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Boyfriend Material #1

Asking For a Friend

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I was only trying to help a friend. I swear. I was legit asking for a friend who was finally ready to date again.

I knew what she wanted in a man — smart, funny, ambitious, well-read (no, the sports section doesn't count), and plays a wicked game of badminton.

So I did what any good friend would do. Posted it for her. It seemed like a good idea at the time — I’d weed through the candidates, and bring her my top picks.

But then he responded.

Is it wrong to date the guy I screened for my bestie? Not asking for a friend.

ASKING FOR A FRIEND is a Boyfriend Material series standalone! Three best friends. Three outrageous proposals. Three chances to fall in love. Three brand new standalones from Lauren Blakely!

300 pages, Paperback

First published December 16, 2019

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About the author

Lauren Blakely

227 books21.3k followers
A #1 New York Times Bestselling, #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling, and #1 Audible Bestselling author, Lauren Blakely is known for her contemporary romance style that's sweet, sexy and witty. Her heroines are strong and smart and her heroes have hearts of gold and fantastic funny bones. She'd love to give you a free book today! Check out her web site to grab your free read: https://laurenblakely.com/one-free-book/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 526 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren Blakely.
Author 227 books21.3k followers
November 21, 2023
I'm so thrilled that readers can now grab Asking For a Friend! It's quite possibly my favorite book I've written!

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Profile Image for Apoorva .
166 reviews222 followers
May 20, 2021
First things first: I may or may not have rated this four stars had I read this any other time. Sometimes you feel like reading something but do not know what that something is until you pick it up. I went through 3-4 books before this but finally I found a book that I liked. *sigh*

Lately whenever I read a book I've been feeling that the characters are cringey sweet. It might be my brain telling me that I'm in the mood for something dark or non-romance but frankly, the characters have been cringey.

Anyhoo, moving on.....were the characters in this book sweet? Hell yes. Were they cringey? Hell NO. At least I didn't feel that way. It had a sort of insta element if you dig deeper but I've seen that you can actually click with some people almost instantly and add lust to that- bam there's your chemistry and friendship. I loved the characters even though we didn't get much. They weren't really fleshed out but they were enjoyable and nice. They knew themselves and understood each other pretty well. It's nice to know not everyone has inner demons to ward off when it comes to emotions.

So while this was mostly superfluous and for fun, I'll admit, it was exactly what I needed atm. Plus I've read two books by this author and I love her writing style! It just works for me. It's light, funny and realistic and it has that zing that just makes you feel good all over.

I won't be reading the next ones in series as of yet but they'll be my go to when I need them.
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,141 followers
December 30, 2019
Her very own Clark Kent...

Asking For a Friend left me completely satisfied. It was funny, cute and sexy with characters I absolutely loved. There is something so appealing about finding characters you can relate to. Amy is a devoted reader who manages to get paid for something she loves doing. When she meets Linc, it's obvious that these two were meant for each other.

Lauren Blakely is one of my favourite authors. She manages to write love stories that are a good balance between fairytale and reality. The hero and heroine are dreamy but they also make mistakes, have to reassess situations and make tough decisions. I want to live in a Lauren Blakely world.

This story is cute, quirky and absolutely irresistible. If you're looking for a fun, sweet and sexy short read, I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Cami.
1,477 reviews75 followers
April 24, 2020
This was definitely my kind of humor. This was a fun sweet RomCom that was pretty drama free.
It was a slow burn which is normally not something I am terribly fond of but the humor was so good that I still really enjoyed the book!!
Profile Image for Laura.
2,425 reviews115 followers
November 10, 2019
***ARC Provided by the Author***

Romance, I think, is the hardest of the genres to write and make it believable, fresh, and interesting. You would think it would be easy, because it’s about emotions and feelings, and people, and no one needs to know exact dimensions of streets in Italy for car chase scenes.

But...Suspense. Murder mysteries. Political thrillers. They all have the inherent hook to lure in the reader. You want to know how they end. In Gone Girl, you want to know what happened, and how the heck it happened…so you read to the end. In The DaVinci Code, you want someone to tell you what in the world is going on and where all of those clues lead. So, you read to the end. And you do so even if it’s a book you aren’t totally enjoying because, again, you want to know how it ends.

Romance, however, you already know. There’s a rule that the characters will get to the happily ever after, they will work the things out in their lives that are keeping them from being together, and right before you get to “The End” you will get a declaration of love (or a proposal, or an epilogue or 3) that ends the book on the happiest of possible notes.

And, that’s great, and let’s be honest, it’s why I read romance. But, the fact that the end if a foregone conclusion and the book has to be all about the getting to the ending, makes it hard to write romance in a way that makes it feel like a fresh story while it makes its way to a predetermined ending. (No, I am not saying other books in other genres are easy to write, just that they come with a different set of challenges to writing them.)

What separates the “meh” romances from the “good” and the “great” ones? The easy answer? Books like this one.

Books with depth and real effort to tell a story that is more than superficial. The characters in this are well-read and reference those books they have read, as you would expect of someone who works in publishing. It’s an easy thing to skip, or to miss, but it’s a detail that, as you are reading, makes you forget that you are reading a book and you feel more like you are actually living the story. There’s a fun in reading a book that so completely envelops you that you lose track of time, one that makes you rearrange your day because while there are other things you should be doing, what you want to be doing is continuing to read the book. I read this in one afternoon, and I loved everything about it.

Linc and Amy are attracted to each other from the first time they meet on his first day of work at her company. But, for reasons that feel a lot like real life (his past and her focus on her future, specifically) they keep the flirting to conversations at work and thinking about the other away from work, while declaring that nothing can happen.

But, this is a romance, and you know the love story is going to win in the end, so you also have a pretty good idea that this determination to avoid a romance isn't going to last. And, it doesn't.
I love the way the author handles the little moments, the different mannerisms that are added that not only make them both sexy, but also human…these details not only feed the romance part of the story, but they let the characters feel like people with real actions, responses and mannerisms that take them from characters on a page and give them life.

I also liked how the resolution of the story was handled as it felt real, and it worked in such a way that it felt like not only was everyone involved happy, it was what would have happened in real life in similar circumstances. And, that is another thing I really enjoy about Lauren Blakely books…they are real. Yes, they are romance and they are about people meeting and falling in love, but they are also about people who live in the world with the rest of us. Maybe they have better jobs, or better houses, or more clever names for pets, but they are people.
I enjoyed (ok, I LOVED) and recommend this title.

*Note: Both Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown were excellent and well worth the read…all the way to the end.

***Find all my reviews on our blog https://www.bookedallnightblog.com/***
Profile Image for Rochelle.
1,601 reviews
January 4, 2020
Lauren has done it again. This book rocks. Book 1 of a new series and I can’t wait to read more of the series. If they’re anything like this book, it will be epic. Loved Amy and Linc so much. Where can I find my own Linc? The chemistry and attraction between them was so good. You can feel it coming off the pages. You will have a smile on your face by the time you are finished. I highly recommend this story. This will be a story that you will reread many times as you do with all her books.

I received an ARC of this book and I am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for WyoGal.
429 reviews
January 7, 2020
Protagonist is annoying

Clever dialog is enjoyable if it’s mixed in with ordinary narration. It seems like the author/protagonist is trying too hard to be witty in every phrase. It’s actually tiring and rings fake. The other frustration I have is that the female and male protagonist “sound” too much alike. Without speech tags in the dialog, either character could be saying the lines. I get that they are fated to be together, but it’s not interesting if they are clones of each other. I stopped reading at 46%. I just dislike the crass, shallow, insecure protagonist who may love words but struggles with being genuine and empathetic. She enjoys one night stands, posing as her friend to snag a boyfriend, schmoozing to score points instead of to care about people, and lives for gossip. These are not qualities I respect. The male protagonist just left an affair with a married co-worker—also a turn-off. I just don’t care for either character.
Profile Image for Jen's Quick & Dirty Reviews.
335 reviews40 followers
April 12, 2023
Over-The-Top Cute

Probably more like 2.5 stars. By the end, the endless banter was just a bit too much. Overall, cute and not very steamy.
Profile Image for Karsyn.
399 reviews24 followers
February 18, 2024
This was cute and fun, an office romance can always be intriguing!
Profile Image for Kim.
2,650 reviews166 followers
December 29, 2019
This is online dating with a twist...or maybe a couple of twists.

Amy Summers is a book nerd who loves words and takes her job as a Junior Editor seriously. She is working towards a promotion at work and trying to be more confident and sell herself. She is sassy, verbally expressive, sweet, and smart.

Linc Silvers comes strolling in as the new Senior Editor and new office hottie. He is also fun, eloquent, intelligent, and easy to get along with. So easy that they develop fun banter and repartee. And both are kind of crushing but avoiding because they have their own reasons for no workplace romances.

Amy decides to help her friend, Peyton find a new man with a local online dating profile. The awesome profile she wrote receives a lot of attention, but one stands out. And messaging with him becomes quite an interesting and exciting distraction...almost as much fun as office shenanigans with Linc. But she is supposed to be shopping for her friend and not thinking of sampling the goods. And Linc is also using his own method of trying to distract himself from the allure of office Amy. But neither can stop thinking about the other.

So it is a bit of a mess with online anonymity, office rules, personal resolutions, and lots of fast-flying messages. I really adored these two. Their banter and chemistry are fantastic. They bring the flirt and fun...spark and sizzle...and wit and words. They have reasons not to get involved, but also so many things they have in common. But Linc...oh my...he is everything. He is the hot nerd with wonderful words...charming and chatty...sexy and sweet. And Amy is so funny, quick-witted, and entertaining. They just light up the pages. But they are also mature and actually communicate, which is refreshing.

This is a rom-com full of heart, soul, smiles, and swoon. I enjoyed the dual points of view. I really liked her friend, Peyton too and hope we see more of her. I also really appreciated his new buddy, Baldwin. Both of their siblings and friend groups added more layers and laughs. And it is always fun to see some cameos and little connections from the Lauren Blakely world.
Follow Me: Reviews by Tammy & Kim (Rachel and Jay) | Facebook | Twitter
Profile Image for Candyce Kirk.
1,214 reviews49 followers
December 17, 2019
Asking for a Friend is filled with stuff that I love. Characters that are nerdy and love books, talking about books, references to things I know and love, humor, romance and a smile that was left on my face after reading the last page.

Amy loves all things books and really wants to move up the ladder. She loves her job as Junior Editor, but would love to do more. When a position opens up, Amy knows she needs to do everything to make her dream come true. She knows how to sell the things she loves, but not herself. Amy is a character I really enjoyed. I loved how real she feels and I could relate to her in many ways. She's one I would be friends with!

Linc just moved to start working at the same publisher as Amy. He's basically described as a nerdy Clark Kent and I can definitely understand why. A man who is well read and loves books scores points in my book. Linc is looking to start over and needs to keep work and dating seperate. He's going to have a hard time though, because Amy is hard to resist. I loved Linc. He's down to earth, funny, nerdy and rather settle down than sleep around.

The chemisty is there from the start between Amy and Linc. There are some awkward moments, but those made me laugh out loud. I knew I needed them to be together from the start. Add Amy's idea to the mix to help her friend Peyton find a new boyfriend and I couldn't get enough. The chats between Amy and Linc were hilarious and I loved that Asking for a Friend wasn't filled with drama. Yes, there were some bumps in the road, but it wasn't dragged on.

Romantic comedies are hard to keep unique and refreshing, but Lauren Blakely knew what she was doing with the start of this new series. Besides the amazing romance, all of these characters were amazing. The people Amy and Linc worked with and Amy's friends were a lot of fun. I hope we get more of them in the books to come!
Profile Image for READ ME ROMANCE.
585 reviews149 followers
December 30, 2019
Boyfriend Material is the perfect name for this series because Lauren Blakely’s leading men are all that and more. Linc Silvers, our hero in Asking for a Friend, is a book lover and editor. He flew across the country from California to New York for a job promotion and to start fresh after his heart was tattered.

It is at the publishing company that he first notices fellow wordsmith Amy Summers, younger sister to Josh and Quinn who both found love in Overnight Service and Special Delivery, respectively, in the Always Satisfied series. Asking for a Friend can be read as a standalone, as all of Lauren Blakely’s books can, but I do love reading about the interconnected characters whom I’ve come to know, and learning more about the leading characters introduced in previous books.

Linc and Amy are a pure delight to read. Their witty banter, sensual flirting, love of the written word, dedication to their craft, and basic joyful nature, makes this book so fun to read. As a junior editor, Amy is vying for a promotion and wants to focus on her career without any distractions, while Linc is trying to steer clear of an office romance as he’s been burnt before. Every time the two of these meet it is pure magic and instant electricity. They just get each other and are so in sync. Their one-liners and zingers, body language, chemistry, and ability to read each other’s minds, make them a perfect match. If only they would give in!

This book was a slow burn with a twist as they each decide to try on-line dating, but in Amy’s case, she isn’t posting for herself, she’s asking for a friend. It is during these many conversations over text that they realize it’s their soulmate on the other end. I don’t want to ruin the surprise of how they figure it out, but once they do, the pages burn up. Amy is a take-charge kinda girl and lets Linc know that she wants him desperately. And who is he to argue because he wants her just as badly.

Lauren always knows how to steam up the pages and this book is level ten HOT. Our sweet little Betty Boop is a vixen and Dax Powers (Linc’s alter on-line ego) is all in with many a mouthwatering and O inducing moves himself. Not only is he devilishly handsome, suave, smart, and successful, he has the most awesome sense of humor. They both do, and I admire that they not only have fun in and out of the bedroom, they don’t pull any punches, and are honest with each other about their insecurities and feelings.

I especially love all of the book and movie references that were interspersed in almost every chapter–some real and some fantasy, and their unique hobbies of enjoying badminton and hula hooping! They are not pretentious and are genuine and real. They are regular people trying to make it in a difficult business and I so enjoyed all of their interactions in the publishing world. Amy is so humble and I love how she seeks help from her siblings and peers when needed, how confident she becomes, and how her hard work is rewarded in the end.

This book was such a wonderful read told in dual point of view. I highly recommend it, especially if you’re a romantic at heart. Talk about multiple O's, this book has multiple E's...another favorite of mine. Multiple, multiple heart-squishy Epilogues at the end!
Profile Image for Alex in Spades.
861 reviews38 followers
December 21, 2019
3,5 Stars

Cute, and pretty fast paced story with likeable characters - in the true Lauren Blakely fashion - though not my favorite trope. Also it was just a bit bland for my liking. I mean it was a sweet story, but a bit too sweet for me. I honestly don't know (it's probably me, not the book) but this one just wasn't my jam. But I definitely can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for One chapter more.
774 reviews144 followers
March 10, 2020
I have gotten a new credit on my Audible app and this book came up as a recommended title so... Here we are!

This book is proof that a great audiobook can save anyone! The story started so so so interesting, especially for a fan of Henry Cavill, Clark Kent, books books books and crazy coincidence. Oh, and vanilla latte and 'occasional' cake. It took me one sitting to listen and then continue reading it on my kindle to finish this book. One evening and a rollercoaster.

So why only 4 stars? As much as I loved the first half of the book, the second half was just ok. Maybe, I was just tired from reading it in one go, or maybe I could have made it a little bit more interesting?

However, I deeply appreciate exploring the world of publishing and the fact that the plot took place in that world.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,385 reviews101 followers
March 8, 2021
I am a fan of romantic comedies. And this one fits the bill perfectly! Our heroine reads books for a living *lustful sigh* Our hero is the exact guy she thinks her friend wants...or was it actually what she, herself was looking for in a man? Hmmm
Profile Image for Dominika.
307 reviews63 followers
March 6, 2020
This had so many situations that could have ended in a conflict but they didn't because all the characters actually talked to each other and acted like adults. I like that so much.
Profile Image for Red Cheeks Reads.
2,214 reviews374 followers
December 29, 2019

I’ve made no secret about the fact that Lauren Blakely is one of my favorite authors of all time. There are many reasons why she has landed on this personal list of mine, but it all boils down to the simple fact that I always get something more than a happily ever after when reading her books. Of course, hers are always well-written, sexy romances about endearing characters swept up in engaging and fulfilling love stories. But Blakely kicks it up a notch with stellar storytelling, richly developed and fully-fleshed out characters, and she fills the pages with the kind of details that bring the story to life in the reader’s mind. Not just vivid descriptions of the background, locations and scenery, either. Blakely dives deeper by including all sorts of interesting, fun, quirky bits of trivia, facts and anecdotes that weave together with everything else to form the history of the characters and the couples. This next-level character and story development is often overlooked, but never by Blakely, and it’s one of my favorite things about her books—I always take away something more than a rewarding and satisfying happily ever after from them.

Asking For A Friend starts Blakely’s new Boyfriend Material series, and now that I’ve read the first book, the next two have skyrocketed right to the top of my list of most anticipated books of 2020. A workplace romance with a creative spin, I couldn’t help getting caught up in the natural chemistry between Linc and Amy. Their delicious banter, so witty and smart, was a fantastic build-up to what they would become. I loved how they clicked in person, but it was the unguarded, unexpected, unplanned way they connected through very modern-day means that really drew me in. The author alludes to the hook of the plot in the blurb, and I don’t want to go into more detail than she offered there, but I will say that I waited with heart-racing anticipation for them to connect the dots as their relationship built.

Blakely penned a story here that was so easy to get lost in. The connection between these characters was sincere and authentic, their attraction to each other visceral, and their longing for each other palpable. It had all these big-screen, romantic comedy feels as it played out on the page and in my mind. This is one of those rare kinds of stories that remind the reader of why they read romance—the kind of story that sends them in search of another romance novel.

I am so excited about this series. Asking For A Friend was romantic and sexy, sweet and sassy and everything I hope to feel and experience when I crack open a romance novel. A top favorite of the year, Asking For A Friend by Lauren Blakely gets five smooches from me!
~Danielle Palumbo
Profile Image for Mia.
2,430 reviews947 followers
December 16, 2019
Struggled with this book for some reason. It just didn't hold my interest. I'm interested Peyton and Tristan's story.
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,175 reviews188 followers
December 30, 2019
4 stars

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 16, 2019.

I was only trying to help a friend. I swear. I was legit asking for a friend who was finally ready to date again.

I knew what she wanted in a man -- smart, funny, ambitious, well-read (no, the sports section doesn't count), and plays a wicked game of badminton.

So I did what any good friend would do. Posted it for her. It seemed like a good idea at the time — I’d weed through the candidates, and bring her my top picks.

But then he responded.

Is it wrong to date the guy I screened for my bestie? Not asking for a friend.


REVIEW: ASKING FOR A FRIEND is the first instalment in Lauren Blakely’s contemporary, adult BOYFRIEND MATERIAL romance series. This is junior editor Amy Summers , and senior editor Linc Silvers story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Amy and Linc) ASKING FOR A FRIEND follows the forbidden relationship between junior editor Amy Summers, and senior editor Linc Silvers. Linc Silvers is the new senior editor at the New York publishing firm of Bailey and Brooks, and finds himself immediately attracted to junior editor Amy Summers, an attraction that is threatened by the company’s new ‘no-romance’ policy forcing Linc to look elsewhere using the ‘Boyfriend Material’ online app. Meanwhile, Amy’s friend Peyton has just come off a disastrous relationship and Amy takes it upon herself to find Peyton her happily ever after by weeding out the candidates on the same boyfriend app, the same app her co-worker Linc is secretly enrolled. What ensues is the back and forth text and flirting, and building relationship between Amy and Linc, texting and flirting between friends who are unaware of one another’s identity.

Meanwhile, an opening for a new senior editor finds Amy preparing to fight for a position she desperately wants, a position that is also threatened if her relationship with Linc is not brought to management’s attention.

The relationship between Linc and Amy is one of mutual attraction but our couple battle between head and heart with respect to the company’s office romance policy. The back and forth texting is flirty and fun, and suddenly familiar for our story line couple. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Amy’s co-workers Juanita, Baldwin and Rainey; Amy’s best friend Peyton; bartender Truly Goodman; competing editor Madison Turnbull; bar owner Tristan, as well several characters from some of the author’s other series and stories including Amy’s sister Quinn from the author’s Special Delivery (Always Satisfied #5). Tristan and Peyton’s story line is next in Sex and Other Shiny Objects.

ASKING FOR A FRIEND is a story of family and friendship; competition and love. The premise is captivating and engaging; the characters are energetic and fun; the romance is seductive and sweet.

Copy supplied for review


Profile Image for Happily Mary After.
1,013 reviews141 followers
December 30, 2019
You do not want to miss Lauren Blakely’s latest romantic comedy, Asking for a Friend! Linc moved across the country for an amazing career opportunity and for a fresh start, and he is committed to focusing on his new job and avoiding any workplace romances. His best laid plans are quickly put to the test when he meets his new coworker, Amy. She’s vibrant, fun, smart and gorgeous, and he’s intensely attracted to her. Thankfully (kind of), Amy is concentrating on a possible promotion and also avoiding romantic entanglements, so they both make a valiant attempt to resist each other. But the pull between them is unrelenting, and they soon wonder whether or not the risk is worth the possible happily ever after. Be prepared to swoon as these two likeable, charming characters find love in this fresh, modern story that is overflowing with witty banter and smoking-hot chemistry. Asking for a Friend is a thoroughly entertaining, wildly romantic and seriously sexy rom-com.

Rec to appear on Frolic soon.
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
4,948 reviews180 followers
February 7, 2023
5 star review of Asking For A Friend (Boyfriend Material #1) by Lauren Blakely

Have you ever moved for a job? Linc Silvers is totally focused on making a success of his new job. However his determination is put to the test when he meets his new co worker Amy Summers. Amy is just as focused on her career, but the attraction between them is intense and cannot be ignored no matter how hard they try.

I fell hard and fast for Linc and honestly he just melted my heart; Amy is one of those women that you could easily see as a friend, strong, determined, feisty and focused.

The dynamic between Linc and Amy was entertaining, flirty and they had me laughing with their banter; the chemistry between them was smoking hot.

Asking For A Friend is a fun book that ticked the boxes for me. It is smoking hot and highly entertaining. Ms. Blakely writes strong and captivating RomComs which will leave you with a smile on your face.
Profile Image for Karina.
764 reviews19 followers
Shelved as 'dnf-2021'
August 12, 2020
DNF 20 %. Couldn’t get into it
Profile Image for Cat Nunez.
852 reviews82 followers
July 6, 2020
I always love reading Lauren’s books and this one was very fun and easy to read. Amy and Linc are amazing and I really enjoyed the story, especially the funny parts, Amy was so easygoing that I loved everything she did.

Also, I loved reading about Lauren’s other book characters, like Josh and Quinn, Amy’s siblings and Truly.
Profile Image for Micky Cox.
2,141 reviews28 followers
July 12, 2020
A delightful rom com wrought with witty banter and intelligent characters to keep you delightfully entertained and ready for more from this series! I'm seriously into the rom com's this summer and this one definitely hits the spot! I'm so eager to see what happens with the characters in the next book!
Profile Image for J. Grayland.
Author 7 books129 followers
February 9, 2020
Not sure what it was about this book but for some reason I couldn't just get into it, the characters were great, the story line was funny and predictable and the sex was hot as usual.
Profile Image for Melena.
2,895 reviews71 followers
December 18, 2019
3.5 stars

This book had me laughing the entire time I read it! The banter was hilarious, the writing witty, and the characters were fun and relatable.

This is the first book in a new series and can be read as a standalone, but Lauren Blakely fans will recognize characters from other books. I liked these fun cameos and catching up with what the characters are up to now.

Amy and Linc work in publishing as book editors and I was envious of their jobs from the get go. Reading for a living sounds like so much fun! I could also tell from the get go that they were made for each other despite their resistance as they both wanted to focus on their work.

The pacing was a bit uneven and near the end it felt a bit rushed. However, overall, I really enjoyed this book.

Thank you to the author for providing an ARC for an honest review.
Profile Image for Anas Attic  Book Blog.
1,422 reviews681 followers
January 27, 2020
Asking for a Friend (Boyfriend Material #1) by Lauren Blakely
Narrated by Andi Arndt and Jason Clarke with guests Zachary Webber and Erin Mallon
Standalone First in an inter-related Series

It’s no secret that I don’t ever miss a Lauren Blakely audiobook. I listened to Asking For a Friend back in December, then took vacation before I had a chance to review it, so I re-listened before listening to Sex and Other Shiny Objects . I loved it just as much the second time around.

All of Lauren’s books interconnect in some way, but there is absolutely no need to feel like you need to read other books before Asking For a Friend. We have met Amy, the heroine, in other LB books, but the author does a great job of re-introducing her. Amy is a bookworm with a passion for a thesaurus. She is a junior editor with a great group of friends, especially her best friend Peyton, who just went through a terrible breakup with her fiancé. Helpful and sweet as Amy is, she helps Peyton by setting up an online dating app in her name and vetting out all the potential dates for her.

Meanwhile, a new employee starts to work in the same agency as Amy and there was an instant attraction.
“What is Clarke Kent’s name? Just in case I want to stalk the new employee. I mean, look him up and do a little friendly neighborhood research as to who the hot tamale is.”

Amy had trouble not letting her own self shine through when she chatted with potential guys for Peyton. She also didn’t expect to have such a connection with one of the dates she was trying to find for her friend. The banter in their emails/texts were my favorite part of the book. Honestly, I kind of fell in love with Amy myself!

When they finally get together, as always with Lauren Blakely books, sparks fly.
“You better get your butt to my place or else.”
“Or else what?”
“Just ‘or else’.”
“Hmmmm. Is this a good ‘or else’ or a bad ‘or else’?”
“Its a naked ‘or else’,” I say.

As always, there was no shortage of romance. Lauren’s attention to detail, her quirky characters, the little factoids she drops in all her books, the lack of made-up drama, the intelligent characters and so much more came together once again for an amazing Lauren Blakely read.

Quote from asking for a friend

•It took place in the book world and they were major book lovers.
•I loved Amy so much!
•The clever title tie-in.
•I love how Lauren Blakely brings in characters from other books but you never really need to know or read them first.
•They are all smart and quirky and I just love the Lauren Blakely friendships.
•The perfect amount of very hot sex.
•I listened to the whole thing with a huge smile on my face.


•There is nothing to dislike!

The Narration:
Lauren Blakely has spoiled me for all others with her narrations. While this one wasn’t an ensemble cast, that is OK, because we had guest appearances by Zachary Webber and Erin Mallon. They were so smoothly woven in that you almost don't notice until after they speak. So 4 of my top favorite narrators in one book? Hell yes.

The Down & Dirty:
Once again, Lauren Blakely delivered a great audiobook. Asking For a Friend had one of my favorite heroines to date and a ton of the online banter I love. I see people say that they don’t believe an author can consistently deliver good material as quick as Lauren does, but she proves them wrong every single time. Lauren is a genius at taking popular tropes and making them fresh and fun, and let me tell you, Sex and Other Shiny Objects is shaping up to be just as amazing Asking for a Friend (review to come).

Rating: 4.75 Stars, 4.5 Heat, 5 Narration

Purchase Asking for a Friend (Boyfriend Material #1) by Lauren Blakely
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*Amy also appeared as Quinn's sister in Special Delivery and Josh's sister from Overnight Service.Asking for a friend square social

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