Conceptual Search verses Predictive Coding

In my last blog entry titled Successful Predictive Coding Adoption is Dependent on Effective Information Governance”, a question was posted which I thought deserved a wider sharing with the group; “What is the difference between predictive coding and conceptual search?” Being an individual not directly associated with either technology but with some interesting background, I believe I can attempt to explain the differences, at least as it pertains to discovery processes.

Conceptual search technologies allow a user to search on concepts…(pretty valuable insight, right?) instead of searching on a keyword such as “dog”. In the case of a keyword search on “dog”, the user would generate a results set of every document/file/record with the three letters D-O-G present in that specific sequence. The results could include returns on “dogs”, the 4- legged animals, references to “frankfurters”, references to movies (Dog Day Afternoon) etc. in no particular priority.

True conceptual search capability understands (based on search criteria) that the user was looking for information on the 4-legged animals so would return references to not just “dogs” but would also include references to “Golden Retrievers”, “Animal Shelters”, “Pet Adoption” etc.. Some conceptual search solutions will also cluster concepts to give the user the ability to quickly fine-tune their search; for example create a cluster of all dog (animal) references, a cluster for all food related references and so on. Many eDiscovery analytic solutions include this clustering capability.

Predictive coding is a process which includes both automation and human interaction to best produce a results set of potentially responsive documents that trained human reviewers can check.

Predictive coding takes the conceptual search and clustering idea much further than just understanding concepts. A predictive coding solution is “trained” in a very specific manner for each case. For example, the legal team with additional subject matter expertise, manually choose document/records/files that they deem as responsive examples for the particular case and input them to the predictive coding system as examples of content/format which should be found and coded as responsive to the case. Most predictive coding processes include several iterative cycles to fine-tune the example training examples. An iterative cycle would include legal professionals sampling/reviewing those records coded as responsive by the solution and determining if they are truly responsive in the opinion of the human reviewer. If the reviewers find examples of documents that are not deemed responsive, then those documents would then in turn be used to train the solution to disregard or not code as responsive specific content based on the iterative examples. This iterative cycle could be processed several times until the human professionals agree the system has reached the desired level of capability. By the way, this iterative process can and is also used to sample results sets of documents deemed non-responsive to determine if the solution is not finding potentially responsive content. This process is called “Elusion”. Elusion is the process to count the proportion of misses that a system yielded. The proportion of misses, is the proportion of responsive documents that were not marked responsive by the solution. Elusion is the proportion of missed documents that are in fact responsive. This elusion process can also be used in the iterative cycle to further train the system.

The obvious benefit of a predictive coding solution in the eDiscovery process is to dramatically reduce the time spent on legal professionals reading each and every document to determine its responsiveness. A 2012 RAND Institute for Civil Justice report estimated a savings of 80% for the eDiscovery review process (73% of the total cost of eDiscovery) when using a predictive coding solution.

So, to answer the question, conceptual search is an automated information retrieval method which is used to search electronically stored unstructured text for information that is conceptually similar to the information provided in a search query. In other words, the ideas expressed in the information retrieved in response to a concept search query are relevant to the ideas contained in the text of the query.

Predictive coding is a process (which can include conceptual search) which uses machine learning technologies to categorize (or code) an entire corpus of documents as responsive, non-responsive, or privileged based on human chosen examples used to train the system in an iterative process. These technologies typically rank the documents from most to least likely to be responsive to a specific information request. This ranking can then be used to “cut” or partition the documents into one or more categories, such as potentially responsive or not, in need of further review or not, etc1.

1 Partial definition from the eDiscovery Daily Blog:

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