Political Education: Gang Validation in CA Prisons

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Political Education: Gang Validation in CA Prisons. A Webinar Teach-In as part of Shut 'Em Down 2021.

DATE: Tuesday, August 31 
TIME: 6-8pm PT
WHERE: Zoom webinar (register below)


The 2021 Shut Em Down call to action by Jailhouse Lawyers Speak (JLS), a national collective of imprisoned persons fighting for human rights, calls for "an immediate end to racist gang enforcement laws targeting Black and brown humans."

Join us for a panel with formerly-incarcerated people and attorneys to learn more about how CDCR uses Security Threat Groups (STGs) to criminalize prisoner organizing, dissent, and survival; from the Black Panther Party to the historic Agreement to End Hostilities reached during the California prison hunger strikes of 2011 and 2013, to today in CTF Soledad.


Co-Sponsors: National Lawyers Guild - SF Bay Area Chapter, Underground Scholars, Anti Police-Terror Project, Oakland Abolition & Solidarity, No Justice Under Capitalism, CA Families Against Solitary Confinement 


Please register for the webinar teach-in below.

August 31st, 2021 from  6:00 PM to  8:00 PM