Spammy Groups

From time to time, I’ll join a group. Group slots are pretty limited. Sometimes, a group will turn out to just be spammery. One such group is SLevolution. Today alone, I got roughly 10 notices of bands playing to raise funds for Haiti. Call me cold hearted, but after a while, it gets old.

As strongbad would say … DELETED.

This is one of the reasons why I prefer subscribe-o- matic RSS feeds. I’m not badgered with notices or in-world messages about events. Notices and instant messages also have an affect on your IM cap (15?), so you may not be able to get all of your offline messages due to spammy groups.

Another group like this was the relay for life groups. It seems that any group related to charity is going to be pretty heavy on group notices. It would be preferable if there was only one notice with a notecard of a schedule of events, and a landmark. There is also an event listing on this platform that you can use to attract the whole user- base, rather than targeting just your own group.

posted by Dedric Mauriac on Nowhereville using a blogHUD : [blogHUD permalink]

3 Responses to Spammy Groups

  1. Tayzia Abattoir says:

    Hello Dedric!

    Just wanted to let you know that we in fact do have a subscribe-o-matic group for Relay For Life of Second Life. I am pasting two urls here, do feel free to join!

  2. The new events board that Dwen Dooley unveiled at the first RFL of SL committee meeting of the year, and which will be rolling out soon, will also make life less spammy. You can get a sneak peek on our blog –>