C.J. Peter's Reviews > The Peaceful Kind

The Peaceful Kind by Michael Bunker
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really liked it

Well, hey. An Amish scifi story. And it worked. Of course the conclusion of this volume leads to the next set called "Oklahoma", so it's not really done yet, but this was an enjoyable read.

One thing I've discovered over the course of the last year (not specific to this series) is that I prefer completed full length novels over chapters released over time. I'm pretty sure this is a psychological reaction to having grown up with the "whole book" in my hands when I purchase it.

Anyway, its an interesting read, and certain sections made me want to drag out the movie "Witness" so I could watch a barn raising, which sounds boring, but isn't.

I don't review in a very critical fashion unless something really turns me off, nor will I do a spoiler review, so would I recommend this?


Also, speaking of completed full length novels, Mr. Bunker will be releasing this (Pennsylvania) in several formats on April 29th. The price is right, and you'll be supporting an indie author, so get out there and grab it!

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Reading Progress

April 5, 2014 – Started Reading
April 5, 2014 – Shelved
April 17, 2014 – Finished Reading

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