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I thought a “vow” could keep us apart.
I was wrong.

It’s been seven years since I’ve seen my first love—my best friend’s hotter than Hell-in-July older brother, Brett.

But when my first night in NYC ends in disaster, I find myself walking into his tattoo shop in need of help, the memory of our lost romance still singed on my skin.

Problem is: Trouble seems inked into Brett’s.
And when I’m near him, that’s exactly what I find myself in—Trouble.

Because I follow rules. And he breaks them.

He’s tough. Guarded. A mystery. All wrong for me.

Staying away from him the first time was harder than everything I’ve ever done before. Trying it for a second?

Might break me completely.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the newly REVISED + EXTENDED version of the full-length, stand alone, best friend's brother/second chance romance with humor, suspense and heat. Enjoy!

268 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 8, 2018

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About the author

Natalie Wrye

31 books216 followers
Natalie Wrye is a reader, writer and tequila lover best known for writing thrilling billionaire romance and characters whose HEA's you'll love rooting for.

A notebook hoarder whose books have been featured on USA Today's HEA and PopSugar, when she's not watching Netflix re-runs or yelling at college basketball games on TV, she's usually crafting sexy suspenseful stories about hard-bodied, take-charge heroes and the strong-willed women who crave them.

She loves it when people get weird with her on IG, NatalieWrye.com or NatalieWrites@NatalieWrye.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 119 reviews
Profile Image for Paula.
662 reviews16 followers
September 19, 2018
If there is anything I hate more is characters that are willy-wally! Who say one thing one minute and change their tune the next. This is one of those type of reads where Hero constantly says how THIS time he will not let heroine go. This time, he will not get her out of his system. This time he will not be a dickhead, and so on... So what does he do? Yep, you guessed it. The opposite of what he says.

In addition to the hero being an assfart, a douchbeany and a fucking prick, he never once in this entire story EVER do anything to win the trust, affection, love or even redeem himself to the heroine!

And then there is the part that close to 95% into the story and this couple have yet to have any meaningful conversation or anything really! Every scene with hero & heroine is followed with Hero doing something to piss her off & have her walk away from him. This kept going on and on for almost the entire book.

The story is about two people who have known each other since they were kids. Heroine is best friends with Hero's sister. When she was 16, they got together & had sex but Hero kept it secret so that he could "protect" her from his family. Heroine said it best when she called him out on it that she was his "booty-call" - not his GF as he had many GFs before her that he didn't hide to "protect" them!.

Anyway, Hero has a controlling father who beat him regularly when he was a kid. After his father threw him out & disowned him, he left for NY without telling heroine and they don't see each other until 7 yrs later when heroine comes to NY to audition for a musical or something. She rents an apartment that she is sharing with a roommate but there is initially a problem with it and as she has nowhere to stay, she calls Hero to see if she could stay with him.

When she sees Hero for the first time, he is just about to meet his sex buddy (a crazy model/actress who also turns out to be heroine's roommate) but calls to cancel it when heroine shows up. As it turns out, this OW does show up on his doorstep anyway and while he is trying to break things off with her, heroine listens in on the conversation (she hears OW say that he called her earlier to get together to "taste his cum") . This OW also shows up later in the story again to cause trouble but it's the douchfart's fault 'cause he accepted a deal with a TV producer to star in a Tattoo type reality show in which he has to pretend to be the OW's boyfriend. He never tells heroine this and you can guess she is pissed off & hurt.

So every time Hero hurts this stupid heroine, all he does is kiss or make a pass at her and all is forgotten! Then the next moment, it's rinse & repeat. The story goes back & forth between present & past, but what annoyed me about it is that I never felt any chemistry, affection or anything with these characters. Hero keeps saying how special heroine is and many of his friends tell him not to mess it up but does he listen? Nope - rinse & repeat. Which is why there was not much story or development here.

In terms of safety: There is no cheating. Hero has the OW drama that I mentioned above & in the beginning, he is tattooing a woman customer on her chest. There are many mentions of him expressing how beautiful this & that woman is and there was references of his exploits with OW when they were growing up. Not much is known about the heroine's past other then that she was a virgin when she & hero got together the 1st time.
Profile Image for Kara Hildebrand (Two Book Pushers).
1,713 reviews145 followers
September 10, 2018
The Vow is Natalie Wrye's newest gem. I’m a newish fan of Natalie's but I'm a forever fan now! I'm a sucker for a good second chance romance and The Vow is perfection. Best friend's brother. Teenage lust. Grown up love. It's sticky and forbidden, but oh so good! Brett and Elsie had a few amazing nights together a long time ago. Now they are all grown up and in the same city. Elsie isn't the innocent girl anymore and Brett definitely isn't the teenage boy he was. He's sexy, tatted and doing very well for himself. When Elsie finds herself alone and with nowhere to go she only has one choice. Call Brett. She doesn't want to see him. Doesn’t want those old feelings to come back. He walked away and broke her heart. Brett can't believe how gorgeous she is. He never forgot her and seeing her again is a kick in the heart. If he touches her again he's going to fight for her and never let her go. Can they take the chance that they were denied in the past? Will they finally give in to their desire and take the chance together? I loved this story! I love how Natalie weaves in sexiness, angst, suspense, humor, friendship and family. I already need more Brett and Elsie.
Profile Image for BibliophileAnnoymous.
18 reviews6 followers
September 12, 2018
DNF 65%.

Too many tropes and the timeline didn’t make sense.

If you have just auditioned for a tv show and signed an agreement to star in one, how is it you already have this massive fan base and paparazzi after you (after 7 days)?

Felt like the author couldn’t decide which trope so she threw in a whole heap hoping it would appease everyone’s taste.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews25 followers
Want to read
April 11, 2019
🎁 FREE on Amazon & on iBooks today (4/11/2019)! 🎁

Seven years ago, I gave my vow to a man.

Except it wasn't a wedding...

Because Brett Jackson was the epitome of anti-marriage--a dirty-talking tattoo artist with a penchant for booze, bimbos and blue-eyed women.

I was none of those.

Guess that's why he walks into my new apartment with my not-so-nice roommate on his arm...as her new boyfriend.

But this is not seven years ago. I'm over him; I really am.
So why does it bother me so much when he catches me naked in my new place?

Why does his searing stare at my body stay with me?

Why am I wishing for a repeat and wanting to break the most important vow I've ever made?

A vow that will break both me and Brett...and turn the Manhattan life I've built for myself upside down.
Profile Image for ItaPixie.
1,123 reviews126 followers
April 12, 2019

It was a pleasure to read The Vow.
There isn't so much thrill and suspense but I liked the story nonetheless because the writing,the plot and the characters are engaging and interesting.

Elsie is Brett's little sister's best friend,the two of them had a secret relationship in high school until Brett flew their city without any explanation.When they meet in New York after seven years they are attracted from each other like it wasn't passed a day but their brains for different reasons keep telling them to not surrender to their instincts.
Could they overcome their problems,be honest with each other and finally be happy?

I really liked the supporting characters and I'm looking for their books.

Profile Image for Ayekah.
1,120 reviews
September 10, 2018
Insanely good! This story had so many layers to peel back and watch unfold and we get drawn right into the story with the characters. Because that's what Natalie does, she pulls you right into the story.
I watched as Elsie ventures back to NY, knowing Brett is there. Her best friends brother. The one she's got history with. The one she made a vow to never again. Kayla is still her best friend, she's overseas with an amour and when Elsie can't meet her new roommate in time, she breaks down and calls Kayla for Brett's number. Meanwhile she meets Vi, an attorney just divorced who befriends her although they definitely get off to an interesting start. Summoning her courage, she shows up at Brett's tattoo parlor and words are exchange, Elsie turns to leave (who needs that crap really?) and he stops her and takes her home. Cancels his one off for the night and shows Elsie to the guest room. Elsie is in NY to try out for a singing contest. She's finally decided to leave Kansas and pursue her dream. Meanwhile the one off shows up anyway, with a pizza. He tells her to go, that they are nothing and etc. He really means it. Brett walked away from his family and their money to make it on his own and he's done really well. He's an artist. When an actress that's a regular customer talks him into meeting with a producer about having his own tattoo show, he finally agrees. To his dismay it comes with multiple strings. ( of course it does) and how is he going to juggle this while trying to keep Elsie. It should be said that Elsie isn't crazy about being kept either and isn't sure she completely trusts Brett. Elsie easily moves up the ranks in the music show and becomes one of the final contestants. There are so many twist and turns in this story and characters I haven't even mentioned yet. His partner Heath. Who has been acting off. There's Violet. There's Sophie the slut/ model/witch on a broom, Marilyn. All these people play such pivotal roles in this story and it will keep you glued to the kindle. I know it did me. I didn't put it down. Oh and the end?
Stellar writing, fully developed characters, and great flow as always with Natalie. I'm a fan, what can I say? It's a must read and I'd give it more than 5 stars. I can't wait to read the next book, Violet and Heath...

arc graciously gifted from the author for an honest review.

Merged review:

Insanely good! This story had so many layers to peel back and watch unfold and we get drawn right into the story with the characters. Because that's what Natalie does, she pulls you right into the story.
I watched as Elsie ventures back to NY, knowing Brett is there. Her best friends brother. The one she's got history with. The one she made a vow to never again. Kayla is still her best friend, she's overseas with an amour and when Elsie can't meet her new roommate in time, she breaks down and calls Kayla for Brett's number. Meanwhile she meets Vi, an attorney just divorced who befriends her although they definitely get off to an interesting start. Summoning her courage, she shows up at Brett's tattoo parlor and words are exchange, Elsie turns to leave (who needs that crap really?) and he stops her and takes her home. Cancels his one off for the night and shows Elsie to the guest room. Elsie is in NY to try out for a singing contest. She's finally decided to leave Kansas and pursue her dream. Meanwhile the one off shows up anyway, with a pizza. He tells her to go, that they are nothing and etc. He really means it. Brett walked away from his family and their money to make it on his own and he's done really well. He's an artist. When an actress that's a regular customer talks him into meeting with a producer about having his own tattoo show, he finally agrees. To his dismay it comes with multiple strings. ( of course it does) and how is he going to juggle this while trying to keep Elsie. It should be said that Elsie isn't crazy about being kept either and isn't sure she completely trusts Brett. Elsie easily moves up the ranks in the music show and becomes one of the final contestants. There are so many twist and turns in this story and characters I haven't even mentioned yet. His partner Heath. Who has been acting off. There's Violet. There's Sophie the slut/ model/witch on a broom, Marilyn. All these people play such pivotal roles in this story and it will keep you glued to the kindle. I know it did me. I didn't put it down. Oh and the end?
Stellar writing, fully developed characters, and great flow as always with Natalie. I'm a fan, what can I say? It's a must read and I'd give it more than 5 stars. I can't wait to read the next book, Violet and Heath...

arc graciously gifted from the author for an honest review.
Profile Image for Priscilla .
567 reviews40 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 18, 2020
DNF @ 65% 💔 too much going on. MESSY
Profile Image for Beyond The Covers Blog.
2,513 reviews88 followers
September 7, 2018
Forbidden romance at its best.  The Vow starts off at full speed and does not slow down.  This was a great story with some very interesting characters that made me wish they were real and were my friends.  I thought how cool would these people be in real life?  A tattoo artist and his sister, a wannabe singer, a trust fund baby and his actress sister, a newly divorced lawyer these people are awesome.  The tension between Elsie and Brett is through the roof but then the romance is oh so rewarding. There is drama and betrayal and throw in a high-speed chase and I tell you this book just couldn’t get any better.  The Manhattan Night series continues with The Bet.  
Elsie Carpenter has been in love with her best friend’s older brother forever.  Brett Jackson was the school athlete and all-around bad boy.  After one crazy encounter Elsie gives a piece of her soul to the gorgeous Brett, but she doesn’t realize that she took a piece of his as well.  She vowed never again to let Brett touch her, it wasn’t worth the heartache.  Seven years later Elsie finds herself alone and pretty much stranded in NYC and only has one contact, the one person that she hates more than anyone else, the one person she vowed to never speak to again, Brett Jackson.  Brett doesn’t know what to think when Elsie shows up on his door step needing a place to stay.  After the shock of seeing the one girl that stole his heart seven years ago Brett vows he’s not going to let her get away again, no matter how much she hates him.
Profile Image for Sandra Shipman ~ Two Book Pushers.
2,009 reviews49 followers
September 6, 2019
5 Hearts

The Vow has been rewritten! I enjoyed it the first time around and even more the second time! I have read every word this author has written and have enjoyed them all. Her writing just keeps getting better and better. It’s been amazing following her journey as a writer. Now, it’s time to talk about this vow.

It’s been seven years since Elsie saw the boy who took her innocence and broke her heart. Now they are in the same city. She isn't the same girl she was before. The one who made a vow to that same boy. She is stronger. More determined. And he certainly isn’t the same boy. He is all man. Broad shouldered. Tattooed. And even more of a dick. She didn’t want to ask for his help but she was stuck in a city she didn’t know anyone else. A city that could eat her alive if she let it. New York City where dreams are made or crushed. She was there to sing. To prove to herself and others that she was good enough.

Brett and Elsie thought their shared past was just that. In the past. It’s been years since they were in the same room but when they are once again, those feelings are still there. Hate. Love. Sexual tension beyond belief. They don’t know if they want to strangle or fuck each other. They both have their reasons for staying away from one another. The big one being Kayla, Brett’s younger sister and Elsie’s best friend. But can they keep their hands off each other while in the same city? Especially when the city seems so small. Can they let go of the past so they can conquer this city, together?

I loved this story!! Something about second chances just gets to me. The mistakes made. The emotional ride. The angst. The heat. The hate. The love. With Brett and Elsie is all of those things.

Overall...This is one of my favorite books by Natalie! The characters are both lovable and stubborn as hell. The writing kicks ass. The story made me laugh out loud, cry, and get all kinds of hot and bothered. The sexual tension makes it even hotter. And the added suspense pulled me in even more.

**The timeline has been fixed since the first time. The plot is the same. The characters are more developed.

P.S. I can’t wait for the next book!!
P.P.S There is no cheating.


This won’t be the last time I see Elsie Carpenter; I’m fucking sure of it. And when we do meet again, I’m going to make every fucking second count.

“It’s my pleasure to end your pain, Ms. Carpenter.”

“If you thought that was more than a sample, kitten…” He mumbles the words against my slick skin. “You are sorely mistaken.”
Profile Image for Cee Cee Houston.
1,341 reviews27 followers
September 12, 2018
3.5 stars

Wow!! Grrrr!!! Really??? Talk about an ending! My kindle nearly hit the wall with frustration when I reached the last page of this book.
This is a best friend’s brother/second chance romance that in my humble opinion, tries too hard. I spent most of the story with a frown on my face or just shaking my head. Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s a pretty good story, but it’s kinda muddled as to what it wants to be. There’s the love/hate attraction between the H/h, then there’s some mystery and drama with a little suspense added in for good measure.
Elsie came to New York to take part in American Superstar, hoping to make it to the big lights and stardom, but she’s in town less than a couple of hours before she is back in touch with the man she swore never to talk to again. And not long after that, she’s in his arms too.
Brett Johnson, the boy who stole her sixteen year old heart then tossed it aside… or did he? We never really get to figure that one out. He’s older and wiser, and keeps telling himself he should stay away from Elsie, but he just can’t do it.
There’s a lot happening in this book, from accidental meetings that broker new friendships, to burglars and car chases. Secret meetings and hidden agendas!
Throughout all this is the rekindling of a teenage romance, even though they keep saying they shouldn’t get back together.
And… then there was that ending!
If you’re thinking of getting this one, then grab it now at its release week price!!!

Profile Image for Sassy Southern Book Blog.
4,686 reviews260 followers
September 10, 2018
This was definitely a well done enemies to lovers romance novel-with a dash of forbidden romance as well. With so many tropes fulfilled, its no secret as why this book grabbed me from the beginning.
What I admired most about this book is how two totally opposite personalities, can mesh so well together and have a love that is so totally consuming it’s chemistry literally lights up in front of your eyes. It’s no secret these two have very different paths, but where they want to end up is most important.
The push and pull between Brett and Elise was definitely a slow burn, and the story often switches between flash backs and present tense. I didn’t find it confusing at all-and felt it added immensely to the plot of the story.
This author has absolutely made me want to read all of the supporting characters stories-because I know they will be just as good! With a little bit of taboo, a lot of hate romance, and just enough sweet-this is the perfect mix of book for you to add to your TBR list. - By Victoria
Profile Image for Thuy Taylor.
1,316 reviews17 followers
September 12, 2018
Elsie has been in love with her best friend Kayla's brother forever. Brett does feel the same way about her but he needs to let her go. They share a special 'somewhat' relationship while in high school but break up when things are questioned. Fast forward 7 years later, and she needs a place to crash and the only person she knows thats there is Kayla's bro, Brett.

Once he sees her, all those feelings flood back to him. He knows deep down how much he loves her but he can't pursue it. He has a big secret, and he hasn't shared that with anyone.

I liked this story, their chemistry was off the charts HOT. I am actually looking forward to Violet and Heath's story!!!
Profile Image for Jennifer D..
727 reviews14 followers
February 23, 2019
Just okay

I found it a little difficult to get into at first but I stuck with it. The story line picked up and the characters developed a bit more. I liked Brett and Elsie and that they were able to get their second chance.
Profile Image for Kari.
3,793 reviews90 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
December 9, 2020
Nope. Even coming from Kansas, no one is that naive when they move to NYC.
Profile Image for wendy Shelton(obsessedbybooks).
2,553 reviews25 followers
September 10, 2018
Absolutely loved this story. I was hooked from page one. This a great second chance romance Brett and Elsie have history that wasn't suppose to repeat itself but Elsie is needing help and Brett seems to be the only one who can help but can her feelings stay dormant or will she find herself loving Brett again?
Profile Image for Anne Baker.
756 reviews4 followers
September 10, 2018
Her Perfect, Imperfect Monster

I could not put this fantastic book down, it was perfect in every way. This second, third and fourth chance romance with this imperfect man Brett Jackson had everything a reader would want, so many twists and turns and ups and downs with the intrigue that kept me glued and gripped to reading The Vow in one sitting. A highly recommended slow burn of a superb read by one of my favourite authors, that you simply must not miss. I can’t wait to read Heath And Violets story next.
Elsie Carpenter has known Brett Jackson through her bf Kayla, Brett is Kayla’s Brother. But their taboo relationship when she was 16 years old brought on The Vow, and she lied to her best friend, and had made the worst decision of her life!
7 years later Elsie is in New York City trying to pursue her dreams of becoming a singer on the American Superstar reality show! Brett has his tattoo shop in NYC and on meeting Elsie again, they both realise their is so much unfinished business between them! Elsie becomes his poison and his personal hell, can Brett and Elsie betray Kayla and will Kayla ever forgive them both for their lies and the boundary he crossed with Elsie when she was 16? Now that Brett has signed his life away for the reality show Tattoo Gods for 1 year may Be they will be able to keep their distance! But is their past history too strong to ignore and will Elsie and Brett betray Kayla again?
Their is so, so much palpable emotion between these two amazing characters, anger, dread, desire and lots of hate but do they love to hate one another. As they say? Will Brett’s dark past come tumbling down in his rage with Heath his bf and can he keep pushing Elsie away? To make it big in this lonely city of New York can Elsie keep the solid vow she made at 16?
I voluntarily reviewed this book after receiving a free copy.
Profile Image for Cierra McCauley (Cierra's Corner).
807 reviews31 followers
September 10, 2018
The Vow was a tough love, second chance romance filled with lots of love/hate sexual tension. I really loved Elsie. She was my favorite kind of character, determined, heart of gold, sassy, a lead who really finds herself and progressively gets stronger as the book goes on. Brett is a grade A a**hole, but I came to love him. He is hiding a big secret, one that will blow your mind. Brett is so much more than the golden boy he is made out to be! I loved that seven years has done nothing to hide the torch these two still carry for each other. The Vow is very much a forbidden romance, both characters have to hide their budding affair from Elsie's best friend/Brett's little sister. I also loved their group of friends, Elsie's were very relatable and made you want to be a part of their enter circle. I found the American Star and Tv Show production parts to be very entertaining, it was like I was watching the America's got talent or a reality show. Felt very intrusive, manipulative, and real. I was a little confused as why the book was titled The Vow, the author really prolonged revealing "The Vow" that Elsie made all those years ago. I did feel a little like the ending was anticlimactic after everything the couple went through I just wanted more. I really enjoyed the story, this is definitely the best book to curl up on the couch with. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Johnaka- Amity Book Blog.
1,163 reviews16 followers
September 7, 2018
The Vow by Natalie Wrye
“Some Vows are made to be kept and some made to be broken, 5 stars”

Brett was the town golden boy turned bad boy with a secret. When he left home, he had no choice in the matter no matter what people think. When he left he left the three women in his life, his mother, his sister, and his sisters best friend Elise. But Elise was much more to him then anyone knew. Now years later she’s in his town and needs his help. Will he let he past hold him back from the one woman who ever had a hold on him or will he go after what he wants?
Elise was in love with Brett once upon a time. But its something she has moved on from. Elise never imagined needing his help when she gets to her new city that he so happens to reside in. She fights herself between the new and old Brett, has he really changed or is he the same? One thing is for sure though, he knows how to rattle her cage. Will she give him a chance?
I loved how different these two were. She was the all-American kind of woman and he was the tattooed bad boy, but together they were fire. The chemistry was off the charts and completely undeniable. The secondary characters played them up in the best sort of way yet got me excited for their stories to come.
Writing style-5/5
562 reviews
September 9, 2018
Elsie has been in love with her best friends older brother Brett since she was a teenager. One encounter, both, satisfying and in the end extremely disappointing, made her hate him. He left home to work in New York and to get away from his family and his sisters best friend. And Elsie made a vow to herself - to never fall for Brett again.

Seven years later she moves to New York to follow her dreams and become a singer. She knows that New York and this business is tough, bit she's a strong woman and she knows what she wants. And she definitely wants Brett.

I love that Elsie is a person everybody connects easily with (Kayla loved her from the first moment they met and with Violet it's the same), she's everybodys darling. She's so cute. Brett is this wild, tattooed bad boy who left his family and doesn't give a shit. But there's so much more to him and to his story. There's this secret he kept all those years and the reason why he really left his sister and Elsie.

This story has a lot of twists, interesting characters and a small dose of drama. And don't forget the sexy scenes 😉. I love how different Elsie and Brett are but they are still great together. Sparks are flying whenever they collide. A great hate-to-love/second-chance story. The end leaves a few questions open but I hope to find the answers in the next book.

ARC provided for an honest review!
Profile Image for Julianna K.
835 reviews
September 10, 2018
The Vow by Natalie Wrye.

The Vow is an amazing story! Phenomenal. I could NOT put this down even though other things demanded my attention. Brett was the “golden boy” from a young age, but as this boy grew up into a man, he turned to the other side, a bad boy. His character completely took me off guard and I love that. And Elise, oh man, this woman can’t catch a break as she tries to start a new life as an adult. Girl, I feel yeah.

After several years of complete and utter radio silence, Elise does the one thing she knows she’ll resent… Dialing Brett, her best friends brother and asking for his help. He tries to prove to Elise that he’s grown up from his young years, but that’s blown to smithereens when his latest conquest shows up unexpected to his door.

Will these two be able to see past mistakes and go for the chance of second love, or are old wounds too deep?

I haven’t read a lot of stories by Natalie Wrye, but she’s certainly on my radar now! A great read that helped me relax during a stressful week of my life. The chemistry and undeniable tension of past mistakes between these two characters scorched through the pages. I look forward to reading more of Ms. Wrye’s book in the future.

Tempting Sexy Thoughts
ARC for an Honest Review
Profile Image for Tricia.
441 reviews
September 10, 2018
The attraction between Brett and Elsie started several years ago when she was a teenager and his sister’s best friend. Their burgeoning relationship came to an end when Brett left home to follow his own path, against the wishes of his family. Talented and successful, Brett is doing a stand up job of hiding more then one secret from the world until Elsie comes crashing back into his life and his heart. Seven years and all vows to stay away fly out of the window once they set eyes on each other. They’re kidding themselves if they think time will have lessened their feelings.

Fast paced and intriguing, The Vow is a great angsty best friend’s brother/second chance romance with a good dose of action. Multi layered, sexy and suspenseful it will hook you in from the start and won’t let go until all the skeletons are out of the closet. I didn’t quite get where Elsie’s anger towards Brett was coming from initially but as the story unfolded it was clear that she was more hurt than anything. A great cast of well rounded characters not only complement the storyline but have fascinating, albeit sometimes twisted, personalities of their own. There were a couple of characters I would cheerfully have kicked in the backside! Can’t wait to see what’s next.
Profile Image for Danielle S..
272 reviews
September 10, 2018
Elsie Carpenter has had a thing for her best friend Kayla's brother, Brett, since she was 16. Not only did she have a thing for him, she had a thing with him. A secret thing, a thing that left her hating him for seven years when he just up and left with no explanation.

Elsie has chased her dream all the way New York City, her dream of being the American Superstar, only to have her plans fouled by her soon-to-be new roomie. Finding herself scared and lonely, she calls the one person she vowed to never need again....Brett Jackson.

Brett came to NYC secen years ago with nothing, but he was determined to make his own way. Damn his father, he didn't need anything from him. Now he's a successful tattoo shop owner and up & coming reality tv star (even though that's not what he wants but boy does money talk).

When Elsie & Brett come face to face again after so long, it's undeniable from the start. Only the world seems to have different plans and throws every wrench in their path possible. But, they're determined to make it happen. It's time for them.

*this was my very first Natalie Wrye read. I enjoyed it. Best-friend's siblings have always been one of my favorite tropes, and she delivered an angsty, loving, sexy story that had enough drama mixed in to keep me pulled in!
2,111 reviews53 followers
September 12, 2018
I'm a sucker for a second-chance romance, and The Vow delivers. Elsie and Brett had a secret fling years ago (because her best friend/his sister wouldn't approve) - and then he just up and left her one day. Seven years later, she's still harboring a lot of anger and hatred for the guy who stole her heart, and he's hiding a major secret. But when Elsie is more or less stranded far away from home in New York City, Brett is the only other person she knows, and their lives intersect once again. But this time, he's not going to walk away from the best thing that ever happened to him.

The Vow puts a fresh spin on the typical second-chance/enemies-to-lovers romance thanks to the backdrop of a reality TV program. And there are lots of interesting supporting characters and secondary storylines. I hate when falling for your best friend's brother is considered a "forbidden" romance, but in the eyes of Brett's sister/Elsie's best friend, their relationship was taboo. So there's they had that to conquer. But overall, it was a highly entertaining story of second chances and overcoming obstacles.

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.
Profile Image for 2OCC Reviews.
3,476 reviews247 followers
September 7, 2018
This was a great hate to love second chance type romance. When it came to Elsie and Brett you could really feel that pull that shows you the want they have for each other but also the hate they both seem to have. As we piece the pieces together and get a bigger picture of why I felt drawn into the story even more. Add is a crazy chick that just cracked me up because let’s face it..... while crazy chicks can be a little scary, they can also be funny, crazy family issues and a ride to fame that isn’t all they are cracked up to be.

If your looking for a good best friends brother/sisters best friend, hate to love type story then this book will pull you in and keep you intrigued until the end. I will admit that I wasn’t that happy with the end as a blogger because I didn’t the full experience (until I read the extended epilogue when the book releases. Sadly that does impact how I see the book because I feel jiped).This is my first book by this author and it won’t be the last. 4 stars #2OCCJD
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.4k reviews86 followers
September 10, 2018
When she was 16 all of Elsie’s teenage dreams came true when she gave herself to the man she has loved for years, Brett, who also happened to be her best friend’s older brother. When he decided to leave her and his family behind without a second glance she vowed to never let him near enough to either touch or hurt her again.

Seven years later Elsie is pursuing her dream of music in NY when she finds herself without a place to stay. Having no other option, she goes to the one person she never wanted to see again, Brett. The feelings between them are stronger than ever but will this be their second chance or is Elsie destined for heartbreak once again?

Although they may appear to be opposites there are so many layers to Brett yet to be revealed. They must work through their past as it isn’t as simple as Elsie believes.
Profile Image for Maria Hunt.
1,131 reviews9 followers
September 12, 2018
The Vow was a great second chance slowburn that quickly intrigued me. You get al little bit of everything in this book from a touch of forbidden romance, angst, intrigue, fantastic characters and all the feels. I loved how Brett and Elsie were complete opposites yet the pull between them was undeniable. Elsie was sassy and had a heart of gold. I'm a sucker for tattoo artists so Brett reeled me in quickly and the more that was revealed about his character the more I loved him. I enjoyed the flashbacks and how it developed their shared pasts and gave insight into their relationship. The twists and turns these two took together kept me in suspense and after quite the interesting cast of secondary characters introduced in this book I can't wait to see who's story unfolds next.
Profile Image for SCBookAddict.
642 reviews49 followers
April 3, 2019
Elsie has just relocated to Manhattan and due to everything going wrong, needs a place to stay for the night. There is only one person that she knows that will give her a place to stay, her best friend's older brother, Brett. The same guy that took her virginity seven years ago.
This story was filled with secrets, angst, and two people trying to determine what is best for them without getting sucked back into the turmoil that caused their rift to begin with. And then there is Heath, Brett's best friend. He gives this book the humor that it needed and you can sense a little chemistry between him and one of Elsie's new friends.
This was a great start to a series that I plan to continue reading.
Profile Image for Book Buddies.
698 reviews15 followers
September 11, 2018
What a delightful story about second chances.
What a wonderful cast of characters.
And the feels are marvelous...don't you just love romance?

Brett and Elsie, made promises that were made to be broken, and wasted 7 years keeping them.

It's funny how we can misconstrue reality based on appearances.

Contemporary romances aren't usually my thing, but I can guarantee you that I will be reading the rest of this series...I loved these characters so much there's no way I can't NOT know what happens to them!!
Profile Image for  Tania.
753 reviews16 followers
September 10, 2018
The Vow sucked me in right from the beginning, I couldn't put it down.
Elsie meets Brett who is her best friend Kayla's brother.
Their forbidden relationship that she kept from and lied to Kayla brings on the Vow.
Seven years later Elsie finds herself pretty much stranded in NYC, not knowing what else to do Elsie shows up on Brett's doorstep needing a place to stay.
Elsie and Brett are perfectly imperfect. This fantastic book is a serious must read
Displaying 1 - 30 of 119 reviews

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