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Wednesday, September 6th: National Day of Action to #DefundHate & Protect DREAMers
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Wednesday, September 6th

National Day of Action to #DefundHate & Protect DREAMers

When Congress gets back to D.C., we want them to hear loud and clear that they need to protect DREAMers and defund the detention and deportation machine. Take action with UWD, DWN, CWS, and SBCC in DC, around the country, and on the phone:

Action in Washington, D.C.

This administration is operating in full force on an anti-immigrant agenda that includes terminating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, placing DREAMers in imminent danger, and requesting billions of dollars to terrorize immigrant communities with increased detentions and deportations. In response to these egregious attacks on immigrant youth and their families, thousands of immigrant youth and allies are taking to the streets from September 5-8 and holding sustained actions in the nation’s capital to demand the Trump administration protect the DACA program.

From September 5th-September 8th, United We Dream (UWD) and the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) are organizing a hunger fast in Washington, DC to stand in solidarity with DACAmented community members and #defendDACA. DACA recipients will begin a hunger fast on September 5th, the deadline the Texas Attorney General and others have imposed on Trump to cancel DACA or face a lawsuit. It will last throughout the week. Click here to join an action in solidarity to support DACA and TPS. If you are in DC RSVP here for action on September 5th.

Faith leaders: We invite you to host solidarity vigils around the country. Click here for a faith vigil toolkit to learn how to host an interfaith vigil and sample media resources to amplify its coverage! For more resources, click here for a DACA mini faith toolkit. You can also connect with local undocumented youth organizations and immigrants rights groups.

Join us as we take over Washington in the name of protecting immigrants and people of color. Sign up at for updates and more information. Be sure to check out 5 ways you can take action to stand with DREAMers!

Echo Events Across the Country

As members of Congress head back to D.C., the opportunity to pressure them, and escalate that pressure, back home remains. Echo actions are being planned in several states--including CA, MO, NJ, and WA, among others--to remind Congress that their constituents will still hold them accountable long-distance.

Consider a press conference or rally outside the office of your Member of Congress. Think of whether or not there is some kind of “going away present” that you can give them to symbolically communicate their constituents’ values and expectations--to demand that they both protect DACA and defund the detention and deportation machine.

If you want support planning your action, feel free to reach out to Danny Cendejas at DWN at You can find a sample media advisory and press release here.

Action details will be listed here and at as they’re finalized.

National Call-In Day & Social Media Day of Action

On Wednesday, September 6th, join CWS, DWN, UWD and SBCC in urging your networks to see that Congress hears loud and clear, as soon as they’re back in DC, that they need to cut funding for deportation, detention and border militarization. See the draft alert below and feel free to modify for your networks. For more information, go to


Cut Funds for Deportation, Detention, and Border Militarization and Protect Immigrant Youth

Background: President Trump and the House are requesting $4.5 billion in additional funding to expand his deportation force to tear families and communities apart, detain an unprecedented 51,379 people, and further militarize communities living along the southern U.S. border. This means billions of additional funding to balloon an already bloated immigration detention and deportation force. Congress has the “power of the purse” and can reject this proposal and defund the deportation, detention, militarization machine. It is critical that Senators and Representatives hear loud and clear that their constituents want them to defund the deportation and detention force & de-militarize the border, and are opposed to writing Trump a check to harm our community members.

Federal funding to expand a deportation force that has ripped families and communities apart is part of a broader system to attack our immigrant neighbors. President Trump terminated the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that has allowed nearly 800,000 immigrant youth to work, raise a family, and thrive in the United States. No new DACA applications filed are being considered, and current DACA recipients will see their protection revoked starting in six months. This decision is devastating and dream-crushing for young people and their communities. As the administration turns its back on immigrant youth, our elected leaders need to do everything they can to support a clean passage of the Dream Act of 2017 and protect DREAMers from deportations and being separated from their families.


Please call 3 times to connect with your Representative and both of your Senators

Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and [as a person of faith] I urge you to cut  funding for detention, deportation, and border militarization. I don’t want Congress to write Trump a check to deport and detain my community members. Vote NO on Trump’s deportation funding. I also urge you to stand with all DREAMers in the United States and support a clean passage of S.1615/H.R.3440, the Dream Act of 2017.

Feel free to share a personal story about standing in solidarity with immigrants. Let them know the specific ways that immigrants are welcomed into and contribute to your community.

You can also tweet at your Senators & Representatives:

Sample graphics below: 

Please spread the word and send this alert to your networks!

Follow @InterfaithImm on Twitter and “like” the Interfaith Immigration Coalition on Facebook to receive up-to-date alerts.

Please tell us if you take action (opens a new webpage)!