What’s Harder, Marriage or Parenting?

What’s more challenging — parenting or marriage?

That’s the question on the table this week over at Momversation.com. The site is filled with videos of conversations among changing combinations of some of the Web’s most trafficked “Mommy bloggers.”

What caught my attention was a question posed by Heather Armstrong, whose Web site is the popular Dooce.com.

“I’ve read some research recently that shows our mothers spent more of their time working on being better wives as opposed to better mothers,” she says. “Whereas, for our generation it seems like it’s kind of the opposite, that we concentrate more on being better mothers than better wives.”

She concludes, ”For me marriage is much easier than parenthood.”

The two other bloggers in the video disagree.

“Motherhood is so easy compared to marriage,” says Rebecca Woolf, of GirlsGoneChild.net and author of “Rockabye: From Wild to Child,” the story of her unexpected pregnancy at 23, and her marriage to the boyfriend she hardly knew. “The first two years of my marriage, both of us were trying to co-exist with each other without killing each other.”

Alice Bradley, from Finslippy.com, agrees: “What does it mean to be a good wife? I don’t know what that means. I know what it means to be a good mother. When you have a baby, its very clear what you have to do — you have to keep the baby alive and love it … It’s hard to neglect a baby, if you’re not crazy and evil. It’s easy to neglect a marriage; you have to work at it and it’s easier to forget that you have to work at it.” (If you find yourself on her site, read her description of giving birth to her son, Henry. One of the funniest birth stories ever…)

You don’t realize you see the world through a fixed lens until someone else sees things differently. For me, being a new spouse was easy, being a new parent was hard. Getting married meant rearranging the metaphorical furniture of my life. Becoming a mother meant knocking down the house and rebuilding it from scratch. Marriage required skill sets I’d had practice using. Parenting required skill sets I wasn’t sure I had.

Armstrong, too, was surprised that everyone didn’t see things they way she had. She’d been so debilitated by postpartum depression when her daughter Leta was born nearly five years ago that she’d needed in-patient psychiatric treatment. (Her book about all that, piercingly titled “It Sucked, and Then I Cried,” will be out in March.) So she’d never really imagined that someone could find marriage the tougher adjustment than parenting.

As she explained on her blog:

It was pretty clear cut for me. I mean, six months into parenthood I checked myself into a mental hospital. That’s a pretty good indication that the software was not compatible with my operating system. Whereas my marriage has caused its fair share of wrinkles, but it hasn’t ever made me consider checking out of life.

Armstong is expecting her second child in June, and says that her feelings about motherhood are worlds removed from where they began:

The instincts I thought would kick in immediately took their damn sweet time and I had no idea what I was doing for about a year. Those instincts finally did settle in, and when I look back at those first few months the memories have the same tone and color as the memory of being dropped into a pool not knowing how to swim.

Which was easier for you, becoming a parent or becoming a partner? (To quote Armstrong, “Since some of us aren’t allowed to marry the ones we love, let’s extend the discussion to relationships in general.”)

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I’m not a parent yet–thinking about becoming one (hence reading the blog). I was raised in a culture where early marriage was the norm. At 21 I was confident I knew myself well enough to get married (and was trying my darndest to live up to my abstinence only education).

It’s been wrenchingly hard to try to discover myself while tied to this man who seemed so similar and now seems so different. Every time I compromise it sort of feels like I am amending a part of that new self. Maybe partnership is easier for those who had a bit more time on their own?

You can see why it’s taken me 6.5 years of marriage to even think of having a kid. I’m starting to find some inner peace between who I am and who my husband is–enough to contemplate the added burden and joy. But at the same time, I’m deathly afraid. So off to counseling we go!

From Lisa Belkin: You are doing the right thing, with all this thinking and examining, although I know if it seems hard while you are doing it. Hoping that things turn out for you the way they should, even if you don’t know what that means yet.

In my experience, marriage and parenting have been equally challenging…and there are ebbs and flows on both sides. My husband and I have always gotten along very well, and we complement each other nicely. Obviously there are always peaks and valleys, though, as we negotiate the “us” vs. “me” balance. We had our son 5 years into our marriage, and becoming parents rocked our world in both good and bad ways. It took us about 3 years to adjust to our new roles as parents, and it’s only been recently that I’ve been feeling that we’re balancing it all well.

Just when it had started to get easy we’ve been thrown another curve ball. This past week my husband was hospitalized with a very serious illness, one that is now going to affect our lives forever. So once again, the balance may shift a bit. But such is life; it would be boring if everything was all hunky dory all the time, right?

It has been most challenging to me to remain true to myself, to not lose my own identity to either my son or my husband. That’s a daily struggle that I know most moms, wives, partners go through.

From Lisa Belkin: All the best to you Tori. So sorry for all you are going through.

Becoming a parent was a million times harder than becoming a wife, mostly because getting married wasn’t difficult at all. I really think it depends on who and when you marry and who and when you parent. Everyone will have a different answer that is relevant for them.

Soon to be mother Mary January 9, 2009 · 12:06 pm

Sitting here with 16 weeks to go until I’m officially a “parent” the marriage definately seems easier. I’ve known my husband for nine years. We’ve been together for 6 but only married for 9 months. We know each other inside and out. We’re about as compatible as two people can be. This is my second marriage but this will be my first child. I’m not worried about being a “bad” mother but I have never even SEEN a real live newborn babe. I know what to expect out of my husband, I have no idea what makes an infant tick. I’ll be interested in revisiting this question in a year when DH and I are sleep-deprived and there has been no sex . . .

I find being a partner to be more challenging on a daily basis, and being a parent to be more daunting in the long term.

Both parenting and being a partner are challenging, obviously. Yet I’ve found being a parent is somehow more seductive in the sense that lavishing attention and care on the baby is an easy ‘out’ from the negotiations of marriage, bolstered by the knowledge that I am the one who sets the rules and has the maturity to be in charge.

As a partner there is serious work to be done on a regular basis, though most of it is pleasant or at least worthwhile. Most of that work is based on sharing, cooperation, and compromise. Unfortunately, none of those things has the same instant gratification of being hugged or smiled at by someone who thinks you are absolutely (for now) perfect.

THANK YOU for writing this! I have been searching in vain for a few years to find (1) really honest accounts of the transition to motherhood that talk about difficult adjustments and also sexual/anatomical changes that result from labor and childbirth and (2) modern thoughts about being a good wife. When I talk to women friends, there is muh discussion of being a good mother but no mention of being a good wife ever whether they have children or not. This troubles me because many of my friends have downshifted and are now stay-at-home moms. Although I have no children yet, the idea of putting the burden of breadwinner for a family on my husband’s shoulders seems cruel to me. That said, I also know that taking care of children and running a household properly takes lots of time and energy. I don’t think it is retrograde to ask, again, as our grandmothers did when appliances and suburban life replaced the backbreaking housework of the past, what does it mean to be a Good Wife today? I know I want very much to be one. I love my husband, appreciate him and want to give him that respect and honor. If any men are reading all this, please also share your thoughts.

I have found it changes as you go – it was easy to be married at the beginning and a new baby was HARD. But now that my daughter is 12, the parenting is easy and keeping the marriage on track takes more effort. The teen years may switch that back yet again!

Definately, raising a child is the most difficult. If you have a stinker for a spouse there is always divorce and moving far away. However, a child has a special hold on your heart that is very difficult to break, no matter what the child does to yourself and anyone else. My adult child has a personality disorder that I first thought was her simply being a teenager. At age 43 she is doing basically the same stuff. She fits all the criteria for the personality disorder type, which includes blaming others and being extremely difficult to treat. A spouse can break your heart temporarily, however a mentally ill child can break your heart for life.

You said it very eloquently, Tori, and I hope the best for your husband and your family. It sounds like you have the right view to make it through anything!

As an outsider “single mom by choice” looking at my married mom friends, I see marriage as much harder than parenting. In fact, for them, the challenge of parenting seems to be really about the challenge of handling a husband. The married moms have a double load. I’ve become a strong advocate for separating marriage from child-rearing. Because my child is not seeing any marital struggles up close, she is developing a much more positive sense of relationships and men in general. I’m sure most Americans disagree with me vehemently and would like to see me jailed, but I wish I could pull everybody out of their cultural conceptions and constructions for a day so they could see how they have boxed themselves in.

I found the first 2 or 3 years of parenting to be pretty easy in certain respects. Even though my marriage wasn’t perfect we were great co-parents.

As she got older (she’s now 7), I find it very tough. Dealing with teachers and other outside “moniters” (and that’s how it feels) is a real challenge for me. My daughter is having a hard time with the divorce of her father and myself and I am now getting re-married.

I love her with all my heart and perhaps it’s because of that intense love — a love like no other — that makes it so hard. I would stand on my head in the rain all night for her if I had too and the incredible pain tosee HER in pain (vis-a-vis the divorce, etc) was so hard to bear at times I was at a loss.

I also think we live in the “helicopter parenting” age that our parents didn’t have to go through. I feel so guilty so much of the time that she isn’t doing “genius work” at school or is sad on the days when she doesn’t see her father. I think in my mother’s generation (I’m 40), there was a different attitude and our parents knew on a deep level that they couln’t make life perfect for their kids or “take away” all their hurts. That some hurts and mistakes were actually necessary for growth. I feel like that kind of parenting isn’t allowed anymore. And even though I know all this on an intellectual level, I still find myself trying to “fix” everything for her. And who can do that? Who is a “perfect parent”? I think the reason parenting is harder than marriage is that we put so much pressure on ourselves to create this “fantastic kids”, and that is just not realistic.

The stakes are much higher in motherhood and I think that makes it harder. I love my four children forever and I’m the only mother they get.

On the other hand, my ex husband has gone on to have several other wives…

For me, marriage after parenthood is harder than parenthood itself. I have found parenthood to be very rewarding in the simplicity of the equation – solve the baby’s problem and the baby loves you. I find my son’s problems so simple and straightfoward (granted he is only 8 months old), whereas my own problems and my husband’s, and ours together, feel much more amorphous and difficult to solve, somehow. I guess some of that is due to the fact that I have finite energy to devote to any one person, and like many new parents, baby becomes the priority most of the time.

Return with us now to the thrilling days of yesteryear! Can we imagine this conversation with our grandmothers and great-grandmothers participating? In those days, to have a child live long enough to marry was an achievement. The death of children was common, ordinary, though obviously just as painful a loss. Marriage was a patriarchal institution then, as it is for many now, but very few had the time, energy or inclination to analyze it or themselves in relation to it or their (living) children.

Do we have too much time on our hands? Are we failing to see the fact that children are more likely to survive living, and avoid death, not to mention succeed in life beyond our progenitors’ imagination is one of the biggest benefits of our own lives? Are we more concerned out ourselves – really – than about our spouses *and our children?

I think the two go hand in hand. Before you have children, marriage is just about the two of you. After kids, it becomes about the two of you, and your kids. Your roles shift. You are now a wife AND mother. One can complicate the other, and let’s face it, expectations of your spouse change when you have children. I agree with the person who said each has its own sets of challeneges. Everything changes when you have kids, and some may find they need to really work harder at their marriages because you may lose one another trying to juggle careers, parenting duties, etc. And as your marriage progresses, you end up going through more life ‘stuff’ so it is a constant work in progress, just as being a mother is.
I guess the other part is you are always your child’s mother–you don’t always have to be your husband’s wife. But that’s a whole other post…

I would say marriage is not easy for me but it is definitely easier than parenting.
The first few months after my twins were born I was really stressed and constantly driving myself crazy thinking if I was doing the right things for them…
I feel much calmer now but still plagued by uncertainties…
My marriage does not cause me such stress….at least not yet :-)


Divorce rates at 50%.

How many parents are giving their kids away?

I don’t have children, and didn’t marry until my 40s. But marriage has been surprisingly easy. I used to think “work on your marriage” meant gritting your teeth and toughening yourself to endure, but it turns out it really means “pay attention to your spouse”.

And it turned out that I can do that. There’s always room for improvement, though.

Marriage is harder. In my case, anyway. Maternal instincts kicked in as soon as I had my first baby over a decade ago. Since I am one of those intuitive types (as opposed to parent-book-reader types) I’ve just gone with my gut throughout my parenting journey. It’s worked so far (thank god.)

Marriage…. my parents’ marriage was/is a model that probably should not be replicated even though it works for them. Unfortunately I didn’t have a gut instinct on how to be a wife so I have found that I have become my mother in my spousal relationship. This does not fly. The main thing is: I have become my mother and my husband has become his father. Both are “difficult” people, but we just about couldn’t help ourselve because that’s all we ever knew. We’re going thru therapy and I hope it helps…

All good things are hard. Marriage and parenthood, both hard in equal but separate ways.

Also to address Taylor’s point”

“Divorce rates at 50%.

How many parents are giving their kids away?”

The more accurate gauge is how many parents raise rotten kids…?

I have been married for 9 years and been a mom for 4 years. Both roles (spouse and mom) came somewhat naturally to me, but balancing is something I am still struggling with. New mom’s tend to spend a lot of time figuring out the new responsibilty and role (which is not trival in any way), which sometimes leads to neglect of existing relationship (marraige). When one realises that, it usually ends up in a see-saw act and fine balacing between being mom and a spouse, and it can be sometimes overwhelming for working moms.
(I don’t mean to neglect dad’s, its the same for men balancing marraige and parenthood)

well, i’m not a parent, but i can tell you i’ve never had to get up in the middle of the night to feed my husband.

For me parenting is harder than marriage, but I would have to say that in general it is going to depend on the situation. For example the situation of Rebecca Woolf, marrying a virtual stranger, I can easily understand that marriage would be harder. There are many other factors that influence which is harder for any given individual, but the important thing for people to understand is that each one is going to be hard.

As someone who is in a second marriage, the first of which was over 19 years and the second of which has been going for over 18 years and as a person with two children and three step-children I would say the following: If you had asked me during my first marriage I would have said marriage is far harder. Now I would say marriage is far easier. I have no idea what that says about me. I ‘ll let the readers decide.

I’m not a parent yet so hard to really know. But these days I see a lot of my Mom friends who put their kids before spouse, put their kids before career and put their kids before themselves.

While everyone’s life is different, my most important relationship is with myself and next is my husband. I’d love to hear from new Moms on this issue as its one of concern for me.