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What To Watch In 2010: Social TV

Updated Jun 19, 2013, 04:52pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

The Web is changing before our eyes. Traffic to almost every major media and portal site has been in a free-fall since September 2008, according to Nicholas Moerman, a planning intern with Proximity in London. This begs the question: If we are spending more time on the Web, not less, just where did our attention go? The answer is, unsurprisingly, social networking sites. According to Moerman's analysis, they buck the trend.

Social networking is on a tear. Other than Google, few sites loom larger today in brokering traffic and attention flows than Twitter and Facebook. The New York Times reported recently that Twitter will soon become one of its top 10 traffic drivers. Facebook alone grabs 25% of the entire Web's page views, according to an analysis by Perry Drake of Drake Direct.

To date, however, social networking has largely remained a two-foot experience. We engage using our PCs or, increasingly, via mobile devices. This, as a result, means that social networking has largely siphoned time and attention away from other online media, while leaving TV relatively unscathed. That's all about to change.

A race is underway to turn social networking into an engaging 10-foot experience--one that we interact with via TVs. The technology has been in place for years. However, the price of Internet-connected HDTVs was, until recently, out of reach for most. No longer. High-definition TVs were among the top sellers on Black Friday, according to ShopperTrak RCT Corp. And just in time, the major social networks are racing to make the entire experience more interactive via number of channels--not just cable TV, but gaming consoles too.

Television inherently has been a social experience for decades, dominating water cooler conversations worldwide. But as social networking enters the living room via embedded Twitter and Facebook streams and more, some observers see it changing the live experience, which has largely remained passive. This potentially could shake up the millions of dollars spent on TV advertising, while ushering in new ways to reach both women and men.

Robert Tercek, president of digital media for OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network, a joint venture between Discovery Communications and Oprah Winfrey launching January 2011, sees social networking immediately adding value to the traditional viewing experience--with women leading the way. He believes that now is the time to act, with a flood of applications and widgets that connect directly to the Web from TVs.

"Female audiences can create conversations in and around TV shows with friends who are geographically dispersed. Imagine the possibilities: a viewer of a show might discover that a professional acquaintance has a common TV interest; two old college classmates can reconnect around a shared TV interest; relatives living in different cities can bond around a favorite show," explains Tercek.

OWN is betting that the hundreds of thousands of viewers that have participated in Oprah’s Webcasts will partake in other social experiences. And that social TV, more so than the Web, "could provide the right vehicle for advertisers who want to combine the reach and audio-visual power of television with the engagement and two-way dialogue offered by social media," said Tercek. "Conversations around quality content will be more likely to conform to the expectations of brand advertisers."

Young men, meanwhile, maybe ahead of the game--literally. Millions of young men abandoned TV long ago in favor of gaming consoles. XBox Live, a social network onto itself, has over eight million male subscribers ages 18-34. They are also very social, adding 20 million new friends a month. (Disclosure: XBox's PR is handled by Edelman, my employer.)

Until recently, however, XBox Live was--to some degree--a walled garden. Last month that changed as an update to the platform began pulling in users' Facebook and Twitter streams. Already, it's a hit. Microsoft last month said more than 2 million Xbox Live users logged into Facebook and a million created accounts within the first 24 hours of the software update's availability.

Mark Kroese, general manager in the advertising business group of Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices Division, believes that Oprah's departure from network TV is a sign of the times.

"The lines between television, video and gaming are beginning to blur," wrote Kroese on Microsoft's blog. "When the entertainment history books are written, and the long, inexorable decline of The Big Four (networks) is a well-documented Harvard Business School case, I think we're going to look at the creation of OWN as the tipping point. And I predict 2010 will be the year that most major brand advertisers shift substantial portions of their budgets toward more targeted, measurable, engaging and accountable mediums."

Time and attention are finite resources. Just as social networking reshaped the online landscape the same may be in store for television--all while making it more social. This is one trend that could unfold rapidly depending on consumer uptake. However, the early signs so far show that 2010 is the year that social networking becomes a more ubiquitous experience that spans across all three screens. Whether it will reshape the TV attention flows the way it did with online media remains to be seen. Stay tuned.

Steve Rubel is SVP, director of insights for Edelman Digital, a division of Edelman, the world's largest independent PR firm. He is charged with helping clients identify emerging technologies and trends that can be applied in marketing communications programs. He also explores these topics on his lifestream site--at