Susan Buchanan's Reviews > Finding Lucas

Finding Lucas by Samantha Stroh Bailey
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If you liked Bridget Jones, you will love this!

I really enjoyed this book and in reality if I could have, I would have given it 4.5 stars
I like the fact it's set in the US and so I could travel around a little bit with the book. Jamie's dysfunctional family reminded me a little of Gaylord's family in Meet the Fokkers! Derek, her boyfriend, made me want to hurl, or kick his head in (in good old Glasgow fashion!) What a condescending prat. I can't believe she was with him. The financial agreement, later, made me laugh out loud. So many people would be skint if that were part of the deal in relationships! Jamie seriously undervalues herself, particularly her looks. She has stunning friends. The attraction between her and her boss is there, plain as the nose on your face, but will they realise it? Jamie has her heart set on finding her old beau from high school, Lucas, but will it be everything she wanted? Hilarious escapades along the way, some poignant moments and a smoking hot love interest make for a fab 'more than chicklit' read.
And of course, there's a wicked witch of the west at Jamie's place of work, who is Jamie's nemesis. Will she get her just desserts?
Derek's mother and the oppressive presence she harboured over her son's relationship with Jamie made me glad my parents are not like that!
There's a Friends Reunited meets Jerry Springer-esque TV show, where Jamie works and around about which much of the tale hinges. I loved when Jamie and her new boss went on the road trip and interviewed potential contestants.
The dynamic between Jamie and her girlfriends and their trip to maturity, a journey for each of them, was a pleasure to read. Jamie's embarassing parents were hysterical, over the top and truly cringeworthy, yet ultimately protective and looking out for their daughter.
And Lucas...well, you're going to have to read it, to find out.
Am looking forward to Ms Stroh Bailey's next release
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Reading Progress

October 19, 2012 – Shelved
October 29, 2012 – Started Reading
November 7, 2012 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Gail (new) - added it

Gail Sounds brilliant. I have put it on my to read list x

Susan Buchanan You won't regret it! Enjoy! Sooz x

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