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The Technology newsbucket: Apple sues, Evernote .Not, Google wanted Jobs, and more

This article is more than 13 years old
Plus XP's zombie life inside enterprises, Silverlight's uncertain future, Microsoft earnings details and more

A quick burst of 7 links for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team

Apple countersues Motorola over multi-touch iPhone patents >> AppleInsider
"As expected, Apple has responded to a patent suit from Motorola with its own legal action, accusing the company of violating six patents related to multi-touch features found in the iPhone."

Lessons from Evernote's flight from .NET « Tim Anderson's ITWriting
Evernote says that since giving up .Net for C++, it's got an app that starts five times faster, and uses half the memory. Tim Anderson looks at why it did: "WPF is not only based on .NET. It also uses DirectX and hardware acceleration under the covers, enabling rich multimedia effects. The layout language of WPF is XAML, giving freedom from scaling issues which cause hassles in the native API. So what are the lessons here? Is WPF no good?
"It is not so simple. WPF is brilliant in many ways, offering the productivity of .NET coding and a powerful layout framework. However it was a technology which Microsoft itself hardly used in its key products, Windows and Office – a warning sign."

Microsoft: Our strategy with Silverlight has shifted >> Mary Jo Foley
Basically, it's HTML5 in future for cross-platform products.

Enterprises: We'll run Windows XP even after retirement - Computerworld
Not a large survey (950 companies) so don't stake your house on its precision. Still: "Microsoft has been pushing XP customers of all stripes, including enterprises, to upgrade to Windows 7. While Dimensional didn't query IT professionals about what operating system they were leaving behind as they migrated to Windows 7, they're doing the latter in increasing numbers. More than a third, or 38%, of those polled said their companies have implemented a partial roll-out of Windows 7, up from 15% in January 2010, the last time Dimensional surveyed IT administrators and staffers.
"Six percent of the companies have fully deployed to Windows 7, a six-fold increase over the 1% who said the same back in January."

Larry And Sergey Wanted Steve Jobs To Be Google's First CEO >> Business Insider
Interesting detail. They didn't actually get as far as asking him, as he was already re-ensconced in Apple.

Exploring Earth's History with Wolfram|Alpha >> Wolfram|Alpha Blog
Likely to make creationists' brains melt.

LIVE BLOG: Microsoft Earnings Call >> Business Insider
Everywhere has done well apart from Online. Which still hasn't.

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