“The Philosophy of Furniture” — Edgar Allan Poe

“There is reason, it is said, in the roasting of eggs, and there is philosophy even in furniture — a philosophy nevertheless which seems to be more imperfectly understood by Americans than by any civilized nation upon the face of the earth.”

I started Roberto Bolaño’s faux-encyclopedia, Nazi Literature in the Americas last night. In the first section, Edelmira Thompson de Mendiluce creates a room based on Edgar Allan Poe’s essay “The Philosophy of Furniture.” I’d never read or even heard of that essay up until now, and, given Bolaño’s penchant for invention, I wondered for a moment if it even really existed. Edelmira recreates the room according Poe’s specifications and then writes Poe’s Room, her defining novel, in its rich confines. The essay exists outside of Bolaño, of course, as does the room–it’s part of the Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site.

3 thoughts on ““The Philosophy of Furniture” — Edgar Allan Poe”

  1. I have never heard of the “Philosophy Of Furniture” either until now, Is this a recreation of the room where Edgar Allan Poe spent many hours writing all of his great masterpieces?

    This room looks as though it would be very comfortable to sit in a read or write and the decor’ is a piece of art all in itself.


  2. I will not kill. Commit to this one thing for life. There is no reason to kill people in modern world. One doesn’t have to kill for food or resources. If a person can forgive, more so can God. It is not a sin not to kill. Spare a life and give hope of change. I will not kill. Commit to this one thing for life, that’s all there is to it.


  3. The Philosophy of Furniture was written by Poe in 1840 and is an article describing the room where his friend is sleeping. The room can be seen at the Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site which the author used to rent. The image here is of the Reading Room and it’s decorated according to his theories. It does indeed look like it would be a very comfortable room in which you could sit by your self and relax whilst getting some serious reading done.


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