The purpose of Project AERODYNAMIC is to provide for the exploita- tion and expansion of the Anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance movement.
Project AERODYNAMIC represents SB Division's only organized contact with a non-Russian people per se, a nationality group second in strength to the Russians, ...
-Another new QRPLUMB project concentrates on infiltration of video duplicating equipment and video tapes inside. To date they have delivered duplicating ...
The Fl purpose of Project AERODYNAMIC is to exploit the anti-Soviet. Ukrainian resistance groups OJHVR, UFA, ZPUHVR and the (UN/B) in Western.
Project AERODYNAMIC, which was approved for FY 1967 in the amount of $r. 1, lends support to a Ukrainian emigre political group, the ZP/UHVR (Foreign ...
William TARASKO, member of the New York Police Force at the. United Nations Building, traveled to the Ukraine in Spring 1959 where he was hosted by high ...
... QRDYNAMIC Purpose 1. ... ... renewal covers QRDYNAMIC activity in exhaustive detail and shows commendable restraint in what QRDYNAMIC ...
Project will in no way conflict with other broadcasts from. Athens over the same station. AERODYNAMIC deals exclusively with Ukrainian emigres. There is no ...
covered by this report AECASSOWARY/29 and debriefed AECASSOWARY/43 were forwarded in EGFA-34543„. 1961. AECASSOWARY/29 has debriefed.
is now making arrangements to air-drop agent personnel and communi- cations equipment this summer. Therefore, as soon as this project is approved by OPC ...