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E-Comm and your Business - Weekly biz Mentoring Tips

From: Zulfiqar D.
Sent on: Thursday, November 22, 2012, 10:26 PM

Business Mentoring Group Weekly Tip
Develop and Grow your Business with Minimal Effort


The paper this week is about E-Comm.  It goes into depth on what E-Comm is, what the various E-Comm Business Models are, the different types of E-Comm and how to organise your E-Comm, etc

This is webcast about how entrepreneurs have set up an E-Comm business without funding and are highlighting their pearls of wisdom


This is the archive of the previous Tips -

Other news -

This is Business Becuase article highlighting the expereinc of an entrepreneur from the creative sector  who decided to do an MBA.


Brendon will be coming by for his monthly legal support session.  Other Mentors - Gerry, Zufi and Kassim will also be there to support you with your businesses.


Look forward to seeing you there


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