I regret investing in products that make me feel prettier…said no woman, ever! Between your skin care routine and makeup, how many products do you use on a daily basis (go ahead and count now)? On average, I use 7 different products to prep my skin, followed by 10 items (give or take a couple depending on my mood) from my makeup arsenal to complete the look. That’s right, 17 products…every…single…day. Sheesh, that sounds like a lot more work than it actually is, haha.

After tallying the number of products I use daily, I thought it would be fun to calculate the cost. Skin care is by far my biggest beauty investment, so let’s start there. From my cleanser to my SPF, my entire routine is roughly worth $430.00 – thank God the average use of products is 3-4 months! I’m not exactly the “splurging” type, but this expense is completely justifiable at just over $100.00 a month. It’s even more digestible at $3.50 a day, which is less than that must-have Starbucks coffee on the way to work!

While my makeup routine consists of more products, I mix in drugstore brands with higher end products for a less (initially) frightening total. I use everything from a primer to lipgloss daily, which all totals $275.00 or so. Depending on how crazy I get with application, most of it lasts about 3 months. Breaking that down, it’s only around $3.00 a day. Not bad when an even complexion can make or break your day – yep, I have meltdowns when my makeup looks bad too (and don’t even get me started on how a bad hair can bring me to tears, haha).

If you’re anything like me, you freak out when someone touches your face. Now rather than lecturing those face-touchers on the transfer of germs, you can actually quantify the price of that unwelcome touch. Feel free to charge repeat offenders 😉

Per my usual stance on this, the investment in quality products and treatments to maintain a youthful appearance is well worth it. Pairing a healthy lifestyle with your facial routine will ensure your best skin always shines – this will also cut down on those botox bills down the line 😉
