 million in auction money
from carbon polluters and
financial traders in the fourth
auction of July 2009
RGGI annual proceeds from
Carbon auction

Total annual sale Carbon credits for ten

American states selling 110 million
carbon permits as of today is $366
million. Unlikely to go up much for the
region, as large polluting units are no
longer being installed.
Clean energy demand is much
higher than Carbon receipts

Is it enough to fund green energy needs

of the 10 states, when the cost of putting
up a 250 MW Photovoltaic Cell solar
rooftop power panel project is $875
million as per South California Edison
(SCE) Power
Carbon price will remain
moderate, else utilities & factories
will close down
Can the price of Carbon Credits stabilise
over the $ 20 / tonne mark ( the minimum
price required for sizable inflows to green
energy markets and will the funds find
their way to clean energy.)
Financial traders have already entered
the fray ensuring that Carbon credits
prices fall in the fourth quarter auctions.
Clean energy needs $ 200
billion annually

Clean energy positive plan needs a global

investment of $200 billion a year for the
next 10 years to make a dent on
environmental pollution and GHG.
Cap & Trade can never
fund such needs.
Others presentations to follow in
the climate change positive plan
“clean energy” series
CE 21…… onwards “Solutions in solar energy”

CE 41……. onwards “Solutions in rainforest plantation”

CE 61…….onwards “Solutions in wind energy”

CE 81…….onwards “The perils of carbon trade”

CE91……. onwards “ Cost reductions, volume growth and

positive solutions for clean energy and climate change initiatives
to make it a profit plan.”

Being uploaded at Slide Share from the last week of

August 09.
Data from UNFCCC, IPCC, RGGI, Google search,
Bloomberg and other internet resources.

To our Art director

Katerina Voutsara.

To Google photo library, flickr, and other websites

for images

For Queries : Sandip Sen
Our references
Economy to Ecology

Our goal is to help promote clean, safe and

better practices in economy and ecology
worldwide. Balanced, efficient and a little
more sustainable.

Amazon Kindle Blog : Ecothrust
This is the blog of the author,
an energy specialist and an
economic analyst.
Other Presentations by author

Climate Change Positive Solutions Series CE-81

Climate Change Positive Solutions Series CE- 82
Other presentations by author

Business Risk management Series

Business Risk Case Studies Ba31

Business Risk Case Studies Ba32

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