Soul Pitt Quarterly Magazine Subscription Form

10,000 copies are distributed each quarter…make sure you get yours!

Soul Pitt® Quarterly magazine was launched in 2010 as a spin-off to website for those not online to keep connected with Pittsburgh’s urban community. This free publication is distributed 4 times per year throughout the community, and given to local leaders, visiting VIPs and various conferences and conventions that come to our region. It's also distributed in nearby counties. We published our 40th issue in Winter 2020!

Get your own copy of our Soulful publication and have it delivered to your postal mailbox each quarter!

A one year (4 issues) subscription is only $25.

Please ship my magazines to the following address:

Is this a NEW subscription or a RENEWAL? *
Is this subscription a gift for someone or for yourself? *


Yes, please sign me up for a 1-year subscription to SPQ! *
SPQ comes out 4 times per year. Issues will be mailed out mid to late January (Winter Issue), April (Spring Issue), July (Summer Issue), and October (Fall Issue).
Subscribers will also be entered to win Soul Pitt Swag (t-shirts, mugs, gifts from our advertisers, etc.)

Credit Card Information

Our orders are processed by Stripe. Once your form has been submitted you will be forwarded to Stripe where you will then enter your payment information.