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Motivational Monday: The Last Lecture

A common assignment that High School teachers & College Professors give is to write a paper or give a speech as if it were your last one on earth. What would you say?

It causes us to examine our current day-to-day living and activities at a deeper level.

It forces you to dissect your moment to moment thoughts and actions.

On my desk, I have two index cards taped above my monitor. One says “Is THIS bringing me closer to my financial and LIFESTYLE goals?” I glance at it throughout the day, and it's my way to make sure that I'm spending my “Computer Butt” time wisely.

If you've ever heard me talk on a podcast or teleseminar about goals – you know I'm very adamant about setting lifestyle goals along with your financial and business goals.  Of the two, the lifestyle goals are much much more important in my humble opinion.

I can't imagine laying on my deathbed counting the pennies that I've earned like Ebeneezer Scrooge. I know that I will be counting the memories with my kiddos, my wonderful husband, my family & friends, and my amazing mother.

On that note, Professor Randy Pausch was asked to give a “Last Lecture” speech at Carnegie Mellon. You may have heard of it, because it was, in fact, his last lecture. He had pancreatic cancer and was given 3-6 months to live prior to writing the speech. So, his last lecture speech caught the attention of many.

Here's a quick recap for those who are in a hurry.

If you have time for the entire video, here it is:

While it may be depressing (and it is) to think about, whether you watch it or not, I hope you'll think about your last lecture and your last moments on earth and make sure that your actions today are bringing you towards your financial goals, but — also making wonderful memories.


PS. Mom, thanks for our chat last night and for the years of quiet memories behind closed doors where no one could see but you and me. Love you!

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Lisa Marie Mary

    I love Randy’s talk so much! I keep it marked on the homepage of my site so that I can go right to it at any time – right at the spot that is my very favorite!

    Great motivation Monday, Nicole!!

  • The Mom

    ahhh… thank you, Honey. I don’t know what else to say, but thanks.

  • Paul

    Thanks for the video. This is very thought provoking and reminds us to step back from the fray from time to time and re-evaluate what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. Good post. Thanks.

  • Arika

    I loved this Nicole. Thank you!

    I’ve decided “I’m a Tigger!”

  • Valerie

    Thanks for a great post. I am a big fan of Randy Pausch and think of him and his message often. It’s funny that I stumbled on this post tonight. At my day job today we had a guest speaker from a local organization called Let There Be Mom. It’s a nonprofit organization for moms with a terminal illness. They help a mom who knows she’s dying create a legacy for their children. It gave me real food for thought today on what I would want my children to remember about me if I was in that position.

  • Helen Calder

    This is an awesome message, thanks for including it, Nicole. Very pertinent for me as I prepare to share with a family that is facing something similar right now.

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