Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Michelle Obama

Day By Day August 10, 2010 – Cake Served

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Michelle and President Obama do NOT care obviously of the appearances of the First Lady’s Spain vacation. Isn’t it just spreading the wealth around?

Obama’s PORKULUS (Economic Stimulus) is/was a failure and the Democrat Leadership (Speaker Nancy Pelosi) has called the House back in session today to bailout the teacher’s unions and save hundred’s of thousands of teacher jobs that the states cannot pay for.

I wonder how many teachers Michelle Obama’s vacation would have funded?

Let them – meaning the taxpayers – eat it……


The Day By Day Archive


  • John

    Well Flap, you are being harsh toward first lady. Maybe she promised during campaign that she will do 8 mini holidays per year? At least she is upset about quantity of cake carbs per American.

  • Flap

    Well, tell that to all of the unemployed folks and the 44 million on Food Stamps.

    Michelle could have gone to Disneyland and spent the money here – and alot less of it.

  • Emdonton apartments

    I dunno, but I guess they should think of something to save lots of money rather than spend it to not so important trips. They could’ve gone to Disneyland, and still enjoy. Or do something like feeding programs for the not so fortunate people. That way, they could help a lot.

  • Edmonton rentals

    Maybe they should focus on more important matters like sponsor something for a good cause. For orphans perhaps, they could spend the money on orphans to give them good education for the future. There are lots of things to consider rather than spend it on a holiday trip. It not a practical decision to make, but who are we to say? we are to decide? we are just ordinary people with ordinary lives.