Ancestor Dream Visitation Repository 托梦库
Within the syncretic Chinese religious paradigm, 托梦 (tuōmèng) means to be visited in dreams by departed loved ones or deities with a message to convey. The scrying of these dreams, at times in informal consultation with Chinese religious goods merchants, is often a pragmatic act of inference for rituals sending money and gifts by fire.

Ancestor Dream Visitation Repository 托梦库 is a research experiment collecting, theorising and translating ancestor dream visitations towards new notions of lineage, remembrance and spirituality for the living descendant / future ancestor. Collaborative artistic processes alchemically transmute spiritual intentions into creative manifestations sitting between art and life.

While the Repository emerges from research within the Chinese religious paradigm, it is secular and reaches widely to learn from different practices and perspectives. All are welcome regardless of background. Ancestors do not need to be biological.

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Baibai Research Group (BBRG) is a transdisciplinary art platform operating at the intersections of spirituality, ancestry and relationality. Its current research focuses on ancestor worship as creative posthumous relationship development, embodied lineal practices, and the dying trade of Chinese religious goods merchants.
Thank you for choosing to contribute something very personal.

Contribution & collection ethos
Contributions are collected and translated with utmost loving intention to better understand and process human relationship with other realms and beings. This contribution is a transfer of words recording an event, and not intended for the opening of energetic portals connecting BBRG with contributors' departed loved ones.

Contribution & collection terms
By contributing to the repository, you agree for Baibai Research Group to respectfully use your entry for research, publication and translation to other forms. Minimally, all contributions will appear in an online repository, in exhibitions as text, and may be quoted in writing online and/or in publications. Additionally, depending on your indication of choice below, contributions may translate into creative outputs such as video, sound, or other forms. The questions below invite you to express your preferences. In all cases, you will be credited with the name/pseudonym you indicate.
Name (real, made-up or anonymous) *
Country *
Please describe a dream (or multiple dreams) you had of departed loved ones or deities. Go into as much detail as you would like. *
When did you have this dream? Indicate date if known (or time period), and any other elements like moon phase, astrological influences, weather.
Did the dream have any effect on you or your life? Did you take any form of action (however small) as a result of the dream? Please describe if so. *
I would like to know if, in future, my ancestor dream visitation entry is translated into creative form e.g. video, sound, performance, text etc. *
Would you be interested in potentially collaborating to translate this entry into creative form e.g. video, sound, performance, text etc.? *
Any more limits/thoughts on the use of this dream entry:
Do you have any theories around ancestor dream visitations? e.g. which time of year they might occur, which part of sleep/waking they may occur, the nature of the dream, the way messages are given, authorship of the dream etc.
Please update me on future happenings for Ancestor Dream Visitation Repository and Baibai Research Group.
Thank you very much.
Ancestor Dream Visitation Repository will be updated with your entry soon. You will be notified of its launch.
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