Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Exit She Calls update: new album, merch, shows, and free demo

Exit She Calls @ Six Flags, Jackson NJ 9-4-09 by A.R.

Exit She Calls have posted an update with details on their first full length album, shows, merch, and a free download of their 3-song demo. More below:

I know it’s been a while since we’ve updated you guys on what’s going on with us, but if you haven’t noticed, we’ve been playing a hell of a lot shows ever since we started things up in January(Just take a look at our Picture Section). It’s been great playing with awesome bands and meeting amazing people throughout New Jersey and New York so far.

Basically, what I want to get down to is...we’re going to be taking it easy on shows this Fall and focus on finishing our full length album. We do have some shows posted up on the page so take advantage of this, especially if you haven’t seen us yet, and come out!

Back to the discussion of the full length album, it will contain ten songs including a “No Scrubs” cover by TLC. Four out of the ten songs we will be releasing are already on the Myspace Player(Little Things, MTFU!, In This Moment, and Miscommunications). Check them out if you haven’t yet. We originally planned on releasing something sooner, but us taking our time is the right call. We’ve progressed so much as a band, especially when it comes to our sound, ever since we got together last September. We want to give you the best material that ESC has to offer and we hope you’re just as excited as we are! Please, just be patient and stick with us on this.

Check out the full update here and download the band's 3-song demo here. Exit She Calls with their dose of sweet, catchy, yet edgy sound, could be North Jersey’s hope for a great young pop/rock scene.

Upcoming Shows:
9/26 @ Greenville Inn, Port Jervis, NY w/ Control
10/2 @ The Meatlocker, Montclair, NJ w/ Fairmont
10/10 @ The Yippie Cafe, NY, NY w/ Tigers Jaw, The Motorcycle Industry

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