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    Translation correct?

    Was war das noch gleich? - "What was that again" or "How did that go again?"

    Source Language Term

    Was war das noch gleich?


    "What was that again" or "How did that go again?"

    Examples/ definitions with source references
    "Was war das noch gleich, eine friedliche Welt?"
    This seems a bit ironic to me in the example below, but I'm not sure I've captured that in the my english translation. Then again, maybe I've simply misunderstood the German.

    Thanks for any and all help.
    AuthorJess13 Jan 06, 17:14

    What was that again?


    Was war das noch gleich?

    Don't worry, your grasp of our language is perfect.
    #1AuthorWerner13 Jan 06, 17:30
 ­ automatisch zu ­ ­ umgewandelt