Irish Genealogical Society International Logo
Irish Genealogical Society International
Seaside on the eastern coast of Ireland - WR
Fáilte!  (Welcome!)
IGSI is a partner of the Minnesota Genealogical Society


June Podcast available for viewing

Cover image for "This month at the IGSI" - our monthy podcast
In the June edition (episode 12 of Season 2) of the “This month at the IGSI” podcast, genealogist Dave Miller begins the episode by providing the date for the June “Irish Saturday ” event (June 8). He discusses IGSI's upcoming webinar with Lois Mackin: Researching a Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cork Family, from Wisconsin to Ireland, a hybrid class with instructor Lois Abromitis Mackin, PhD. An Irishman from Cork, born about 1845, settled in Wisconsin. Learn the records and methods we used to identify six of his eleven siblings in America, then trace the family back to Ireland, where we learned about his other five siblings and his parents.
Dave interviews volunteer Janelle Asselin, who is starting an Irish History Minute. Janelle recently created IGSI's Instagram account @irishgensi.
Jim Sharkey entertains us with a performance of Irish music, and Dave provides a list of upcoming Irish Fests.
These stories and previous podcast episodes are available on the IGSI YouTube channel and on the website
June 2024
YouTube logoYou can visit IGSI's YouTube channel at any time by clicking the YouTube link above right or at the lower right side of our main page (below the upcoming activities).

Upcoming Webinar

Lois Mackin
Saturday June 22
Researching a Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cork Family, from Wisconsin to Ireland (Hybrid)
Instructor: Lois Abromitis Mackin, PhD
MN Genealogy Center, 1385 Mendota Hts Rd, Mendota Heights and on Zoom
10:30 AM - Noon CST (UTC-6)
$15 for IGSI members (with Discount Code); $20 for non-members
An Irishman from Cork, born about 1845, settled in Wisconsin. Learn the records and methods we used to identify six of his eleven siblings in America, then trace the family back to Ireland, where we learned about his other five siblings and his parents.
You can enjoy this presentation at the live event in Minnesota or as part of our virtual audience. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A and discussion until the scheduled end time, when the broadcast and recording will stop. Attendees at the live event can linger for social time after the program, and have the option of ordering a box lunch in advance.
Registration for the live event is limited to 40 people. Tours of the Research Library and Irish Collection will be offered following the program, during the lunch and social time..There is no limit to the number of virtual attendees. The hybrid program will allow virtual attendees to unmute their microphone and camera for questions or discussion with the speaker following their presentation.
The webinar will be recorded, so all registrants will have access to the recording.
The Discount Code will be sent to members via email and is posted on IGSI’s member-only webpage (log in, then use this link).
You can reach the IGSI Education team at

Visit our Library

Photo of library exterior
The 3000+ items of the IGSI research collection are housed in the Hoffman Research Library along with the collections of the Minnesota Genealogical Society, its branches and other affiliates in Mendota Heights, MN near the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport. Member or not, you can visit our library where you will find one of the finest collections of Irish genealogy and history books in North America. Everyone is welcome. ($10 admission fee for non-members of IGSI, MGS or one of its branches or affiliates.)
The Hoffman Research Library is normally open as listed below. Check the Minnesota Genealogical Society website before any visit, to confirm the library is open:
Library Hours -Photo of shelving in the library
Mon 10 AM - 4 PM
Wed 10 AM – 4 PM
Thurs 10 AM – 8 PM
Sat 10 AM – 4 PM
It may be time to start planning a visit to the library for some genealogy research! 
The second Saturday of each month is Irish Saturday.

IGSI is on Instagram!

IGSI now has an Instagram account for anyone who wants a new way to stay up to date on the latest happenings with our organization. In addition to regular posts with IGSI news and information, posts will also include tidbits about Irish places, news, and history and happenings in the genealogical community. If you're on Instagram, you can follow us at @IrishGenSI


IrishAncestors available in our library
Screen image of the Irish Ancestors website's main pageIGSI has extended our contract for IrishAncestors, available on three of the computers in the Hoffman Research Library (HRL).
John Grenham has been a ‘name’ and fixture in Irish genealogy since the 1990s.  He is the author of Tracing Your Irish Ancestors, now in its 5th revision, and the creator of the IrishAncestors website. You can learn more about the HRL workstations for accessing the Grenham website to use it in your Library research at this link, which includes some learning resources.
You may choose to have your own subscription, which can be for a day ($5.99), a month ($9.99), or annual ($69.99):
Check out John's how-to videos on his YouTube channel:
Access to IrishAncestors on three of our computers complements FindMyPast access on every patron computer, which also provides resources for Irish researchers.

Tell your email app that IGSI email isn't spam

Please take a moment to ensure that your email provider is not treating IGSI email as spam.
Check your email's Junk/Spam folder; if you find a message from us there, please move it to your normal inbox.
  • If you don't know how to add us, enter the phrase "add sender to safe senders list with [email provider name here]" into you favorite search engine.
  • Alternatively, search for "Allow List" or "Whitelist" instead of "Safe Senders."

Minnesota Genealogy Center
1385 Mendota Heights Rd, Suite 100
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120
Questions?  Contact us at

June 22
Researching a Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cork Family, from Wisconsin to Ireland
10:30 AM - Noon CST (UTC-6) Instructor: Lois Abromitis Mackin, PhD $15 for IGSI members (with Discount Code); $20 for non-members   An Irishman ...
July 13
Irish Saturday
Stop by the library for Irish research help. Check on the day you plan to visit, to make sure the library is open.  ...
August 9
Irish Fair of Minnesota
Visit the Irish Fair website for tickets, directions, and details. Stop by the IGSI booth to meet members and introduce your friends and family to ...
August 10
Irish Saturday
Stop by the library for Irish research help. Check on the day you plan to visit, to make sure the library is open.  ...