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AbleRoad launches a Yelp for accessible places to aid people with disabilities

By Kyle Alspach
 –  Technology Editor, Boston Business Journal

Waltham-based AbleRoad on Wednesday announced the launch of a website and app that allows people with disabilities and medical conditions to review public places and businesses for factors related to ease of access.

AbleRoad allows people who use a wheelchair or have other mobility, vision, hearing or cognitive disabilities — as well as their families and caregivers — to review and rate restaurants, stores, hotels, medical practices, facilities and other places on their accessibility.

The company says it has worked with Yelp to allow users to see both Yelp and AbleRoad ratings for a business on the same screen.

AbleRoad is now "seeking new users around the world to enter reviews in an effort to make the website and app even more comprehensive and useful for people with disabilities," the company said in a news release.

The AbleRoad app is available as a free download for both iOS and Android devices.

AbleRoad's founder is Kevin McGuire, who has used a wheelchair since being struck by an intoxicated driver at the age of seven. He previously founded McGuire Associates, a consulting firm specializing in compliance with state and federal disability laws. The firm's clients include the New England Patriots, Live Nation, the Shubert Organization and the White House Visitor Center.

In the news release, McGuire said he aims to evolve AbleRoad into a brand that will eventually lend its seal of approval to a variety of products and services. "Taking the rating and reviewing one step further, I would like our website and app to be able to direct people to AbleRoad approved goods, services and contractors," he said in the release.