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From the international bestselling author, Dani René, comes a dark story that will push all your limits. This isn't your grandmother's romance. It's raw, gritty, and shocking.

There is no escape

I never believed in evil.
I never thought the devil was real.
Until I was stolen.


I knew Satan existed.
I was convinced I’d be like him one day.
Until my heart was stolen.

Would she be the one to set me free?
Or will I be the one to steal her life?

*This is an extremely dark story with numerous triggers, please be warned. Due to scenes of an adult nature, this book is for 18+ ONLY.

84 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 14, 2018

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About the author

Dani René

107 books2,305 followers
Dani is a USA Today Bestselling Author of dark and deviant romance with a seductive edge.

Originally from Cape Town, South Africa, she now lives in the UK where she explores old buildings and cemeteries while plotting her next book.

When she's not writing, she can be found binge-watching the latest TV series, or working on graphic design either for herself, or other indie authors.

She enjoys reading books about handsome villains and feisty heroines, mostly dark, always seductive, and sometimes depraved. She has a healthy addiction to tattoos, coffee, and ice cream.

You can find more information on her website, www.danirene.com, or find her on social media, Instagram and Facebook being her favorites. Along with her newsletter, which you can sign up for here - https://bit.ly/DaniVIPs

Find me online: Facebook Page | BookBub Page | Instagram | Amazon Page | TikTok | Pinterest

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews
Profile Image for Kay's Blushing Book Reviews.
289 reviews272 followers
November 4, 2018
Stolen A Prequel Dani Rene–
GENRE: Dark Romance/Horror
A prequel to Severed


This is one hell of an introduction! A stark and confronting intro to Drake’s world. One full of depravity, abuse and violence, and his devastating role in the destruction of young girl’s souls.

This is very well written, and although the subject matter is sensitive, the violence shocking, I was completely lost in the darkness of this book. I simply could not put it down.

This is no holds barred, raw, gritty and ballsy storytelling at its highest and not for the faint hearted. This is beyond dark with no unicorns or rainbows in site. I warn you, do not read this book unless you can stomach strong graphic violence, it will push your limits regardless how much you like dancing in the dark.

Dani has primed me ready for book#2 but at least I won’t be going in blind, surely it can’t get any darker? Or can it?


MY RATINGS: (All ratings are out of 5)
OVERALL: 4 Blushing Stars

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Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,358 reviews110 followers
November 17, 2020
Recensione sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

4,5 stelline
«Dentro di me non c’è più niente; nei miei occhi c’è soltanto la morte. Ho perfezionato uno sguardo gelido che fa tremare qualsiasi ragazza, quando entro nella sua cella. Sono deviato. Non ho limiti. Sono Drake Savage. E, come suggerisce il nome, sono un selvaggio».

In lui non c’è amore, né affetto o comprensione. È un mostro, proprio come ama dipingersi. Ma la sua preferenza è entrare per poi manipolare la mente umana, è l’unica cosa che desidera fare alla perfezione: «Per strisciarvi dentro, in quelle profondità dove la vittima designata nasconde le sue paure. È lì che mi troverai. Ed è lì che resterò fino al suo ultimo respiro».

Caia lo attrae in modo inspiegabile, ma ciò che prova per lei è perverso quanto sporco.
«Ci fissiamo negli occhi e la paura che le leggo dentro placa la bestia, la sazia come niente ha mai fatto prima. È come una droga, e non perché mi piaccia farle questo, ma perché è lei».

Vorrebbe spezzarla solo per il piacere di sentirla urlare. Sa di essere deviato perché la sua mente è stata fatta a pezzi così tante volte, che ormai prova piacere soltanto attraverso il dolore, infliggendolo.

È un uomo immorale, il diavolo sotto mentite spoglie.

Un prequel questo che ho trovato macabro e raccapricciante, poche pagine di crudeltà inaudita. Ero preparata a leggere di tutto, vista la premessa e amando il genere, ma devo ammettere che gli accadimenti hanno superato di gran lunga le mie aspettative.

Una lettura non per tutti i gusti. Inutile iniziarla per poi ritenerla mostruosa e agghiacciante.
Nonostante alcune scene le abbia trovate un pó eccessive e cruente, mi sento di dover premiare l’originalità e lo sgomento che il libro è stato capace di lasciarmi.
Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,409 reviews387 followers
November 15, 2018
3,8. Eu esperava mais desse livro.
Dark, mas em alguns momentos incoerente!
Profile Image for Saira Moodley (BookedMercy).
28 reviews41 followers
November 12, 2018
Arc provided in exchange for an honest review

3.5 stars

WOW... this book is all types of messed up. This takes dark romance to a whole new level. I need a breather after that.

This is the prequel to Drake and Caia's story, Taken. Drake is the son of Malcom Savage, a man who runs an organization that deals in human trafficking. Drake finds Caia different to every other girl that's been in the basement as he feels she is strong and will be hard to break. He gets fixated on her and his obsession only grows with time, while she is tortured by others.

Drake was an anti-hero. He didnt want the lifestyle he had. But he had no other option as he was born into it. His father conditioned him to be the way he is, made him get pleasure from depraved acts.

We all have our crosses to bear. Mine comes in the form of a family name I'd rather never have been born with.

I want to be the one who saves her from the Devil himself even though it may kill me. I want to sever the link to him and have her be mine.

What Caia went through, was horribe and my heart broke for her. I just hope she gets some justice in Taken. This book is not for the faint of heart!!! Even I could not cope with how dark it was. This book does end in a major cliffhanger and left me with a lot of questions. Hopefully they'll be answered in Taken!

Hero rating: 4 stars
Heroine rating: 4 stars
Writing/plot/creativity: 3.5 stars
Sex Scenes: 3 stars
Ending: 4 stars
Overall rating: 3.5 stars

Profile Image for Wonder Tre Reads -Tre Harris.
1,236 reviews29 followers
November 14, 2018
Mind freakin blown! I cannot believe this is a first for this author writing this dark and disturbing of a story, the way everything unfolds for Caia and Drake I wouldn’t dare put my kindle down because I was hooked. The storyline is one that kept me on your toes with all the possible scenarios of why things are happening as they are, just when I thought I had it figured out there’s another twist that would leave me gasping in shock of what I’ve just read. Caia is a strong girl but I wonder just how much more she can take and when it comes to Drake, the way he was raised and seeing the man he’s becoming I wonder which path he will take in the end. I cannot wait to see what happens next and will be eagerly waiting for more. This is my unbiased and voluntary review.
Profile Image for Francesca Vallicelli.
513 reviews10 followers
September 27, 2020
Il dark è un genere che mi piace molto.
È anche molto complesso per certi versi perché alla fine più o meno si tende a leggere sempre le stesse cose. Qui no.
Dani René mi ha stupito. È una lettura non semplice e in un punto ben preciso ho trattenuto il fiato. Eppure, per quanto inquietante la sua scrittura ti ipnotizza, ti lascia senza respiro e ti spinge a girare le pagine. Un'autrice assolutamente da leggere e da conoscere.
Profile Image for New Adult e dintorni.
1,270 reviews101 followers
January 14, 2021

Approda in Italia Dani René con una dilogia dark romance inquietante e a tratti horror, Drake e Caia ne sono i protagonisti. I libri sono stati pubblicati insieme e sono strettamente legati e quindi è indispensabile la lettura di entrambi. Unica e importante raccomandazione: solo per stomaci forti.

Caia Amoretto è figlia di un ultramiliardario che l’ha sempre tenuta rinchiusa nella sua fortezza, lontana dal mondo pericoloso che avrebbe potuto danneggiarla ma nell’unica notte in cui avrebbe dovuto godersi le gioie dei suoi diciott’anni a una festa viene rapita.
È il peggiore degli incubi in cui qualunque ragazza potrebbe trovarsi, nuda, sporca e al buio si trova alla mercé di brutalità che non pensava neanche potessero esistere. I suoi aguzzini sono ragazzi un po’ più grandi di lei che si alternano per prepararla a qualcosa di più indicibile, ma niente potrà mai prepararla a quello che affronterà in una stanza, davanti a immagini macabre e surreali e con gli occhi del demonio a vegliarla.

‘𝑯𝒐 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒊 𝒗𝒊𝒛𝒊 𝒂 𝒄𝒖𝒊 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒊 𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒐 𝒔𝒖 𝒅𝒊 𝒎𝒆, 𝒎𝒂 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂 𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒂̀ 𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐 𝒅𝒊 𝒍𝒆𝒊 𝒆̀ 𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒂 𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒏 𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒓𝒐̀ 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒂 𝒂 𝒍𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒐.’

Drake è un Savage e non si può tirare indietro davanti alla devastazione che il padre sta facendo di tutte quelle giovani vittime, ragazze pronte ad essere spezzate nei sotterranei della Villa di famiglia, pronte a diventare dei giocattoli per anime perverse e senza scrupoli, disposte a pagare fior di quattrini per averle. Malcolm è il padre ed è colui che ha deviato Drake e il fratello Dante fin da piccoli, insieme all’amico fraterno River per forgiarli e farli diventare crudeli e insensibili proprio come lui.
Caia è il suo uccellino e anche se non può aprire la gabbia per farla scappare può evitare di farla uccidere, ma a quale prezzo?

‘𝑳𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒂 𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒐, 𝒎𝒂 𝒉𝒂 𝒍’𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒊 𝒖𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒐.’

Caia non è mai arrendevole nonostante la sua cagionevole salute e Drake non riesce proprio a trattarla come le altre, il finale ha un enorme cliffhanger e il lato romantico di questa inquietante coppia è pressoché inesistente ma getta le basi sul loro futuro, la vendetta di un figlio verso un padre senza cuore e la vendetta di Caia che scoprirà il male più grande proprio all’interno dei suoi affetti.

‘𝒗𝒐𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒐 𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂 𝒔𝒂𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂̀ 𝒅𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒐 𝒊𝒏 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂, 𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆 𝒖𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊. 𝑽𝒐𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒐 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒛𝒛𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒍 𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒏 𝒍𝒖𝒊 𝒆 𝒗𝒐𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒆𝒊 𝒅𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊 𝒎𝒊𝒂.’
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,921 reviews407 followers
November 14, 2018
Well I don’t know what to say after reading this. The author floored me.

Drake and Caia are living a nightmare. Drake was born into it and Caia was dragged into it.

Don’t think that as this is a prequel it will be just an introduction, a teaser of what’s to come. I don’t think the author believes in a gentle build up, well she certainly doesn’t in this story. This short read is fast paced and action packed with darkness. Yes be warned this book will push you:)

Can’t wait for Severed. I’ve high expectations that the author will bring us more darkness.
Profile Image for Cat Imb || The Reading Cat ||.
417 reviews41 followers
October 11, 2018
I received an ARC of this book from the author and I voluntarily reviewed it. Thank you Dani René!

Dani René has dived back into the darker side of her writing with this one. I say darker, but this is her darkest yet... and I absolutely loved it! It was raw, gritty, and intense! She managed to cram all of this high emotion into a novella. Quite a commendable feat!

I’m so happy with how René ended this novella. She brings you to the precipice and leaves you to fend for yourself against your own emotions and heart. It is glorious. She ramps it up at least 5 notches near the end. It’s riveting and addicting to read.

René’s writing is also improving. The style is becoming more pronounced and the flair is intensifying in a good way. I couldn’t help but highlight half the book for beautiful passages. Her literary language was on point for this one.

So basically, I think this story is one of Dani’s best, if not THE best. It’s dark, gritty, and intense. Utterly captivating.
Profile Image for Hopelessly Addicted To Books .
3,472 reviews143 followers
October 5, 2018
Any prequels I've read previously give you a tease of what you can expect in future books however this one doesn't fit that mold. There's no lulling the reader into a false sense of security no softly softly approach. This is dark brutal and scared the ... out of me at times. Drake and Caia are both trapped in a brutal world with no chance of escape.

I'm not sure what I just read but I'm hooked and this is only the prequel. I can't wait to get my hands on the next one.
November 3, 2018
Holy Mother of Pearl!!! I was not expecting this level of dark from this author. While this is my first read of Rene’s, I was under the perception that she wrote steamy, stimulating books. Boy was I wrong. While there is some erotism within, this book is definitely hits high on the depraved scale.

If this is a premonition to what is to come in Severed, then sign me up as I will be one clicking the release faster than you can say “Take Me To Hell”!

Total darkness. Total destruction. Totally DELISH! This story is not for pansy-assed readers. You people ARE NOT ready for this type of dark play. So don’t be that dick that says “I didn’t know it was so dark” and “not my cup of tea” after reading all the warnings as to the content and the storyline subject.

The only critique I have is that I would have like to see more detail on the depraved scenes. My moral is ‘Go Big or Go Home’. I live for those unscrupulous, unethical details to feed my darkened soul. Overall this little prequel has stolen my interest and indulged my proclivity for wickedness!
Profile Image for Hanan (Bookstagramer).
1,676 reviews16 followers
October 6, 2018
Holy Hell!
Hell is exactly where the characters in this book are!
Drake is the spawn of The Devil and has lived his whole life in the depravity and gruesomeness of the vile evil man who doesn’t deserve the title of father.
He doesn’t know anything soft or loving. It’s something he’s never experienced.
Drake only knows pain and destructive tendencies.
Caia wakes up in a dark dank dungeon.
She’s drugged and disoriented and nothing is making sense to her.
At eighteen she’s innocent and naive from her father’s over protectiveness.
Caia is one strong young lady.
No matter what the Devil and his minions put her through she’s determined not to break.
I thought Caia was a tough strong willed girl.
Even though she’s in the pits of hell she still didn’t give up and outwitted the Devil.
Depriving him of the ultimate prize.
Poor Drake broke my heart.
The darkness in him is not of his making but of the circumstances and environment that is forced upon him.
I feel that somewhere very deep inside of him is a small flicker of light wanting to shine through.
Even though I think he’ll never be “normal” there is some humanity still left in him.
Gripping intense book that I had my heart pumping so fast and hard I was worried about myself.
It’s jaw dropping and shook me to my core.
I can’t wait for Severed!
Bring it on Ms. Rene!
Profile Image for Sabrina Fornero.
1,166 reviews19 followers
January 5, 2021
💋Recensione per il blog New Adult e dintorni💋

Attenzione! Solo per stomaci forti.

Caia Amoretto è figlia di un ultra miliardario che l’ha sempre tenuta rinchiusa nella sua fortezza lontana dal mondo pericoloso che avrebbe potuto danneggiarla ma nell’unica notte in cui avrebbe dovuto godersi le gioie dei suoi diciott’anni ad una festa, viene rapita.
È il peggiore degli incubi in cui qualunque ragazza potrebbe trovarsi, nuda sporca e al buio si trova alla mercé di brutalità che non pensava neanche potessero esistere. I suoi aguzzini sono ragazzi un po’ più grandi di lei che si alternano per prepararla a qualcosa di più indicibile, due sembrano assomigliarsi particolarmente ma niente la preparerà a quello che affronterà in una stanza, davanti a immagini macabre e surreali e gli occhi del demonio a vegliarla.

‘Ho molti vizi a cui consento di avere la meglio su di me, ma questa necessità che ho di lei è qualcosa che non potrò trattenere ancora a lungo.’

Drake è un Savage e non si può tirare indietro davanti alla devastazione che il padre sta facendo di tutte quelle giovani vittime, ragazze pronte ad essere spezzate nei sotterranei della Villa di famiglia, pronte a diventare dei giocattoli difettosi per anime perverse e senza scrupoli disposte a pagare fior di quattrini per averle. Malcolm è il padre ed è colui che ha deviato Drake e il fratello Dante fin da piccoli, insieme all’amico fraterno River per forgiarli e farli diventare crudi e insensibili proprio come lui.
Caia è il suo uccellino e anche se non può aprire la gabbia per farla scappare può evitare di farla uccidere ma a quale prezzo?

‘Lavora per il diavolo, ma ha l’aspetto di un angelo.’

Caia non è mai arrendevole nonostante la sua cagionevole salute e Drake non riesce proprio a trattarla come le altre, il finale ha un enorme cliffhanger e il lato romantico di questa inquietante coppia è pressoché inesistente ma getta le basi sul loro futuro, la vendetta di un figlio verso un padre senza cuore e la vendetta di Caia che scoprirà il male più grande proprio all’interno dei suoi affetti.

‘voglio essere quello che la salverà dal diavolo in persona, anche se questo dovesse uccidermi. Voglio spezzare il legame che ho con lui e voglio che lei diventi mia.’
November 14, 2018
OMFG!! What did I just read?!?! I’ve read some dark and depraved shit, but Dani René just BLEW MY MIND!! Some of these scenes will haunt my fucking nightmares. My black soul and I loved it so much.

Stolen is a prequel novella and I am now completely dying for Severed! If you like dark romance, you better get ready, because this book will knock. you. out!
Profile Image for Sheena.
977 reviews25 followers
February 8, 2024
Shocking and gripping....

Talk about sins of the father... this prequel sets the scene for what is clearly going to be a very dark series... pure evil lurks in these pages... a malevolence which the main characters Drake and Caia must endure to have any chance of overcoming.........

This is a shocking and intense start, which promises a tortuous journey of violence, destruction and depravity as the series progresses... what on the face of it appears to be a story of abduction and abuse is so much more complex...Drake and Caia, captor and captive, but they are are both tortured souls and must fight their own battles if either is to survive.. which begs the question who is truly the victim and who is really in control...

The author has created a bleak and unforgiving world and I have dipped my toe into the murky waters and with some trepidation look forward to taking that deep breath and the long cold plunge into the ensuing darkness of this series...I received an advanced copy of this book from the author
Profile Image for Expresso.
873 reviews132 followers
November 10, 2018
This story’s backdrop is one I purposely seek if I’m in the mood for something pitch black. It definitely would have been a five star read if not for the hard limit. I decided to finish the story because outside of that area, it’s s really good story.

This story is very very very dark. Anyone into light or gray reads should not consider this story. Stolen is definitely an adult story with a taste of depravity.

4 stars!

Disclaimer: This review is my personal opinion of this story. As usual my personal opinion should have ZERO influence on your experience with the story. With that being said, read, enjoy, and leave a review!
Profile Image for Giusy  Luca.
575 reviews4 followers
November 23, 2020

"Sono sempre stata una principessa chiusa nella sua torre, lontana dal mondo, fino alla notte in cui sono stata rapita."

Caia viveva una vita che amava, apparentemente al sicuro, sempre pronta a seguire le regole del padre che voleva tenerla al riparo da possibili pericoli. La sua giovane età però, la porta a trasgredire, ritrovandosi cosi catapultata in un incubo  al cospetto di Satana, la vuole annientare, vuole manipolare la sua mente e fa di tutto per spezzarla.

Caia scopre delle verità che la sconvolgono legata alla sua famiglia e al suo rapimento ma non cede, perché lei è forte non si spezza, lei vede dentro gli occhi del suo aguzzino, c'è una luce, una speranza, lui non è come gli altri.

Vorrebbe entrare nella sua mente e scoprire i suoi segreti, ma sa che sarebbe una cosa molto difficile superare le mura che si è costruito attorno.

"Sono Drake Savage.
E, come suggerisce il nome, sono un selvaggio."
Drake ha vissuto all'inferno per tutta la sua vita, ha seguito le regole del padre diventando un mostro come lui, lavora per il diavolo ma ha l'aspetto di un angelo, vorrebbe ribellarsi ma non può lasciare le uniche persone al modo a cui tiene, il fratello gemello Dante e il suo migliore amico ed amante River,  cosi giorno dopo giorno, la sua anima diventa sempre più nera e danneggiata, fin quando non si ritrova tra le mani lei, Caia.

Un anima pura che non può fare a meno di desiderare per se stesso, vuole salvarla, anche se non può, quello che prova per lei è perverso, il suo cuore lotta contro la mente, la sua mente ormai è deviata, prova piacere solo infliggendo dolore.

Riuscirà a ribellarsi e trovare una via di fuga da quella prigione in cui vive da anni?

Riuscirà a salvare le persone che ama?

"Possiedo il suo corpo, e lei me lo lascia fare. Le sue unghie mi graffiano il collo quando si aggrappa a me, ma non mi implora di fermarmi.
Non fa altro che tenermi in ostaggio con lo sguardo.
E per quanto sia meraviglioso, adesso so di essere totalmente fottuto."
Questo volume è il prequel di Vendetta, una lettura di poche pagine che si legge velocemente.

Un libro veramente agghiacciante con scene  disgustose, che lasciano il lettore completamente spiazzato.
Una lettura non per tutti, che però consiglio agli amanti del genere, sicuramente  resteranno affascinati dal tipo di lettura molto innovativa.
Una storia molto complicata che ti tiene col fiato sospeso, ma per quanto le scene siano cruente, l'autrice riesce a rapirti e a coinvolgerti e non puoi  fare a meno di leggere fino alla fine.
Ho trovato dinamiche mai lette prima, e una scrittura molto fluida  con un finale da cardiopalma.
Profile Image for Annnnieee.
93 reviews
March 9, 2022
Oh my god oh my god oh my god. This was so intense and it's just the prequel. The main story lies ahead and it was so intense. I am fascinated by blood and this sure has a lot of it in there
Profile Image for Judy Robichaud.
265 reviews15 followers
November 13, 2018

I'll start by saying that I know this book was jam packed with all sorts of warnings about how dark Stolen, by Dani Rene' is. Having said that, I have a warning of my own........ Buyer beware......If you like gory horror in your stories then you have come to the right place. If not, PASS on this book and seek life elsewhere.

I apologize in advance if I offend anyone with this review because that was never my intention. But it is my review and my opinion.

Now, I love dark romance and was happy to have received an advanced reader copy. Not to mention eager to start reading this prequel. Well, eager no more! No, nope, nada, NO CAN DO!!!!!

I'm not a lightweight when it comes to dark romance. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But, I had to DNF at 50% and I hate doing that and rarely ever do. Although the writing by this author was excellent, the content turned my stomach. But that's just me.

Maybe had I kept on reading, things would be different. But, ummmmm, hell no!!! This book lost me at stuffing hearts into mouths and beheadings. To me this book is what nightmares are made of. It was just too sick and twisted for my liking. I'm simply not into snuff and stuff.

Again, I know there were plenty of warning and I'm usually thick skinned enough to read some really dark material, but this was too over the top even for me.

So, if you have a REALLY thick skin, the more power to you and happy reading. Me? I need to cleanse my mind so I'm going to go look at pictures of babies, puppies and unicorn and then go hug my daughter.
Profile Image for Jennifer McGurk Finn.
2,101 reviews47 followers
January 27, 2019
I'm annoyed by all the bad reviews I've read about this book complaining how dark it is. There was a very clear and concise warning in the blurb and at the beginning of this book saying how dark it was. You were clearly warned so how do people actually have the balls to then give this book one or two stars crying that it was too dark. I mean obviously you can read because you've purchased a book so my only conclusion is that these crybabies are morons. I don't like historical romance so guess what ? I DON'T READ IT. If I did decide to branch out and actually give it a try but still didn't like it I certainly wouldn't give it a poor rating. Anyway enough of that. I myself only gave this book 3 Stars but it had nothing to do with it being too dark because honestly I don't think it actually was that dark. If you really wanna read an awesome book that is DARK then I suggest reading either ; Deliverance For Amelia by Bonny Capps. or one of my all time favorites ; Joseph Fallen (Estate Series) by M.S. Willis. Actually the whole Estate Series is excellent but the one I mentioned is not for the faint of heart. I didn't love this book because I felt it was really rushed and instead of being dark it came off as goofy to me. It felt like there was stuff missing from the story that perhaps is better explained in the next one I don't know. Also I wasn't crazy about Caia and because I didn't like her I didn't really care what happened to her. I would definitely like to explore more of Drake and River.
Profile Image for Kathy West.
1,204 reviews26 followers
July 3, 2022
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️- Excellent - Highly Recommended
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - A good, solid read
3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - An okay read
2 ⭐️⭐️ - Meh
1 ⭐️ - Not my cup of tea
Profile Image for Nina ~ Meleth Bookaddicted ~.
1,433 reviews48 followers
October 19, 2018
Um, well. I’m just going to be utterly blunt here. I am glad I read this dark and depraved little thing just now and not as part of the anthology. To know there’s more to come about Drake and Caia just gives me enough comfort to deal with the sickness and darkness of it all … not to mention that freaking ending! I read dark and gore – things you can barely call a romance, let alone healthy anymore, but this one pushed some of my limits. It’s stuff out of the most horrific nightmares. Pure evil and brutality and … well, gore. I’m not even sure to call what Caia and Drake shared any type of relationship. There’s something between those two, but it’s not really explored in depth in these filthy pages. This is the setup for an awesome gruesome dark and depraved new series set in an unforgivingly sick world, intended to shock. Any boy, did it shock me… There’s nothing gentle about anything of it. At. All. You are thrown right into it – like Caia, who wakes up abducted and drugged. You don’t get to know much about her, only that she’s valuable and that her father’s as much of a monster as Drake’s. Same with the whole nightmare Drake was born into and its purpose. I have so many questions left I want answered – or not, because, honestly, I’m terrified of the things Dani René might come up with… However, I’m ready for more … I think. Gulp.
Profile Image for Readers  Manic.
202 reviews31 followers
November 19, 2018
Arc provided in exchange for an honest review

Wow ... What an exciting story or it would be a roller coaster of emotions.
I had to read twice to absorb this story between Caia and Drake that to me is Light and darkness.

Dani René you go up like crushing a Dark and Sadico heart like mine ...
Drake, a man of dark and broken soul, the son of a sadistic man, lived all his life in the midst of depravity, deprived of the good things in life to offer security to his brother and best friend.
Fall a beautiful and pure young woman is robbed and taken to worse place than she ever thought to be Hell with him the Devil Malcon Savage father of Drake.
What was not to be expected that even under every black soul Drake could let the Light of Caia enter through his fissures and embrace his soul, and even if he fights against any hint of a feeling, causes Caia to fight for his freedom and for his lost soul that trapped Drake's.
A story that will make you love and hate, more will still lead you to the highest level of a love for a couple that even broken redemption seeks.

Stolen is my first story read from the author and I can only say that I am in love and wishing to continue on Severed.
Profile Image for Kinky Minx .
184 reviews6 followers
November 12, 2018
Thanks to the author for ARC in exchange for honest review.

I really like how dark this book goes but somehow some parts I feel sorry for both MCs in this story, Caia and Drake.

Drake was born to live in the dark, his father has a kingdom for trafficking woman. First, they kidnap the girls then mentally break their minds. Drake takes part in breaking minds mentally, he enjoys the game so far, until Caia. Caia is the from a rich family, she is a headstrong girl (yes, she is still a virgin when they took her.)

The story is so dark and so sad, no one should be treated like this. The ending is too sad. I don't really know how to comment or how to write my review for this book. 4 stars from me, one because I like how dark this story goes and second, I don't like this story too sad. I hope Drake will have a better life after his father dies.
Profile Image for Ähmsry.
623 reviews11 followers
July 31, 2020
I loved reading this story, it was captivating and fascinating, very well written. But there were just too many gaps in the traceability of the timeline, the plot, in the development of the characters - I couldn't make a real connection. Maybe this will change in the second part and I will improve my rating when the aha-effect comes.

As part of an anthology this story can work very well, but as part 1 of 2 it needs more connection and depth.

The author's warnings pages about dark and triggers should definitely be taken into account. The broken side of the world is presented very realistically and most of the time we don't want to know or see it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews

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