Find a quality man and build a connection that lasts

An 8 week small-group program to help you find your forever man

Find a quality man and build a connection that lasts

An 8 week small-group program to help you find your forever man

Many women over 40 feel like there are no good single men left.

Are you struggling with:

  • Worrying that you'll have to settle for less than you deserve?

  • Hating the experience of online dating and apps?

  • Feeling discouraged by the process?

  • Dealing with men who don't schedule real dates?

  • Men who ghost you or don’t show up?

  • Repeatedly picking the wrong men and being disappointed?

I believe every woman deserves a simple path to a fulfilling love story.

Step into your power

Understand that dating is a skill you can learn that is effective, easy and efficient.

enjoy dating again

Your experience will be filled with real connections, clarity and genuine excitement.

fall in love

Choose from a pool of quality men who align with your values and desires.

I get it. Navigating online dating can feel discouraging at any age.

You're seeking your forever man. In order to do that, it's essential to meet new men. Yet, many women tend to believe that love is just a matter of fate, which can leave you feeling powerless and discouraged.

I believe every woman has the ability to shape her own love life, especially after 40. It's not about luck; it's about equipping yourself with the right skills and mindset.

I spent 20 years navigating the dating world before meeting my husband online and I've gained valuable insights into what truly works. My mission now is to help women over 40 not just to date, but to date effectively—enabling them to meet the right man and build a lasting, fulfilling relationship.

I can teach you how to date effectively and meet a great guy in just a few weeks.

Here's what sets my approach apart:

Customized Dating Plan: I work with you to create a practical, tailored plan for dating that fits your unique situation and goals.

Real-World Experience: With two decades of personal experience in dating, I bring genuine insights and understanding to the table.

Practical Dating Skills: The skills I teach are effective in today’s modern dating environment. I focus on strategies that lead to lasting connections, not tricks or games.

You deserve a love life that's as dynamic as you are. If you're ready to take control of your dating life and meet someone who's truly right for you, Join Dating Mastery for Women Over 40 today.

Together, let’s turn your dream of a loving, committed relationship into reality.

Here's how it works


Schedule Your

free Call

Schedule your free 60 minute dating strategy call. A great no-obligation way to start transforming your love life today.


Join dating mastery for women over 40

In my small-group program, you’ll gain the unique insights and skills needed to confidently navigate the dating scene.


Find Your Guy and Build a Lasting Connection

Enjoy the process of finding the man who matches your ideal criteria, and forge a deep and enduring connection.

“I met a man I was excited about in less than a month!”

"I've gained so much more confidence in dating and now have a practical toolkit for everyday life. Thank you for your incredible guidance."


"Renée taught me a simple yet powerful dating strategy, which has saved me countless hours of worry and uncertainty."


"Following Renée's advice closely, I met a man who was exciting to me in less than a month. Now, I'm enjoying a wonderful time with my new partner."


Here’s what we’ll cover together inside

Dating Mastery for Women Over 40

Module 1: Chart Your Course for a Lasting Connection

  • Why the desire for a relationship matters

  • Defining your ideal partner

  • Importance of self-love

  • Time management in the dating process

Module 2: Create Your Personal Man Plan

  • How to meet new men

  • How to write a great dating profile

  • How to present yourself as a quality woman

  • How to identify and attract quality men

  • How to navigate dating without taking things personally

Module 3: Ready, Set, Date!

  • Navigating dating sites and apps effectively

  • Transitioning from messaging to a date

  • Staying safe in the dating world

  • Managing expectations during the dating process

Module 4: Navigate the Dating Process

  • How to have a successful first date

  • Deciding on subsequent dates

  • Understanding exclusivity in relationships

  • Navigating intimacy timelines

Module 5: Build a Genuine Connection

  • Make sure he shows up well over time

  • Evaluate whether to continue or end a relationship

  • How to get through a breakup

  • Keep your heart open

plus these bonuses!

Bonus #1: Dud Identifier

Save precious time and emotional energy with this guide. I’ll teach you the key indicators to quickly identify unsuitable matches, ensuring you focus only on potential quality connections.

Bonus #2: Profile Photo Strategy Guide

Master the art of capturing and choosing the perfect profile pictures with our strategy guide. Learn how to select photos that truly represent you and attract the right kind of attention in the online dating world.

Bonus #3: Inbox Overwhelm Buster

Tackle the challenge of a crowded inbox with effective strategies. This guide helps you efficiently manage messages, prioritize potential matches, and maintain a stress-free online dating experience.

Bonus #4: Heal Your Heart Accelerator

Fast-track your emotional healing with this specialized program. Gain tools and insights to mend from past relationships, clear emotional blockages, and open your heart to new, healthy romantic possibilities.

Years have passed while you've waited for love to find you.

Now it's time to step back into your power.

Together, let's create a proactive dating plan so you can find a great guy and build a lasting connection.

One-time payment


• 5 Q&A Calls

• 5 course modules

• One 1:1 Strategy Call

• 8 Weeks of Support

• Facebook Community

• Access to Call Recordings

3 monthly payments


• 5 Q&A Calls

• 5 course modules

• One 1:1 Strategy Call

• 8 Weeks of Support

• Facebook Community

• Access to Call Recordings

Now it's time to step back into your power.

Together, let's create a proactive dating plan so you can find a great guy and build a lasting connection.

One-time payment


• 6 Q&A Calls

• 5 course modules

• One 1:1 Strategy Call

• 8 Weeks of Support

• Facebook Community

• Access to Call Recordings

3 monthly payments


• 6 Q&A Calls

• 5 course modules

• One 1:1 Strategy Call

• 8 Weeks of Support

• Facebook Community

• Access to Call Recordings

100% Risk Free Guarantee or Your Money Back

If you’re not completely satisfied within the first 14 days, you’ll receive a full refund.dline

Back when I was in your shoes, I looked at a lot of online courses and wondered if I should invest. I want to remove any doubts you might have so that you'll feel confident in your decision to purchase this course.

By the end of 14 days, you'll have received access to the first two modules of Dating Mastery for Women Over 40. You'll have your own personal man plan and profile ready to go BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don't feel totally confident that this course is right for you by then, simply reach out and I'll refund your investment.

How will a course help me find a man?

Quality men are everywhere. The problem is, they're mixed in with all the other men, This course will teach you how to find, attract and build connections with the right men instead of overlooking them or wasting time with the wrong men.

What if I don't like dating/online dating?

Once you know how to date effectively you're going to like it a lot more. Relationships don't just happen, they are built. This course will teach you the skills you need in order to build a true connection. Once you find your guy, you'll never have to date again.

Should dating be so much work?

Most things in life worth having require some effort to acquire and maintain. If you're willing to put in the work to learn how to date effectively, your investment will pay off in the long run because dating effectively is much easier than just winging it.

What if it doesn't work for me?

The methods I teach in this course have worked for hundreds of women and they will work for you too if you do the work. You are much more likely to succeed when you commit to taking massive action toward the result you want and keep your commitment to yourself. If you decide to purchase this course, please be willing to commit to doing the work.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! Just click on the link to purchase the course and select the payment plan option on the checkout page.

Can you look at my dating profile?

I cover how to write a dating profile in this course and I will provide examples to make it much easier for you to write an amazing profile. You can also use your 1:1 strategy call to go over your dating profile with me.

How much time will this take?

This course is 8 weeks long. If you invest about 5 hours a week to take this course, interact with men and go on dates, you can be successful. It all depends on where you start, your level of commitment and how open you are to trying new things.