IKIGAI For The Purposed Resultant
The Key To Unlocking Reason For Being That Bridges Your Passion With Your Connection To Results That Matter In A Way That Sustains & Nourishes Your Soul
Have You Unlocked Your Heart Centered Why & Your Core Brilliance & Are Trying To Figure Out How To Share It With The World?
You have inner purpose clarity to leverage.  Your IKIGAI answers will guide your connection with outer purpose clarity. Listen here.
Are you a successful Purpose Peep who is trying to understand why your success feels empty?
You have outer purpose clarity to leverage!  Your IKIGAI answers will guide your connection to inner purpose clarity. Listen here.
Do you feel like you have been on a hampster wheel on auto pilot?  Even this experience has value in your IKIGAI Path To Purpose Map. Let's talk.
2 out of 3 Purpose Peeps describe themselves as unfilfilled in what they do (Imperative, Linkedin, 2016). There are 3 billion search results per second for what is my purpose everyday (Oprah, Path Made Clear, 2019) Unlock the vision that puts your life experiences into perspective.
Your experiences that have been across the spectrum of beautiful, frustrating, rewarding and disappointing make sense when you put them in the context of your IKIGAI Path To Purpose Map
Learn how four QUESTions unlock your integrated purpose possibilities and give you a perspective on purpose that allows you have gratitude for your experiences, perspective to leverage them and the vision to partner with life experiences that are gifts to inform your journey.

Sounds to simple to be true? The path will be made clear and yet you still travel to your destination!  The difference is knowing where you are and having YOUR IKIGAI Path To Purpose Map to pointing to your destination. Let's talk.

You Are On Your Path To Purpose
Apply the IKIGAI philosophy that orginated in Japan in the 700s and is the integrated daily practice that contributes to long life and less chronic disease that move you to your reason for being while breaking free from conditioning, mindsets and behaviors that move us away from your reason for being.
Phase 1: Unlock IKIGAI
Learn the philosophy, apply the concept, create your vision of IKIGAI and learn how life is moving you in the direction of your reason for being
Phase 2: Integrate IKIGAI Into Your Being
Bring your insights into your life by bringing your vision of IKIGAI into your lifestyle
Phase 3: Learn IKIGAI Strategies
Learn strategies to rock the areas on your IKIGAI path to purpose map and what to do if you are challenged.
Phase 4: Share Your Feedback
Complete a 4 minute survey and learn ways to share the program as an affiliate during its official launch.

Your Facilitator

Dena Wiggins is passionate about transforming survival and existing as lifestyles to your thriving lives of purpose with individual .Purpose Peeps & the organizations they impact.
"My core brilliance is unlocking your spark. My sacred service is turning sparks into results that matter."

As a transformational author, speaker and coach, Dena Wiggins takes a passionate stand for purpose and the power it unleashes in people of all ages and businesses, which are systems of people. Dena's books speak to purpose and the process of leveraging purpose to unlock keys to success from multiple lenses--spiritual, personal and professional. Her process of awareness, practice and mastery support taking inspired action to the outcome of fully realized purpose.

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