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McMaster University Athletics


Intramural Sports

Now Hiring: Game Day Supervisors for 2014/15 School Year

Intramural Sports

Our Intramural Sports student-staff leaders are looking for new teammates for the 2014/15 school year!

Game Day Supervisor roles offer part-time employment that is sensitive to student schedules while also offering unique opportunity to develop staff supervision and management skills. Sport and officiating experience is valuable. Character, willingness to learn and commitment to a job well-done are most important. 

Game Day Supervisor applications  due February 26, 2014 @ 12:00pm.

A job with your McMaster Intramural Sports program offers opportunity to...
  • Gain invaluable management and supervisory skills
  • Develop critical thinking, customer service, event and risk management skills
  • Develop leadership qualities and learn to manage team dynamics
  • Develop ability to deliver constructive peer-to-peer feedback
  • Learn a lot about yourself, find friendships to last a lifetime, and get paid to help people have an awesome time!!

Program Vision

As staff leaders in our Intramural Sports program, we are committed to realizing the ideals below:

  • Safe & Actively-Inclusive Community: Our events must contribute positively towards a physically and emotionally safe and inclusive McMaster community. 'Actively-inclusive' means we actively work to breakdown barriers to participation and extend invitations to historically marginalized groups.
  • Participant-Focused & Student-Led: Our participants' experience must be central in every decision, which will be driven, along with our entire program, by our student leaders.
  • Excellence in Service DeliveryWe strive for continuous improvement in the delivery of our product - fun, friendship and an active lifestyle through sport - whether in terms of customer service and administration or the in-game 'sport' experience.
  • Redefining Sport Culture: We are forward-thinking and active creators of an increasingly positive and constructive sport culture; 'that's just sports' or 'that's the way it's always worked' or 'that's the way it works everywhere else' only works for us as long as it is serving our goals.
  • Meaningful Work Experience: We create meaningful work experiences, including unique student-job supervisory / management opportunities, and pathways to progress within and between roles; staff members can expect to both give and receive feedback on their own and others' performance regularly.
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