Carter’s Racism Charge Sparks War of Words

Former President Jimmy Carter’s view that some of the recent protests against President Obama, including the “You Lie!” outburst by Representative Joe Wilson last week, are “based on racism,” has fueled a new war of words over this already charged issue.

The former president first weighed in on Tuesday during a question-and-answer session at the Carter Center in Atlanta. Mr. Carter responded to a question about Mr. Wilson’s eruption by saying that he did believe it was laced with racism. Coupling the Wilson remark with the images in recent weeks of angry demonstrators wielding signs depicting Mr. Obama as a Nazi or as Adolf Hitler, Mr. Carter said: “There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president.”

He lamented the tone of disrespect toward the current president, adding: “Those kind of things are not just casual outcomes of a sincere debate on whether we should have a national program on health care. It’s deeper than that.”

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Mr. Carter’s criticisms drew a sharp response from Michael Steele, the African-American chairman of the Republican party, who called the remarks an “outrage.” In a statement, Mr. Steele said: “President Carter is flat out wrong. This isn’t about race. It is about policy. This is a pathetic distraction by Democrats to shift attention away from the president’s wildly unpopular government-run health care plan that the American people simply oppose. Injecting race into the debate over critical issues facing American families doesn’t create jobs, reform our health care system or reduce the growing deficit. It only divides Americans rather than uniting us to find solutions to challenges facing our nation.”

Mr. Steele called on President Obama to reject the former president’s assessment. A White House spokesman declined to comment directly on Mr. Carter’s views, citing remarks made by Robert Gibbs, the press secretary, on television this past Sunday that Mr. Obama did not believe the protests or opposition were based on the color of the president’s skin.

By stepping into the debate in such an explicit way, Mr. Carter used labels that the White House and others have clearly tried to avoid in the wake of Mr. Wilson’s remarks and last weekend’s angry demonstration on the Washington Mall. White House aides and some lawmakers had earlier deflected or dismissed questions centered on whether a racially tinged prism was underfoot, in what seemed a concerted effort to try to stay above the fray.

In a television interview on Sunday, Mr. Wilson, who was officially rebuked by the House on Tuesday, dismissed suggestions that his actions were racially motivated. One of his sons sprung to his defense after Mr. Carter’s remarks were publicized, saying his father didn’t have a “racist bone” in his body.

Meanwhile, Mr. Carter elaborated on his answer in a separate interview with NBC anchor Brian Williams. In the interview, which was taped for an upcoming feature timed for Mr. Carter’s 85th birthday and released on Tuesday, the former president drew on his Georgia roots and further added fuel to the fire.

“I live in the South and I’ve seen the South come a long way,” he said. But, “I think it’s bubbled up to the surface because of a belief among many white people not just in the south but around the country … that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It’s an abominable circumstance and grieves me and concerns me very deeply.”

Mr. Wilson’s son, Alan, an Iraq veteran who is running for state attorney general, was widely quoted defending his father in the wake of the Carter criticism: “He doesn’t even laugh at distasteful jokes. I won’t comment on former President Carter, because I don’t know President Carter. But I know my dad, and it’s just not in him.”

“It’s unfortunate people make that jump,” Alan Wilson continued. “People can disagree — and appropriately disagree — on issues of substance, but when they make the jump to race it’s absolutely ludicrous. My brothers and I were raised by our parents to respect everyone regardless of background or race.”

In response to a request for comment, Bill Burton, the White House deputy press secretary, wouldn’t address Mr. Carter’s remarks directly. Instead, he referred us back to those made by Mr. Gibbs on Sunday. “I don’t think the president believes that people are upset because of the color of his skin. I think people are upset because on Monday we celebrate the anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse that caused a financial catastrophe unlike anything we’ve ever seen.” Mr. Gibbs counseled that everyone needed to take a deep breath to defuse the hot rhetoric bandied about.

Other prominent officials however, like Representative James Clyburn, the Democratic majority whip from Mr. Wilson’s home state, have publicly implored the White House to directly confront what they view as an unseemly element aimed at, in Mr. Clyburn’s words “delegitimizing” the president. Don’t let it fester, he warned.

Many have argued otherwise, noting that it would be a treacherous road for the president to level a charge of racism at opposition, in part because his detractors — as they did during his election campaign — would likely retort that he’s playing the race card. (In the wake of Mr. Carter’s remarks, that’s exactly what Mr. Steele did, accusing Democrats of employing the race card.)

Instead, for now, White House aides and some lawmakers seem to be working from a different playbook. Along with Mr. Gibbs’s response on Sunday, take a look at these two takes — articulated in separate, unrelated venues on Tuesday.

No. 1, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer was asked at his daily briefing whether he agreed with members of the Congressional Black Caucus that racism played a role in Mr. Wilson’s comments. He first indicated that he didn’t see a racial connotation in those remarks. But pressed about the angry protests and asked what else might underlie the vituperative reactions, Mr. Hoyer offered a lengthy digression on Mr. Obama’s election popularity, the expectations carried with it, and the economic downturn that accompanied his rise to the White House. Then, Mr. Hoyer said: “Americans are fearful right now. And they are angry at what has happened to their country and those they hold responsible for what has happened.”

No. 2, Anita Dunn, the White House communications director, used similar words in an interview with Anne Kornblut of The Washington Post. Ms. Dunn said she didn’t believe the protests were racially motivated. “I think that is less a part of it than some other people might think,” Ms. Dunn was quoted as saying. “If you look at the history of this country, you see that in times of great stress and change, there are people who are concerned, who are threatened, there are people who are scared.”

Nearly all agree that the level of hostility aimed at Mr. Obama runs extremely high. Mr. Hoyer termed it unusually harsh. Some attribute part of the volume to the 24/7, Web-and-cable news driven world that we live in. Mr. Hoyer also noted policy divisions, including those who are also angered by how their tax dollars are being used, given the bank and auto bailouts by the government.

But he added: “Now to the extent that Mr. Obama’s race plays a role in this, it is difficult for me to assess. I have said what I said, that I hope that that’s not the case.”

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Jimmy Carter is desperately trying to stay relevant…it is so sad.

This claim is as bad as his idea that he can talk Hamas out of being a hatefilled terrorist organization.

Someone should introduce him to a golf club.

Mr. Carter, a native son of rural Georgia and genuine practicing Christian, might just know a little something about racism.

Being a Navy veteran, past Governor of Georgia, and 39th President of the United States might provide him with a few insights, as well.

The word “racist” has been tossed around so casually for so many years that it has lost most of its emotional punch. These days, calling somebody a “racist” is like calling him a “poop-head.”

People can disapprove of and perhaps even despise politicians for many reasons, based on disagreement with their policies or social views, their character (no tax or academic cheats?), and their accomplishments or lack thereof. I have no doubt that ethic background is a polarizing factor too. From the Chicago or Boston politicians posturing their “Irish” roots in order to get elected, to the aw-shucks style of certain Southern / Western / Alaskan politicians. Those will attract some voters and turn-off others for the same reason. I have no doubt that race is a factor for some who dislike Obama, the same way many Democrats claimed sexism explained some opposition to Mrs. Clinton during last year’s primaries. “You hate me for what I am” is such a simple excuse, partly because you cannot do anything to change it. For that same reason it doesn’t matter. You can’t do anything about it, so focus on the things you do control. Stop whining. Are we really supposed to believe that a majority of voters elected Obama and made Democrats the majority party in Congress, yet their failure to lead is due to racism?

Former president Jimmy Carter was and is an honest man, and a courageous one. I’m grateful to him for speaking out on this and other important issues that too many shy away from.

When America hopes that something isn’t the case, it puts on a charade that it isn’t the case. Racism is almost always the touchstone in America’s immigration politics.

I heard Carter’s comments in complete details. He is absolutely correct in his assessment that race is playing a role in the protests against President Obama. It is the elephant in the room that all news analysts are afraid to point out. The shame is most intelligent people know that race playing a role in the protests but are too timid to speak up.

Hats off to President Carter.


I don’t know if Rep. Joe Wilson is racist, but my friends and family seriously suspect that he consciously and carefully planned his words and outburst to make sure he disrupted the President on the critical Health Care for All issue and to signal his constituents that he indeed was doing their bidding.

Dick Harpootlian says this was caused by Joe Wilson having “no filter from brain to mouth”. I say, “That is not true.”

Do you think we are numskulls out here in voter land?
Think again.

Not only do I like Jimmy Carter, but he’s also probably right. If we were in England, maybe the Representative’s words would have been normal–although the “lie” aspect is still going too far–but here in the U.S. they were a definite break from both protocol and tradition, which requires an explanation besides “policy differences,” which after all are always present.

On a side note, the whole “this is about policy, not race” is a very customary dodge. Obviously a situation is not strictly “about” one thing. This isn’t a fable. Same goes for “not a racist bone in his body” comments by the son. This is a very standard way to shift the attention to a person’s “moral character” which is vaguer territory than simply assessing conduct, which was wanting.

With high government spending and the largest federal deficit with close to 20 million Americans unemployed, Obama is already on his way to a 1-term presidency. If he listens to Jimmy Carter, it is likely that Obama will hasten his own fall.

I find former Pres. Carters’ comment about racism regarding the current Pres. a figment of his imagination, why doesn’t he continue building those houses for Habitat, he did not accomplished anything while he was a Pres. I guess he is feeling ill when he eats all those peanuts it is possible they did something to his brain , a real nut case he turned out to be. Doesn’t he realize he is feeding a bunch of garbage , he did get the Pres, to recommend his book, I guess his plan worked.

When one looks at the signs that were
being carried over the weekend it is difficult
to deny that race is a factor here. However,
the good news is that I think that, once again,
the haters have overplayed their hand and
the people of goodwill in this country
see them for what they are and will not
allow them to drown out civil dialogue..

I am sure that Commenter number one has a popular viewpoint that can be summed up as follows :

Racism does not exist .
All Americans have equal access , rights ,and opportunities to achieve the American Dream .
Blacks have deficits as a group because they are less intelligent , less hard working , and frankly less worthy that others .
There has never been a need for Affirmative Action .

President Carter is ignoring the evidence of the Israeli and Palestinian Conflict that has proven that sixty years of war can eliminate terrorism and there is absolutely no need to have a dialog or to eradicate the root causes of Terrorism .

Oh almost forgot Israel has always been on the side of what’s right and the Palestinians have always been on the wrong side of Justice .

Unfortunately, Jimmy Carter is correct. Hats off to him for bringing the issue to the front, where it can be addressed properly. I hope it makes a difference.

The truth hurts. Jimmy Carter is right on–like he usually is.

Demoracism is the new McCarthyism. You don’t like President Obama’s policy? You’re a racist. You don’t like affirmative action? You’re a racist. You don’t like having a welfare state? You’re a racist. The Dems would have you believe there’s a racist behind every rock, under every tree, and in every office. It SMACKS of McCarthyism.

Now some of the protesters are over the top, but then again, we saw that from the left as well when Bush was in office. Meanwhile we have the left in a steady march towards socialism. AIG, the banks, the car companies, now all government owned. Fannie and Freddie, the same. I want to see Obama and the Democrats fully divest this country from those entities, but that’s probably because I must be a racist. Add me to the “list”.

Now we are being faced with governmental control of healthcare under the guise of reform. Yet another step towards socialism all the while continuing to drive up our deficits so that we can have European style taxation. Forgive me if I fail to march in formation towards that end.

“Mr. Carter’s criticisms drew a sharp response from Michael Steele…”

Oh, yes, and we all know how perfectly right Mr. Michael Steele always is. Yep, he’s the guy to go to for all things correct and studious.

Not to mention the underlying racism inherent in the very topic that caused Wilson’s outburst in the first place.

I think there may be some less noble reasons for Mr. Wilson and other protests of the President than those based on policy as Mr. Steele claims. I do not believe past Presidents had received such venomous comments at the start of their term in office. While we have had unpopular presidents in our history, the comments and lambasting that Obama gets from some groups sniffs of reasons beyond politics.

At this point in time the fact that we can’t talk about race is increadeble to me. The conservative right uses race as a mean to their end. They use it to create fear and anger. Then when we react to what they are saying and doing, we are tall we are using the race card. Simply Amazing!

Yes. There are so many people out there – they work with blacks, they live next door to blacks, they are sincerely and genuinely good friends with blacks, and yet deep inside they cannot imagine that when blacks are alone, they don’t go into a “jive” mode.

Really, folks – look deep inside yourselves. There’s a spot in there that just imagines that blacks can’t really ever be the same as you. And the monster secretly grows inside you and one day explodes when you’re sitting in a public place (like the house floor) right when the President of the United States is giving a speech to the nation, you simply explode. Well, I’m just a white person and I’m just saying….

Joe Wilson disrespected the President in the House Period. NOONE has done anything like this. Sorry Joe. Boo’s are not the same as OUTRIGHT calling the President a LIAR.

Joe Wilson tried to minimize his inappropriate behavior. I see racism in Joe WIlson as the reason for his disrespect of the President.

I see racism in the support of Joe Wilson’s comments. I see the Republican party supporting Joe Wilson and his racist behavior.

Jimmy Carter had it right. I see this disturbing trend especially with the ridculious Nazi reference to Obama by the right extremists.

If Joe Wilson really believes he is not racist after what he did and the way he did it , it only means he is in denile.

He should have had the Common Decency to apologize formally to the group ON THE RECORD.

The house was right to admonish him if he continues on this track he should be impeached.

A Republican being a racist? Perish the thought. At least three black folks are Republicans, including that icon of judicial impartiality, Clarence Thomas. So there goes that argument. That is, there it goes in Republican lala land.

Mr. Steele, I will believe what you say when the republicans can put a decent solution to this crisis on the table. As long as they are saying, “No, no, no!” then I have to assume that you are simply blowing smoke.

What a treasure Jimmy Carter is. He was not a good administrator, true. He was, is, and always will be an honest, truthful man who doesn’t care about being popular or politically correct. Of course there are big mouths at the “town halls” and now even in Congress who can’t accept that the citizens of the United States elected a black man as their leader. We can only hope that that generation of troglodytes will eventually disappear like the dinosaurs they are.