Surveying Insights from V3 |  April 2016 Edition
Surveying Insights is an e-newsletter highlighting topics that offer insights and updates into issues that could affect the survey component of your project. These topics are developed from many of the questions about survey and layout services that we receive. 
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ALTA/NSPS Standard Updates ... and What They Mean

The 2011 major revision to ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Standards was recently updated. The adjustments impact survey requirements and modify Table A items, and affect all ALTA surveys as of Feb. 23, 2016. The push by the American Land Title Association and the National Society of Professional Surveyors to alter the standards was to help generate a more complete and accurate survey document and eliminate some ambiguities that existed in the former standards. 

What's Changed ... and Why It Matters? Read more ...

Surveying Insights from V3 Companies | 630.724.9200 | |