
News & insights for purpose-driven organizations

Board Members Can Be Our Best Communicators!

In today’s world, everyone is a communicator. This is especially true in mission-driven organizations. Your best spokespeople are those prepared to carry your mission and vision forward – from your CEO to your program staff and even your board members.
Board members have the potential to be your best cheerleaders and powerful ambassadors for your cause. For example, there are many opportunities for board members to introduce your cause to new audiences, particularly through their own professional and personal networks. That’s great news for you, since their genuine passion for your cause means they can already speak from the heart. But in order to really maximize the potential value of each of these conversations, a little communications planning can go a long way.
Get to know your board members’ individual communication strengths. Learn how you can work together to leverage their involvement with your organization’s mission. Then, provide your board members with the tools and resources they need to be successful and comfortable in their role as ambassador. This includes creating a plan for how you’d like them to support your communications efforts.
Ready to learn more? We showcase three simple steps you can take to turn your board members into ambassadors in this fun Bite-Size Course.

Watch the video and download the free worksheet to get started. 


About Cause Communications

Cause Communications is dedicated to helping purpose-driven organizations use communications to create positive social change. We strengthen the impact of foundations, nonprofits, socially conscious businesses, and the public sector – having provided consulting, tools, and training to more than 20,000 organizations in more than 25 countries. For additional information, visit We welcome your questions, ideas, contributions, and feedback.

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