Learn the proven methods of scientific self-help.

We all want to improve, right? Shed some pounds, perform better at work, quit a smoking habit. Well, most of us never do. We listen to fake ass gurus, don't see results fast enough, relapse, and stay trapped in a cycle of struggle. All of this because you don't know the game. 

You're making it easy for the world to prey on your cognitive biases & mental wiring. They're doing it as we speak, and have been for years.

Your only hope is to tip the scales in your favor and craft a bulletproof version of yourself.

This book will show you how.

In it, I discuss:

✔️ The best performance-enhancing drug on the market

✔️ The most important part of any morning routine that 99.9% of people NEGLECT

✔️ The neurochemical system infinitely more powerful than positive self-talk

✔️ The pool of limitless motivation & how to access it

✔️ The pro-establishment weapon found in your home & at every corner

If you want to lead a life of soul-crippling mediocrity, then close this tab and forget everything I've said. Otherwise, drop your e-mail below. 

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