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Journalism's Hottest Job

Updated Jul 11, 2012, 07:51pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Amid the bankruptcies, layoffs and budget cuts in journalism, one beat has prevailed. Behold the rise of the social media director.

About 200 social media directors now exist at newspapers, book publishers, magazines and television news stations. Most have taken on their positions in the last two years. Rarely offline, their job is to tweet, ping, blog and friend-find throughout the day, building and interacting with new audiences, promoting media brands and sometimes breaking news.

It's a tweetfest out there thanks to SMDs like Woody Lewis, a former rock musician and investment banker. Having advised 15 news organizations on how to craft social media strategies, Lewis is co-developing social media platforms for independent publisher Chronicle Books and authors a blog, "Save the Papers," which debates how broadsheets can use social media to survive. How? First, by rethinking content. He calls news a "legacy process that is becoming a social phenomenon."

Newspapers have been rushing to unbundle their product, allowing news to alight on Twitter, for example. That's one way to protect a scoop. Last summer, when Brett Favre, the future Hall of Fame NFL quarterback, was signed by the Minnesota Vikings, Minneapolis TV station WCCO tweeted the story before it appeared on its Web site, scooping itself. Earlier this year a reporter at the Wichita Eagle convinced a judge to allow him to cover a racketeering trial using Twitter. "There is a velocity to this content," says Lewis. "Tweets are the gold standard of scoops. A growing number of newspapers are turning their entire mastheads over to Twitter."

Perhaps so, but should they? Twitter has been around for three years, and with a U.S. audience of 19.2 million as of October, according to ComScore, it seems no closer to mining its torrent of tweets for revenue than the SMDs who use it. Most newspaper RSS feeds don't carry ads; neither do posts that break news. Lynn D. Johnson, senior vice president for social media at the Advertising Research Foundation, says news organizations aren't earning "anything significant" from social media. She speaks from experience: Soon after Twitter launched, Fast Company hired Johnson to set up a blog network for the magazine. She did, but they produced little in the way of monetizable content. "Our sales team didn't know how to fully position this," she says.

Hiring an SMD is a marketing crap shoot. It's been likened to the risk model of venture capital, where only a handful of start-ups succeed in a sea of failures. For some media outfits, it's understood that SMDs are there simply to create conversational marketing--building communities around products. Lewis' social media team at Chronicle Books tweets opportunities to meet authors and alerts users how their latest titles are relevant to the news.

That's not unlike the postings of Comcast social media guru Frank Eliason. Eliason began as a customer service manager at the company two years ago. Now he's "director of digital care" and posts under the Twitter handle, "ComcastCares." The company mashes up marketing, PR and customer relations functions across platforms like MySpace, Fancast, Facebook, Plaxo, FriendFeed and YouTube. Eliason doesn't make big money for the company, but his social media pages reach 250 customers a day.

Maybe it's time marketers stop hyping social media as a newsroom moneymaker and admit it's just a great conversation starter. As Lewis puts it: "Whether news organizations believe in its potential to make money or not, they see the train leaving the station and don't want to get left behind. They know that social media is where users want to be."