Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Leaders Who Are Leading--The Best of CATALYST 2010--October 6

Hello my dear friends. Hope each one of you are doing well this day. For the next three days I'll be passing on to you a portion of what I am hearing from some of this generation's leaders. Each speaker I hear this week brings incredible credibility as they function as leaders of leaders. Here are a few of the quotes from pastor and writer John Ortberg based upon his new book, "The Me I Want To Be." It's on my list as one of my next reads. I recommend it to you if you are interested on how you can experience spiritual growth. Ortberg said,

"What kind of people are we producing in the church: humble, transparent, loving?"

"Your life is not your project--It's God's (Eph. 3:10) You are not your handiwork. Only God knows what the best version of you are."

"We live in a gap of our destiny and where we really are."

"Transformation requires as much grace as salvation does."

"Living in grace is a learned behavior."

"We have reduced grace to the forgiveness of sins. We are to grow in grace."

"Saints burn far more grace than sinners could ever do--Dallas Willard."

"Question: who is more content? The man with a million dollars or the man with 12 kids?" Answer: The man with 12 kids. He is content. He wants no more!"

"Spiritual formation is not a program or event for 'the special.' It is happening all of the time to everyone whether they realize it or not. The inner you is being shaped all of the time."

"Spiritual growth is hand crafted, not mass produced."

"God has existed for eternity, but He has never had a relationship with you."

"You do not measure some one's devotion to God by their 'devotional' life."

"Are you producing pharisees or disciples?"

"We need to teach people to learn to live by grace."

"The world is not likely to respond to a gospel of transformation by untransformed people."

"What do you want? Good circumstances that go your way or living rivers that flow out of your inner being?"

Other speakers from today that I may blog about later are Michael Hyatt (CEO of Thomas Nelson), Chris Hodges (Church planter), Alan and Debra Hirsh (Writers), and Mark Batterson. Thursday and Friday will be full days of listening and learning. I'll pass on to you some of the CATALYST experience. Wish you were here to see it and experience it for yourself! In the meantime,

Keep on leading with quality in mind,

Denny Bates

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