Introduction: Pumpkin Tutorial for the Scratch Programming Language - Steps 1 and 2

Scratch, created by MIT, was developed to introduce kids to computer programming. With Scratch kids can create animations, games, music and art by dragging and dropping colored blocks of code into a script window. Scratch is free and can be dowloaded from

My Instructable is for a beginning class on Scratch led by an instructor for ages 8+. 

Step 1: Steps 3 & 4

Step 2: Steps 5 & 6

Step 3: Steps 7 & 8

Step 4: Steps 9 & 10

Step 5: Steps 11 & 12

Step 6: Steps 13 & 14

Step 7: Steps 15 & 16

Step 8: Steps 17 & 18

Step 9: Steps 19 & 20

Step 10: Steps 21 & 22

Step 11: Steps 23 & 24

Step 12: Step 25 & 26

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