LinkedIn: Adding Symbols and Bullets to Your Profile (updated 2023)

LinkedIn: Adding Symbols and Bullets to Your Profile (updated 2023)

Have you ever seen someone’s LinkedIn account and wondered how they added fun characters to really make their profiles really stand out?

Unfortunately, there is no ‘bullet button’ in LinkedIn, just like there isn’t a way to italicize, underline, or bold words. Your profile is in all essence, an unformatted document. But, there are ways to add some fun icons and bullets to really make your profile stand out.

One option to add a bullet is to use the keyboard shortcut "Alt + 7" (on Windows) or "Option + 8" (on Mac) to insert a bullet point.

Alternatively, you can simply highlight, copy (CTRL+C or Apple +C), and paste (CTRL+V or Apple+V) into your profile. Of course, you can also right-click and select ‘copy’ or ‘paste.’

All-time favorites:

• ● ✔ ★ ►🔹♦️

Traditional bullets:

■ ♦ ◆ ●


★ ✪ ✯ ✰


☛ ☚ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟ ⇨ ► ◄ ► »


✔ ✘ ☑ ☒

Contact Me:

✉ ✍ ✆ ☎ ☏


✅ 💡🔹🔸 🟣🔵🔴🔷 🔶

If you are a little more creative you may notice that there are many options also available in Word. All you need to do is look at Wingdings or Webdings and you can add a great deal more to your profile. Additionally, platforms like free icon sites: FontAwesome or Flaticon can be utilized. Alternatively, if you are editing your profile via a mobile device you can use the emojis available.

Please note: not all of the symbols will work on LinkedIn.

Have fun customizing your LinkedIn profile but remember, don’t get too carried away!


Simply Great Resumes is an Executive and Professional Resume Writing Service located in Milwaukee (previously Minneapolis) who partners with business leaders and emerging professionals within Global Fortune 500, large private, mid-sized, and start-up enterprises since 2012.

A solopreneur business, Simply Great Resumes is owned by Kerry Gustafson, a recognized, award-winning professional who holds industry-leading certifications – Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), Certified Career Coach (CPCC), and Certified Interview Coach (CEIC) through the first association for career professionals in the world, PARW/CC. Dedicated to partnering and delivering on client career goals and branding strategies, Gustafson holds an incredible industry-high referral rate of over 90% year-over-year – a testament to the results she delivers and the value she provides to her high-performing clients. | 612.276.3821 |

#LinkedInProfile #BulletsAndSymbols #ProfileEnhancement #SEO #LinkedInTips #UnicodeCharacters #ProfessionalProfile

Adam H.

ICBP board member


Kerry, really struggling here...    is there anyway to add a '&' to my title in linkedin?   i have 2 certificates under the same family and ideally want the & inteead of brackets. Can u advise?  Many thanks 

Behrouz Mohammadi

Team Leader at Aria Beniz


I strongly do not recommend using these characters. I used them but most recruiter softwares have problems with parsing them such as

Tanisha L.

Your Local Agent to help with Property Sales, Management and Lifestyle


still relevant though written back in 2015, well done!

Martina Torralba

Information Specialist | Knowledge Management | Serving your document and information needs


This is pretty useful. Thanks for sharing!


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