Page last updated at 09:56 GMT, Monday, 2 March 2009

Snoop Dogg joins Nation of Islam

Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg would not say when he had joined Nation of Islam

Snoop Dogg has revealed he has joined the Nation of Islam after appearing at the religious group's annual Saviours' Day event in Chicago.

The rapper, who described himself as the "leader of the hip-hop community", told followers he would share what he learned with other musicians.

He told reporters that he joined the group because he was "doing what's right and representing what's right".

It preaches self-reliance for black people within an Islamic framework.

At Sunday's event, the rapper sat on stage while Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan gave a speech.

I live how I'm supposed to live as far as doing what's right and representing what's right - that's why I was here today
Snoop Dogg

He said afterwards that listening to the speech from Mr Farrakhan was "about a mirror - it's about looking at yourself".

He added: "We're doing a lot of wrongs among ourselves that need correcting."

When asked if he had joined the movement he said: "I'm already in the Nation, that's why I'm here.

"I'm an advocate for peace, I've been in the peace movement ever since I've been making music.

"My whole thing is not about really trying to push my thing on you.

"It's just about the way I live, and I live how I'm supposed to live as far as doing what's right and representing what's right - that's why I was here today."

He would not say when he had joined the Nation of Islam.

Other rappers previously involved with the movement include NWA star-turned-actor Ice Cube.

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