100 SAT words Beginning with W,X,Y, and Z

Find lists of SAT words organized by every letter of the alphabet here: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K & L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W, X, Y & Z.

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  1. wade
    walk through relatively shallow water
    At times it was even needful to take out the loads and, wading knee-deep in the ice-cold waters, drag the boats across the many shoals.Greely, Adolphus W.
  2. waffle
    pancake batter baked in an iron
    Emmy Lou getting down from the breakfast table, her still unfinished waffle abandoned for all time now, was dumbfounded.Martin, George Madden
  3. waft
    be driven or carried along, as by the air
    We were again wafted through the air, and were once more moving over the tops of countless houses on the way.Suyematsu, Baron Kencho
  4. waggish
    witty or joking
    Dinner, however, came, and the little waggish doctor could not, for the life of him, avoid his jokes.Carleton, William
  5. waif
    a homeless child especially one forsaken or orphaned
    Had they not been poor children, little waifs, they would not have been locked in the cabin to perish like rats.Debs, Eugene V.
  6. wail
    a cry of sorrow and grief
    “Is our house going to be covered in mud forever?” she wailed, tears streaming down her cheeks.New York Times (Sep 11, 2011)
  7. waive
    do without or cease to hold or adhere to
    Before Australian authorities would release Watson to the United States, Alabama had to agree to waive the death penalty as a possible punishment, prosecutors said.
  8. waiver
    a formal written statement of relinquishment
    The new federal health care law prohibits lowering Medicaid eligibility, and only a few states have received waivers to do so on a limited basis.New York Times (Dec 23, 2011)
  9. wallow
    devote oneself entirely to something
    It was a crushing blow, but instead of wallowing in depression and giving up on being active, Irish started biking more.Seattle Times (Aug 17, 2011)
  10. wan
    lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness
    Tom was leaning back, pale and exhausted, his breath was short, his face gray, wan and wasted.Wood, Mrs. Henry
  11. wanderlust
    very strong or irresistible impulse to travel
    Perhaps a trip like this would have satisfied his wanderlust.Ferber, Edna
  12. wane
    a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)
    India’s biggest producer, reported an 89 percent decline in second-quarter group profit because of waning demand and higher raw material costs at its European operations.
  13. wangle
    accomplishing something by scheming or trickery
    You went sick When orders looked unwholesome: then, with trick And lie, you wangled home.Sassoon, Siegfried
  14. wanton
    spend wastefully
    A hundred eighty days continuous feast He has oppressed the people of his rule With drunken revels and with wanton waste.Noe, Cotton
  15. warble
    sing or play with trills
    Any singer who could warble away at runs and trills was a great artist.Cooke, James Francis
  16. wardrobe
    collection of clothing belonging to one person
    Betty wore amazingly costly clothes, paying for a single dress far more than for her year's wardrobe in Rhode Island.Terhune, Albert Payson
  17. warrant
    show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
    An inmate needs additional evidence of a separate constitutional violation to warrant a federal court’s involvement, the high court ruled.
  18. warranty
    written assurance that a product or service will be provided
    Such sales to investors typically came with promises, known as representations and warranties, to buy back defective loans.
  19. warren
    a series of underground tunnels occupied by rabbits
    Their entrances were cunningly contrived to look like rabbit holes, so that strangers might think they led to nothing more than some sandy warren.Gask, Lilian
  20. wary
    openly distrustful and unwilling to confide
    Many chronic homeless people, however, after years on the street, become wary of shelters and sleeping near others.New York Times (Jan 5, 2012)
  21. watershed
    the geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries
    The Coles Hill watershed eventually drains into the drinking water supply for coastal cities.New York Times (Dec 1, 2011)
  22. waver
    be unsure or weak
    Those among the tribes who had thus far stood neutral, wavering between the French and English, now hesitated no longer.Parkman, Francis
  23. wax
    increase, rise, or advance
    Carols had existed for centuries, though their popularity waxed and waned as different governments and religious movements periodically declared them sinful.
  24. waylay
    wait in hiding to attack
    Some of them even waited until I ventured from the house, and waylaid me on the road.Bartlett, Frederick Orin
  25. wayward
    resistant to guidance or discipline
    Substance addiction and wayward behaviour are not unheard of in someone with such a stormy family background.
  26. wean
    gradually deprive of mother's milk
    If the mother becomes pregnant it will be necessary to wean, because pregnancy invariably affects the quality of the milk.Hague, W. Grant (William Grant)
  27. weary
    physically and mentally fatigued
    The tired, wearied, exhausted cattle refused to struggle through the snow-mountains any longer.Harper, Charles G. (Charles George)
  28. welfare
    governmental provision of assistance to persons in need
    High welfare costs in an impoverished country also ensure that the government does not have enough funds to spend on primary education and infrastructure.New York Times (May 23, 2012)
  29. welter
    a confused multitude of things
    Of the nonseafood starters, artichoke hearts were slightly lost in a welter of cherry peppers, cubed eggplant, pine nuts and bits of chèvre.New York Times (Apr 7, 2012)
  30. wend
    direct one's course or way
    I thought a night of peace and quietness preferable, although perhaps very unsportsmanlike, and so we wended our way homeward.Various
  31. wharf
    a platform from the shore that provides access to ships
    They would wonder why she was not on the wharf when the boat got in, to meet them.Prichard, Katharine Susannah
  32. wheedle
    influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
    Horace knew exactly the right way to wheedle his mother, and very soon persuaded her to allow them to start on their expedition.Dixon, Arthur A.
  33. whelp
    young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf
    The wolf must have had several litters of whelps during the six or seven years that the boy was with her.Sleeman, William
  34. whet
    make keen or more acute
    How good that dinner did smell to the hungry boys with appetites whetted by exercise in the keen air!Burgess, Thornton W. (Thornton Waldo)
  35. whiff
    perceive by inhaling through the nose
    Perhaps he had even got a whiff of the sweet on the spring air, and his nose had told him what was going on.Copeland, Charles
  36. whim
    a sudden desire
    Too many frivolous youngsters were falling in love and eloping on a whim, only to have their marriages end in divorce.New York Times (Jul 11, 2011)
  37. whimsical
    determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
    Norway has bragged about her prerogatives without any feeling of responsibility, like an unreasoning whimsical child.Nordlund, Karl
  38. whit
    a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
    Now, we are exactly what and where we used to be: not a whit wiser nor better, poorer nor prouder.Lever, Charles James
  39. whittle
    cut small bits or pare shavings from
    "Too bad your horse fell," he remarked stupidly, gathering up the handful of shavings he had whittled from a piece of pine board.Bower, B. M.
  40. wholly
    to the full or entire extent
    Dalmatia has been possessed wholly or in part by Romans, Goths, Slavs, Hungarians, Turks, Venetians.Hichens, Robert (Robert Smythe)
  41. whorl
    a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles
    Univalves are conical and spiraling, with a series of whorls coming down like widening steps from the tiny nucleus on top.Shell Union Oil Corporation
  42. widespread
    distributed over a large area or extent
    As more women share their experiences, it is clear how widespread domestic violence is, cutting across community, caste and economic lines.New York Times (Mar 27, 2012)
  43. wield
    handle effectively
    For all a chimpanzee’s impressive arm strength, he said, humans are much better at wielding a hammer to crack open a nut.New York Times (Feb 27, 2012)
  44. willful
    done by design
    It was a plain case of willful, deliberate and premeditated murder.Post, Melville Davisson
  45. wily
    marked by skill in deception
    "Thank you, my kind friend;" and the wily villain continued his deceiving tale, with an eloquence we will not trouble ourselves to repeat.Aguilar, Grace
  46. wince
    the facial expression of sudden pain
    His fingers buried themselves in Meredith’s shoulder, till the pale face winced with pain.Goodchild, George
  47. windfall
    a sudden happening that brings good fortune
    House prices doubled in the golden decade but that unearned windfall for the lucky generation went untaxed.
  48. winnow
    the act of separating grain from chaff
    Mr. Thompson winnowed out the chaff from the heap, and has given us the golden grain in this volume.Upton, George P. (George Putnam)
  49. winsome
    charming in a childlike or naive way
    She was an awkward-looking girl about fourteen, all arms and elbows, but with a rather winsome face lighted by big, serious eyes.Halsey, Rena I.
  50. wispy
    thin and weak
    He was a little dark man, with a very big forehead, thin, wispy hair, and sad, large eyes.Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert)
  51. wistful
    showing pensive sadness
    She watched the firelight dancing on Al's sombre face, softening its hardness, making it almost wistful when he gazed thoughtfully into the coals.Bower, B. M.
  52. wistfully
    in a pensively sad manner
    While deeply absorbed in sad reflection, Dorothy stole to his side and, looking up, wistfully, in his face, said: “Dear papa, isn’t mama here, either?”Rice, Alfred Ernest
  53. wit
    verbal skill that has the power to evoke laughter
    So saying, the duke, as if charmed with his own wit, burst into a loud and long peal of laughter.Sue, Eugène
  54. withdraw
    remove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
    As most shops and businesses stayed closed in Cairo, people rushed to withdraw money from bank cash machines.
  55. withdrawal
    the act of ceasing to participate in an activity
    Starting in the early 20th century, another key factor in diagnosing addiction was the occurrence of physical withdrawal symptoms upon quitting the substance in question.New York Times (Jun 5, 2012)
  56. withdrawn
    tending to be reserved, quiet, or introspective
    But they were worried that their son, whose sister was eight years younger, was too solitary and withdrawn.
  57. wither
    shrink, as with a loss of moisture
    While summer withered some crops, a hillside dip or rock outcropping might shelter just enough moisture for other plants to survive.
  58. withered
    lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness
    My old, withered, dry eyes are full of tears yet.Herndon, William H.
  59. withhold
    retain and refrain from disbursing, of payments
    David A. Paterson, arguing that his decision to unilaterally withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in scheduled payments to school districts violated New York’s Constitution.New York Times (Dec 17, 2009)
  60. withstand
    resist or confront with resistance
    Winter is coming and the scramble is on to amass enough warm sleeping bags and clothing so that the occupiers could withstand below freezing temperatures.
  61. witless
    lacking sense or understanding or judgment
    Wah! they were like a flock of sheep, witless, huddling together, springing this way and that without any sense.Strang, Herbert
  62. witticism
    a message whose ingenuity has the power to evoke laughter
    We laughed amazingly at your epigrammatic witticisms; your reputation is already established here.Various
  63. witty
    demonstrating striking cleverness and humor
    "I accept the augury," cried Frederick, laughing heartily at the witty misapplication of the phrase, and resumed his seat once more.Lever, Charles James
  64. wizardry
    exceptional creative ability
    When it came to word wizardry, he had Billy Sunday, master of slang and argot of one language, skinned by miles.London, Jack
  65. wizened
    lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness
    Old Harry grinned, crinkling up his wizened face in a mass of fine wrinkles.Garrett, Randall
  66. woe
    misery resulting from affliction
    Big businesses that have gone bankrupt: Facing scandal, shrinking profits or other woes, these big-name firms have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in recent months.Washington Post (May 14, 2012)
  67. wondrous
    extraordinarily good or great
    Looking at his work now, though, it strikes me that what he actually did, more often than not, was make the commonplace wondrous and beautiful.
  68. wont
    an established custom
    In the queen’s time he was wont to go out of town every Saturday at ten o’clock, or on holiday eves.Hindley, Charles
  69. worldly
    characteristic of secularity rather than spirituality
    Not far away were all their worldly possessions, a rusty stove, two cots, bedding and a box of cooking pans.Wirt, Mildred A. (Mildred Augustine)
  70. wraith
    a ghostly figure, especially one seen shortly before death
    R. R. is dead, thank God, and her unhappy wraith will haunt your path no more.Caine, Hall, Sir
  71. wrangle
    quarrel noisily, angrily, or disruptively
    Their women are quarrelsome, and wrangle over payment when selling their wares.Russell, R. V. (Robert Vane)
  72. wrath
    intense anger
    Wrath” differs from “anger” in so far as it may be called anger boiling over.Maclaren, Alexander
  73. wreak
    cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
    Giant solar storms can wreak havoc on satellites and power grids.New York Times (Mar 8, 2012)
  74. wrench
    a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt
    The housewife watched him as he gave the nut a final twist with his wrench and stood up.Knight, David C.
  75. wrest
    obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically
    The crazed strikers fought without weapons, except such as they could wrest from the soldiers.Stocking, Charles Francis
  76. wretched
    deserving or inciting pity
    She says, “No.” “Do have pity—I am so wretched; it is only a little favour I ask of you.”Webster, Wentworth
  77. wring
    twist, squeeze, or compress in order to extract liquid
    When it had been finished, everyone was, in spite of slickers and gas suits, so drenched that water could be wrung out of every garment.Kilner, Frederic R.
  78. writ
    a legal document issued by a court or judicial officer
    The court publicly decided against the writs but secretly issued them.Judson, L. Carroll
  79. writhe
    move in a twisting or contorted motion
    His writhing, squirming twists would have made a circus contortionist gasp.Standish, Burt L.
  80. wrought
    shaped to fit by altering the contours of a pliable mass
    Forging and Welding.—The process of pressing or hammering wrought iron when at a red or white heat into any desired shape is called forging.Low, David Allan
  81. wry
    humorously sarcastic or mocking
    Matthew and Jonathan were trying to outwit each other, while Andrew, the oldest, looked on with a wry smile meant to trump all sarcasm.New York Times (Jul 14, 2010)
  82. xenophobia
    a fear of foreigners or strangers
    Some fear a return of the xenophobia that led to violent attacks on foreigners two years ago.New York Times (Jul 11, 2010)
  83. yahoo
    a person who is not intelligent or interested in culture
    What I wanted to bring to your distinguished notice is this—that you must not behave like a yahoo in my mathematical set.Hay, Ian
  84. yearn
    desire strongly or persistently
    Now and then there is an extreme individualist who yearns to go through life absolutely unmolested, single file.Warner, Frances Lester
  85. yearning
    prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
    Each generation of foxes grew more approachable, many showing doglike yearning for human contact.Slate (Mar 13, 2012)
  86. yelp
    a sharp high-pitched cry
    While faintly heard from somewhere outside there was the yelping, barking, howling whine of a dog.Fenn, George Manville
  87. yen
    the basic unit of money in Japan
    In the last decade, most major coinages have been faked, including British pounds, Russian rubles, Indian rupees, Japanese yen, and Canadian dollars.Slate (Feb 27, 2012)
  88. yeoman
    a free man who cultivates his own land
    On one extreme was the well-to-do yeoman farmer farming his own land.Reilly, S. A.
  89. yield
    give or supply
    Cotton and coffee are both indigenous, the former yielding two crops per year.Alden, John B.
  90. yoke
    become joined or linked together
    The reason was that it had been found unwise and unwholesome to mix up or yoke together believers and unbelievers.*Pierson, Arthur T. (Arthur Tappan)
  91. yokel
    a person who is not intelligent or interested in culture
    Now, poor people, yokels, clods, cannot love what is incomprehensible to them.Meredith, George
  92. yonder
    distant but within sight
    Yonder,” said he, pointing to some distance down the river.Borrow, George Henry
  93. yore
    time long past
    Yore, long ago; generally used in the expression "of yore," formerly, once upon a time.Turner, Winifred
  94. zany
    ludicrous or foolish
    Style: Pleasantly earnest overall; on occasion displayed his goofy and zany side.
  95. zeal
    a feeling of strong eagerness
    While many states, particularly in the West, have nonrestrictive gun laws, Arizona’s zeal for weapons has often made headlines.New York Times (Jan 9, 2011)
  96. zealot
    a fervent and even militant proponent of something
    Finally having conquered his irritable bowel syndrome, he worked out like a zealot all winter, adding about 17 pounds of solid muscle.Seattle Times (Feb 29, 2012)
  97. zealous
    marked by active interest and enthusiasm
    "You are so willing and zealous; but for that very reason I must guard against your enthusiasm carrying you too far."Madison, Lucy Foster
  98. zenith
    the highest point of something
    Zenith, the point in the celestial sphere directly overhead.Warren, Henry White
  99. zephyr
    a slight wind
    Nor I. On the contrary, all the allusions to the winds are of the gentler kind,—"balmy Zephyrs," "whispering breezes" and so forth.Pope, Alexander
  100. zest
    vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
    So I pursued my studies with zest and unabated enthusiasm.Farrar, Geraldine
Created on Tue Jun 05 09:40:13 EDT 2012 (updated Mon Aug 11 10:58:10 EDT 2014)

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