
The objective of the Elgin Census Complete Count Education Subcommittee is:

  • To educate and inform community stakeholders that serve children and families the importance of a complete count in the Census 2020 and empower them to share with relatives, friends and other community members.
  • To work with all communities to promote participation in the Census 2020 and, particularly, by historically undercounted communities (children under the age of 5, non-English or limited-English speaking households, single parent household).
  • To promote the value of a complete count in Elgin using multiple communication platforms.

This site will offer resources to assist in your communication efforts about the importance of an accurate and complete count in the upcoming Census 2020. The menu located at the top of this page will direct you to handouts and tools to promote participation.

For questions, support or additional information, please contact any of the Education Subcommittee co-chairs:

  • Elena Gardea, egardea@elgin.edu
  • Karla Jimenez, karlajimenez@u-46.org
  • Amber Peters, amberpeters@elginpartnership.org