Why did the RSPCA shoot dead more than 40 sheep in a grisly dockside massacre? Mail investigates horrific slaughter of animals unloaded from French lorry

With sweeping views of the English Channel and a 700-berth Royal Harbour Marina catering only to 'the most discerning boaters', the Kentish port of Ramsgate proudly sells itself as one of the south coast's hidden gems.

Visitors are drawn by its 'cosmopolitan cafes and bars' and 'picturesque waterfront' — as well, of course, as the chance to catch a ferry to the Continent, 35 miles across the Channel. They return year after year — or so tourist leaflets claim — because of its 'stunning location' and 'intriguing past'.

In recent months, however, Ramsgate's 'stunning' seaside ambience has been shattered by the loud cries of animal rights protestors.

Live exports: Lorries filled with sheep and cows are loaded onto cargo vessels at Ramsgate

Live exports: Lorries filled with sheep and cows are loaded onto cargo vessels at Ramsgate

They come to lobby against the legal — but highly controversial — export of live farm animals through the port.

Clutching loudhailers, and watched by police officers, the demonstrators have been a fixture at the harbour-side for months, jeering as lorries filled with sheep and cows are loaded onto cargo vessels. 'Whenever there's a shipment, I'm there along with 60-plus protestors,' says Mark Johnson, the group's ringleader.

'My people will turn out any time, day or night. It's a barbaric trade, and we'll be there as long as it takes to stop it.'

Many of Johnson's fellow protestors carry placards that bear a singularly shocking image. It shows a pile of dead sheep, their bodies mutilated and their heads smashed. The white fleeces of the animals have been drenched in blood, which is liberally spattered over nearby walls.

This graphic photo was taken at Ramsgate on September 12 last year, when 46 sheep died after being unloaded from a French lorry.

It was released to the media by the RSPCA, which is mounting a vigorous campaign for a government ban on live exports. In public statements, Gavin Grant, the charity's chief executive, cited the gory image as evidence that 'there is no place in a civilised and compassionate society' for live animal exports, saying it lays bare 'this vile trade that causes so much suffering to animals'.

But one fact about the photograph of these bloody carcasses might surprise animal lovers —  and even some of Ramsgate's animal rights protestors. Almost every single one of the sheep was shot dead by an employee of Grant's own RSPCA.

(File picture) Ramsgate, in Kent, where the 'stunning' seaside ambience has been shattered by the loud cries of animal rights protestors

(File picture) Ramsgate, in Kent, where the 'stunning' seaside ambience has been shattered by the loud cries of animal rights protestors

Their deaths remain the subject of a fierce dispute which has sparked multiple legal threats and seen vituperative criticism of Grant's high-profile organisation. An official report on the matter was completed in October, but mysteriously it is still being blocked from public release.

The matter has become the latest flashpoint in the increasingly bitter row between the RSPCA and the rural lobby amid concerns that the charity has lurched towards an extreme political agenda under Grant — a vegetarian and former PR man.

Grant, who twice stood for Parliament as a Lib Dem (without success), and ran Nick Clegg's leadership campaign, was last in the news before Christmas when it emerged that he had spent £326,000 of the charity's money prosecuting four members of the Heythrop Hunt — which just happens to be David Cameron's local hunt in Oxfordshire — for illegally killing foxes.

Two of the men were acquitted, but two pleaded guilty to four minor breaches of the hunting ban. They, and the hunt, were fined less than £7,000.

In court, the RSPCA attempted to keep the costs of its legal action secret. But its six-figure bill was revealed by district judge Tim Pattinson, who announced he found it 'quite staggering'.

'Members of the public may feel that RSPCA funds can be more usefully employed,' he added.

Peaceful setting: Little ships prepare to leave Ramsgate in Kent

Peaceful setting: Little ships prepare to leave Ramsgate in Kent

The episode will certainly have given RSPCA donors food for thought. After all, the charity recently decided to shed 90 of its 1,100 employees, allegedly to save money.

While the RSPCA now spends around £8.7million a year prosecuting headline-making court cases, many of its day-to-day operations are woefully underfunded. Its Preston branch, which costs £600 a day to run, claims to be weeks from bankruptcy.

Figures uncovered last week revealed that the RSPCA rehoused 10,000 fewer animals in 2011 than it did in 2009, and that it now kills 44 per cent of the animals it supposedly rescues — which amounts to a shocking 53,000 animals a year. Of that number, 3,400 are destroyed for 'non-medical reasons', such as lack of space in underfunded catteries.

These grim statistics coincide with falling membership figures. A decade ago, the RSPCA had about 35,000 members, whereas today the charity has just 25,000. (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, by contrast, boasts one million).

Meanwhile, the Charities Commission has declared it the third most complained-about charity in Britain, behind the Jehovah's Witnesses and a non-profit organisation called The HFSH Charitable Trust, devoted to faith healers.

Against this backdrop, the events of September 12 offer an interesting snapshot of Gavin Grant's  modern RSPCA.

The tragedy is detailed in an official report which currently sits on the desk of Farming Minister David Heath. Though completed in October, it remains secret owing to what DEFRA calls 'legal reasons'.

'There is no way those 43 sheep needed to be put down.'

Phil Stoker

But having talked to a number of local sources, including eye-witnesses at the dockside, I have nonetheless been able to gain a sobering insight into what really occurred.

Trouble began that afternoon when RSPCA inspectors, who were observing shipments with vets from the government's Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA), noticed that one of the 500 sheep aboard a lorry chartered by Kettering-based exporter Intra Agra had suffered a broken leg.

Normally, the exporter's agent, Peter Ziolkowski, would have been required to board the four-tier French-registered lorry and put down the injured animal.

But according to Frank Langrish, a local spokesman for the National Farmers Union (NFU) who has investigated the incident, the RSPCA inspectors agreed with government vets that all of the sheep had to be unloaded.

'This caused considerable argument,' Langrish said this week. 'There were no reasonable facilities for unloading animals at the port, so they decided to build a temporary pen between two buildings.

'It was a big mistake, because at the back of the pen there was a  large storm drain, and when the sheep entered the pen, its cover became loose.'

Six sheep fell into that drain. Four were saved by RSPCA inspectors, but two died.

David McDowell, a former RSPCA acting chief veterinary advisor, was astonished by the charity's behaviour when I talked to him this week. Even if the RSPCA was acting in conjunction with government vets, he said, unloading sheep at the dockside contradicts accepted opinion on animal welfare.

'Unless you have a proper pen to put them in, unloading a large number of sheep somewhere like that is a terrible thing to do,' he said. 'In fact, dropping them off a lorry at those docks is — and you can quote me on this — f****** stupid.'

For its part, the RSPCA insists the sheep had to be unloaded because the lorry they were travelling on was unsuitable — and that it had warned the Port authorities earlier that facilities were sub-standard.

But no sooner had the storm-drain calamity struck than a second problem emerged: 43 of the sheep, all of which had been pronounced fit and healthy by a vet prior to boarding the vehicle in Northamptonshire, were considered to be showing signs of lameness.

The government vets and RSPCA inspectors announced that all 43 of these lame sheep should be killed because they considered them unfit to travel.

This decision, too, has baffled animal welfare experts. 'I've been in the business for 39 years and there is no legitimate reason to put down 43 sheep because they are lame,' says Kent vet David Smith, a former RSPCA advisor.

'Lameness and foot infections are very common in sheep and easy to treat. It's a minor condition.'

Phil Stocker, chief executive of the National Sheep Association, which represents sheep farmers, is adamant: 'There is no way those 43 sheep needed to be put down,' he said.

A local farmer, Trevor Head, soon arrived at the port with a trailer to take the animals to an abattoir. But he was sent away: the officials claimed the sheep were too lame to be transported, and insisted they should be killed on site.

Over the next hour, in scenes an onlooker has compared to a 'massacre', the charity's inspectors used a bolt gun to despatch the terrified animals, one by one.

The following morning, the RSPCA released the graphic picture of the slaughtered sheep via its website, claiming it laid bare the casual cruelty of an animal export industry which ought to be banned.

The pictures generated news stories around the world. Within days, they had become a symbol of the campaign against live animal exports. But the picture raised as many questions as it answered.

'Anyone who knows anything about humane killing devices knows that if you use them properly, then you don't get any blood,' says the NFU's Langrish. 'They make a single piercing straight through into the brain and the animal dies.'

John Onderwater, the Dutch exporter whose firm, Barco de Vapor, was due to carry the sheep across the Channel, also has profound concerns. 'How on earth was it possible that the pile of sheep, which the RSPCA displayed so proudly on its website, was covered with blood? And how did they get blood to spray a metre and a half up a wall?' he asks.

Did the RSPCA botch the job of killing the sheep? Were the bolt guns working properly? It is not clear.

In a statement, the RSPCA said that ultimate responsibility for the day's events lies with the AHVLA, whose officials were nominally in a senior role to the RSPCA inspectors at the port.

Yet the job of the actual killing fell to the RSPCA inspectors. The charity's staff officer Dermot Murphy confirmed the animals were shot by RSPCA officers 'trained in the humane euthanasia of animals'.

Whatever lies behind the tragic photograph, Grant is well aware of the power of a shocking PR image. During a previous stint at the RSPCA, as head of communications from the late 1980s, he was behind high-profile fundraising adverts featuring piles of dead dogs and horses dangling from hooks. The images, produced by modish ad agency Abbott Mead Vickers, certainly created a stir. But they also signalled a move by the RSPCA away from its traditional remit of caring for animals towards a more controversial role of running high-profile campaigns and prosecutions.

Grant left the charity in 1991, amid a minor office scandal involving his relationship with married colleague Liz Cook (who is now his partner), and set about making his fortune in the PR and lobbying business.

For most of the past decade, he was UK chairman of Burson Marsteller, a vast consultancy which has a mixed reputation in animal rights circles on account of its lucrative work for such corporations as Unilever, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline, which test products on animals.

That chapter of Grant's CV has been brushed under the table since he rejoined the RSPCA a year ago. In recent interviews, he has styled himself as a right-thinking man of principle, who 'took a serious pay cut and had to sell his big house to take the job'.

Chief executives of the RSPCA are, nonetheless, paid around £120,000 a year according to its most recent financial report. And former colleagues say that, besides money, the public platform the job affords him is ample compensation to a man of Grant's wealth and searing political ambition.

'Today's RSPCA is dominated by Labour and the Lib Dems, so Gavin fits right in,' says Ian Johnson, a former RSPCA press officer who once worked under Grant.

'In many ways, he's a failed politician: he would have loved to be a member of Parliament. But, much like Alastair Campbell, he could never quite manage it, so is now doing the next best thing if the incident of the Heythrop Hunt is anything to go by — playing politics with people's donations.'

A combative 57-year-old, who was raised on a London council estate and educated at grammar school, Grant has certainly been quick to employ the language of class warfare in his recent crusade against foxhunting, describing practitioners as 'no different from badger baiters — apart from their accents'.

He also made waves in September with vigorous opposition to the Government's proposed badger cull, telling dairy farmers who co-operate with the scheme that they face being named and shamed, and are 'soaked in badgers' blood'.

In coming months, Grant has meanwhile promised to set about trying to ban some of the 'disgraceful' slaughtering practices around halal meat.

The RSPCA has never previously dipped its toes in a religious dispute. And there are signs that this increasingly controversial tone may be alienating members of the public. The charity's income from bequests fell £5million in 2011, the last year for which figures are available, and it now devotes more than 20 per cent of its roughly £100m annual expenditure towards fundraising.

Senior members of RSPCA staff have meanwhile been jumping ship. At Christmas, Leigh Grant (no relation), who had run the RSPCA's popular 'Freedom Food' labelling campaign for nearly 11 years, announced his departure 'by mutual agreement'.

Over the summer, Henry Macaulay, RSPCA's head of media relations for seven years, also left. And in October, the charity's head of prosecutions, Sally Case, handed in her notice.

The questions about the death of 46 sheep at Ramsgate on September 12 will not be cleared up until DEFRA's report is finally released. Sources at the ministry expect that to happen in a matter of weeks.

What will it say? One person who almost certainly knows is Farming Minister David Heath. By co-incidence, he recently declared that Grant's RSPCA 'needs to make a choice over whether they are a fringe campaign group or a responsible organisation working with us in partnership on animal welfare'.

As things stand, he warned, 'they cannot be both'.