Adversity brings out the best in human beings. We each face adversity in our own ways, but the people who are ultimately successful in their endeavors are often those who find ways to create opportunities out of their adversity. No matter how difficult your situation seems to be, you can overcome it. The challenges you face today can be the strength you draw from tomorrow.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Coming to Terms with Adversity

  1. Depending on what type of adversity you experience, it may take some time to accept that it's a part of your life that may change how you define yourself. The first step to creating an opportunity out of your adversity is appreciating your new limitations and accepting yourself as you are.[1]
    • Try not to think about things in terms of what's “fair.” While your situation may feel as though it wasn't fair, ruminating on the issue will not help you move forward.
    • You may want to consider seeing a counselor or therapist to help you deal with strong emotions tied to your adversity.
  2. Whether you have been severely injured, are struggling with depression, or are dealing with any other kind of adversity, your experiences will change how you see the world around you. Take advantage of that by looking for something productive you can do with your newly gained perspective.[2]
    • You may want to start a support group for other people that have had similar experiences to your own.
    • You may have a better understanding of the struggles experienced by others as a result of your own. Use that understanding to change how you interact with people and encourage others to do the same.
  3. While embroiled in the emotion of adversity, it's easy to feel as though you've failed. Break that state of mind by recognizing that suffering adversity is often just a part of life. Don't say, “it's all over,” instead look at your situation and say, “now I know a bit more about what success will take.”[3]
    • Be proactive in identifying and addressing issues that are within your control to help ensure you don't run into the same problems again in the future.
    • Tell yourself that adversity is the mid-point and not the end. It's important that you maintain a positive attitude.
  4. With a positive mindset and an understanding of where you went wrong and how you can address those issues, focus on your next steps and what you can do to help you accomplish your goals. Keeping your goals in mind can help you overcome adversity and embrace the lessons it teaches you.[4]
    • Engage and resolve each issue you identified to the best of your ability.
    • Keep your mind on your ultimate goal, but celebrate each individual accomplishment along your way.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Finding a New Direction in Life

  1. Whatever your issue may be, chances are good that you'll come to a point where you feel like there's nothing left that you can do. Whether you're looking for a new job, going through a tough breakup, or struggling to accept a new way of life, it's perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed and not be sure what to do next. When this happens, ask friends or family for their input.[5]
    • Your friends and family care about you. They can help you to see the positive side of your experiences and where you can go from here.
    • Try to engage their suggestions actively. Once you know what direction you want to go in, you can begin taking steps to improve your life, and possibly even the lives of others.
  2. The difference between a person that can handle anything and a person that can't is often that one has already been through quite a bit. Adversity, bad as it may feel, can make you a better, stronger, more well-rounded person. Each obstacle you overcome is another skill you have developed. That knowledge can help you and sharing those experiences can be helpful for others.[6]
    • Adversity can lead to valuable problem solving skills and increased emotional intelligence. The difficulties you face today will be strengths you can draw from tomorrow.
    • Learn lessons from your struggles so you don't repeat them. The next time you find yourself in a difficult situation, you can be the person that says, “don't worry, I know exactly what to do.”
  3. Despite how difficult things may have been for you, you survived. Your story and experiences may help others that are in similar situations. You may be able to offer advice, or you may be able to provide people with an understanding that they aren't alone in their struggles. Empower yourself by using your own challenges as a tool to help others.
    • Share your story on social media or seek public forums to discuss your experiences.
    • Attend support group meetings to provide support for others and seek support in your times of need.
  4. The knowledge you have gained through your experiences can be extremely beneficial to others that are struggling, and you may find that you enjoy speaking to people about challenges and how to overcome them. You may be able to pursue a career in public speaking or you may want to look into becoming a counselor yourself.[7]
    • Your experiences can help you empathize with other's struggles. Knowing what someone is going through can make you an extremely effective counselor.
    • Speaking publicly about disabilities, struggles with addiction or depression or overcoming other significant adversity can be an inspiration to many people as well as a lucrative career path.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Changing Your Own Idea of Adversity

  1. History is ripe with characters that faced incredible odds and emerged victorious as a result. Seek out stories that motivate you and allow them to shift your perception of adversity. None of those stories end with “when the going got tough,” that's always when the story is just beginning.[8]
    • Helen Keller accomplished a great deal despite being deaf and blind. She went on to stand up for women's rights as a shining example of what a woman can accomplish in the face adversity.
    • Winston Churchill's focus on overcoming his stutter led him to becoming one of the most eloquent and successful public speakers and politicians of the twentieth century.
    • Use the inspiration you gain from others' stories to begin your own. The adversity you experience today could be what leads you to your greatest successes tomorrow.
  2. While it's important to identify and improve upon your weaknesses during times of adversity, don't lose sight of your strengths. When you identify the handful of issues you need to resolve, take a moment to think of all the things you don't have to work on because you've already learned how to handle them.
    • Although it may be easy to focus on the negative sides of adversity, place some focus on the things you've already accomplished and the skills you have that got you here.
    • Remind yourself that you are really good at things, and that others value you for those abilities.
  3. When you experience adversity, the frustration can be stifling. Don't allow yourself to crumble under the pressure, and instead envision the cloud of adversity as an opponent that's struggling to see you fail. Embrace the challenge and go after your opponent.
    • Take on a competitive mindset and look at the adversity you are experiencing as a challenge meant to be overcome.
    • Look at what you're going through like a sporting event. Adversity rears its head halfway through the game, but you've still got a lot of time left to overcome it.
  4. You may find that adversity is hardest to overcome when addressing it directly. Just thinking about it may stress you out and make it more difficult to be productive. Instead of focusing on the challenges ahead, just keep plugging away at what you need to do right now and give yourself something to look forward to in the mean time.[9]
    • Make plans for the weekend that you'll enjoy doing. Keep working through your problems today while you look forward to getting to your plans at the end of the week.
    • Try giving yourself things to look forward to in the shorter term as well. Plan to have a delicious lunch, or to watch a movie you love after school or work.
    • Soon, you may find that you've already worked through most of your problems in short intervals.

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About this article

Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS
Co-authored by:
Professional Counselor
This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS. Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. She provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011. This article has been viewed 19,874 times.
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Co-authors: 10
Updated: September 6, 2019
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